
Birthday (Part 1)

The days passed by in a quick manner. I'd have Saya follow me around and simply beat away the people who tried to confess to her.

During my time with her, I realized she wasn't that bad of a person, it was just that her people's skills were a bit...terrible.

We even became friends, even if she seemed reluctant to admit that.

Me, her, Takashi, Rei, and Hisashi usually hang out at school and she even hangs out with me when I'm with Yuuki and Saeko in the mornings and we're doing our spars.

It even went as far that we now address each other with our first names, showing a weird amount of intimacy for a man who was blackmailed and the person doing the blackmailing.

Though, she pulled through on her end just like I did. She was suspicious to why I was hoarding food and water, and I knew she was definitely going to interrogate me when the apocalypse finally happened. But she got it for me nonetheless.

I wanted to push it and see if she could get me guns but she just called me an idiot and I took that as a no.

I kinda wish I'd started in America and then moved over to Japan. Mainly because I feel it'd be way easier to get a gun in America than it was to get one in Japan.

They're pretty strict on their gun laws.

The month had actually gone by very fast and I could feel both my nerves and excitement rising as the day of the apocalypse came nearer.

Excitement because this was what I was preparing for; why I'd even come here in the first place.

But the nerves were something I'd never expected would appear. Anxiety at the possible death of Yuuki or Saeko, even Shizuka, and Saya. Fear, that even with my strength and powers, I'd have to watch them slowly die or turn into one of 'THEM'.

I'm already not the most mentally sane - or stable - and an incident like that is the only thing needed to send me on a psychotic killing spree where I'll eventually even forget why I'm killing and I'll just become a mindless beast.

Why am I feeling anxious even with my powers, training, and knowledge? Because I'm not naive enough to think I'm invincible in this mixed up world.

The fingers on my hands aren't even enough to count the number of things that could kill me in the coming-Apocalypse. Even worse is that there's an even bigger list for those I love...

I let out a sigh as I let the warm water cascade against my body. I wasn't going to get anywhere worrying about possibilities.

Instead, I should work toward closing off the paths to these possibilities. The first way to do this? More strength. The second way to do this? Intelligence. The best way to do it? A mixture of both.

What am I talking about?

Well, I'm talking about how my *ahem* bodily fluids, seem to affect my partner's body. I still only have one partner - that being my lovely Yuuki - but it was enough to see a definite something was happening to her.

I suspected it at first when I was teaching her how to fight. Her training speed was immense. With a month she was good enough at multiple martial arts to compete in national tournaments for the respective martial arts.

And that wasn't all.

Her stamina, speed, reflexes, durability and even her strength, although to a lesser extent than the other attributes, were slowly but surely increasing to peak human.

After three months of aggressively taking in my bodily fluids (mostly semen and saliva), she was at the level where she could compete in the Olympics in most sports revolving around dexterity, agility, and balance. She was worried at first but I bullshit her and told her it was because of the amount of training she did against both me and Saeko; both people having very strong physiques.

She seemed to believe me, so that bullet was dodged.

Which leads me onto her even more talented side; her archery.

She started it out after learning that Saeko and I specialized in different things: Me with my fists and Saeko with her sword.

Yuuki felt a bit left out of our martial arts, so she decided to hope on the choo-choo train of weapons and picked a bow because - in her words, not mine - 'if you willingly get hit when you can stay at range and take out your opponents without them touching you, aren't you a slight masochist?'.

...I can't say she's exactly wrong but--You know what? Nevermind, it doesn't matter...

What I'm trying to get across is that my bodily fluids seem to be passively enhancing her. If I could somehow figure out how to do this without having sex with the person, I could probably make a serum to enhance all of my friends.

But that begs the question - how am I going to get the equipment needed to produce something like that?

Letting out another sigh, I turned the shower off before getting out into a towel.

Walking out, I was met by 4 pairs of eyes staring at me with a mixture of emotions; Lust mixed with Love, Astonishment, Envy, and finally Indifference.

Ah, shit, I'm not in the apartment am I?

In my deep thinking and worrying (mainly worrying), I'd completely forgotten where I was.

Where am I? You ask...well--

"Oi, muscle-bound idiot, why are you walking around half-naked in my house?" a certain pink-haired shorty came to me with glaring eyes. Despite a near-naked muscular man in front of her, Saya was completely indifferent to me.

Huh, gotta give her credit for that, I guess~

But she carried on, "Are you exhibitionist or something, Ryu? If so, keep you weird hobby out of my house!" with this she 'hmph'd and walked back over to Takashi's side where the boy looked at me with envy.

Seeing his gaze I smirked. Maybe he'd have a perfect body if he was made up on virus-enhanced cells...thinking off that I realized I had to do some research on my cells tomorrow. If I could figure out what makes them special and allows for them to bond with the virus and not become zombie-like, I could definitely make it so Yuuki and Saeko survive the events to come...

Suddenly, the delicate but deliberate touch of a hand on my chest brought me out of my thinking stupor.

"You know, Ryu, you standing there with only a towel covering you, all hot, wet and steamy from a shower and that adorable thinking face has really got my engines going, ya know~?" Yuuki's sultry voice spoke this with a barely-veiled whisper.

It was so barely hidden that the other three heard it.

Nonetheless, her seduction did make me feel a little turned out. Looking down at her, I pecked her juicy lips.

Pulling away before she could really get into her, she pouted at me. Seeing her cute pout, I smiled before nonchalantly speaking, "I'm all for a bit of fun in the sack, Yuuki, you should know that by now," winking at her she surprisingly went a little red, "but we're in someone else's house right now, we don't want to be bad guests, do we?"

Hearing what I said, Yuuki reluctantly agreed before glomping herself onto my side, enjoying my warm and wet body for some reason...

Weird girl...

Lovingly looking at girl attached to me, I wrapped an arm around her waist, feeling her own heat.

We were brought out of our romantic air by a few coughs from the group of three slightly away from us.

"I know you two are together but please don't forget we're also here..." Rei, the one who looked at me with astonishment, now looked awkwardly at the two of us with hidden envy in her eyes as she glanced at Takashi.

Poor girl, she really ended up liking an ignorant guy like Takashi. The worst kind of guys really. They only realize how much they love something until it's been taken away and swept off its feet. Just like how Takashi realized how much he liked Rei when Hisashi and her got together in the original show and Rei seemed to drop any feeling she had for him.

But weirdly enough, that hadn't happened in this world.

I was half-expecting I'd have to talk Takashi down from doing something stupid after Rei got with Hisashi but they never got together, so it never happened.

I'd say I had something to do with this. But I had no idea what I contributed...Did I serve as a boost of motivation for Rei or Takashi and one of them took a step? Or did I just show Rei what it was like when you with someone you truly loved, so she decided to stick to it a bit longer?

Either way, I knew I'd changed up some pretty big stuff...

Oh well, I knew this would happen eventually. I'm dating someone who was part of the antagonist's group, and I was in love with one of Takashi's future harem members with her loving me back.

All in all; things we bound to change.

Speaking of Saeko--

"Fufufu, I see my kouhai's body is just as impressive as I remember~" a caring and mature voice spread out from behind us, well, behind me and Yuuki.

Hearing the voice, Yuuki was the first to turn around and walk over. When she was in front of Saeko she started to drag the purple-haired swordswoman over.

"Mhm, Ryu's body feels amazing...here, you feel," without being able to deny the 'request' Saeko found her hand on my broad shoulders, dragged and placed by Yuuki, the little vixen, herself.

Saeko went to take her hand away but when she felt the firm and powerful muscles, she felt as if his body was a magnet and her hand was a lump of iron.

She felt up the perfectly sculpted muscles until another cough brought her out of her stupor and her face went a fierce red.

I just let her do what she wanted because her hands felt nice.

The person who coughed and spoke this time was Takashi.

"Come on, dude, we know you're good with the ladies but do you need to rub it in a single man's face?!" going comically teary-eyed, Takashi looked a bit down in the dumps.

Unknown to him were two pairs of eyes glaring at him; Saya and Rei.

Oh yeah, Saya is actually pretty into Takashi but her Tsundere nature has cursed her to never gain his affection thus far.

Oh well, I'll think about that another time~

"...Takashi, you're an idiot, man," I let out a small laugh, Yuuki joining me as she could see the glares of Saya and Rei, knowing full what they meant as well. Saeko was oblivious though, her social and emotional intelligence not being the best.

Takashi went to refute me but two voices instantly made him confused.

"Yep, he's an idiot, glad you've finally figured it out" "...Idiot Takashi..." Saya and Rei, respectively, said these lines and it stumped Takashi.

...Is there a limit to his denseness?!

"Haah~ I'm gonna go dry off and get into my pajamas and then we can start the party or whatever this is..." I looked at Yuuki, non-verbally telling her to stay with the others as I was serious about what I said earlier:

We're not having sex in someone else's house...well, not yet, at least.

She pouted but nonetheless complied, instead choosing to speak to Saeko about some training she's been thinking of doing.

Seeing her like this always made me smile - she'd changed a lot over the months. Feeling this happiness inside of me, I walked off to the guest room.

Once I was there, I quickly dried myself off before getting into some fresh clothes.

While dressing myself, I wondered why I even agreed to come to this? I could be training...Ahhh curse my growing friendships~

Joking to myself I let out a small chuckle before I felt movement behind me. Smelling the air, I smelt a scent I wasn't used to.

Spinning around I brought a Kagune knife up to my sneaky company.

"Woah woah, calm down there, kid," I took in what I was seeing. A brown-skinned beauty looked at me with slightly shocked red eyes. Looking at her hair I instantly recognized who she was.

Her dark purple hair was held up in a high ponytail with two bangs hanging over her forehead and face. Though they were moved to the side of her eyes so they didn't get in the way.

Her eyes were big and slightly upturned giving her a seductive and easy-going look. She had light make-up on with the biggest draw to attention being her pillowy lips in a light amount of scarlet red lipstick and a thin layer of lip gloss which made her lips look all the more delicious.

Knowing I had to say something, I kept the knife there but had a playful smile on my face, "Now, what would such a beautiful mature woman like yourself be doing in a boy's bedroom~?" I put on a mock-thinking face before showing a shocked look, "Could it be you were planning on taking advantage of me?! Oh, the humanity!"

Despite my shocked face I was currently playing, I brought another knife into my free hand before playing around with it to show her I had another weapon I could kill her with.

But despite this, she kept an easy-going expression as she got over the earlier shock she felt from a knife being held at her throat.

"Well, I was thinking about it if you were an innocent boy as Shizuka keeps saying...but you aren't, are you, Ryu Hattori?" her lips were tugged into a wide and beautiful smile which nearly made me lose my reason.

Phew~ This naughty woman doesn't know how close she was to being sexually broken~

"And what could you possibly mean by that, Rika Minami?" my voice was filled with playfulness as I looked at the sexy woman in front of me.

This is something I've come to love; indulging people and seeing if they can interest me and excite me.

It's why I played along with Saya, why I first had sex with Yuuki and why I let Shizuka feel me up in the name of a medical examination.

Despite the relationships that spanned from these origins, the origins are still the same - I did those things for fun, for selfish reasons.

Though, that doesn't mean I'm not sincere with them; I am. I love Yuuki, Saya is a close friend of mine (someone who can keep up with my fast mind), and Shizuka is the innocent pervert nurse I love to tease.

Rika smiled, completely unsurprised I knew her name, "Well, if you were an innocent boy, you wouldn't pull a knife on someone just because they were sneaking up on you...would you?"

Hearing what she said I let out a small laugh, "That's...a fair point. I apologize, I just didn't recognize your scent and it startled me," putting on a gentlemanly smile, I pulled the knife away from her throat.

Mirth floated around in her eyes, "Apology accepted. Not the first time I've been threatened with a knife~" she let out a playful giggle before backing away slightly, "I only wanted to see what you were like and I think I've got a basic understanding...I'll probably see you again one day and maybe then I might try and take advantage of you~" she continued to back off with a weird light of understanding in her eyes.

It was like she knew what was going to happen and that it would bring us together or something.

...Could she know about the coming Apocalypse? She is a high-ranking sniper in Japan, being one of the top 5 in the country, so it wouldn't surprise me if she had an inkling that something big was about to happen.

She could even be a part of Umbrella Corp...God, I don't want that to be the case. I won't get to bang her if she's one of the villains...

"Yeah, see ya, Minami-san," waving her off, she practically glided across the floor making no noise whatsoever before disappearing from my sight.

Seeing her finally gone I let out a quiet whistle, "Damn, she's way hotter than I expected..." smiling a little bit I put on some socks before walking out of the guest room fully dressed.

I had a form-fitting black t-shirt along with some black sweatpants, along with the aforementioned white socks.

When I wasn't 'fighting' Yuuki, I usually wore this to bed, so it fit the purpose of this party or should I say sleepover?

...Haah~ Trust Saya to have a sleepover for her birthday party. Shorty is a child in height and in common sense.

Though I may seem like I didn't want to be here, that's my own Tsundere-like attitude acting up, in fact, I was really touched when Saya invited me to her little get-together. Though I wish she could just ask a bit nicer sometimes...

Walking into the massive living room of Saya's house, I saw the group of 5 I'd left before all talking with one another.

Yuuki was teasing Takashi and Rei, while Saya and Saeko spoke about school and other nonsensical things.

Seeing this I felt a burst of energy inside of me.

I'd do my best to protect these people. If before it was because they were characters, then now it's because they're my friends and loved ones. This isn't a game or an anime anymore. If any of these people died, that's it; they're gone.

And I won't let that happen.

As I was building my resolve, Yuuki saw me and instantly walked over and attached herself to my arm.

"Why are you looking so gloomy!? Come over and let's get this party started~!" she let out a small 'whoop' her eyes lit up with happiness and belonging.

She was in some modest pajamas for once, the pajamas being a Cat onesie. Her hood was up and the cute cat ears made her adorableness shoot through the roof.

Pulling her into a tight hug, Yuuki let out a small yelp.

"W-what's this about, Ryu?" she whispered into my chest. Though it may seem like she was asking because she didn't like it, the act of her nuzzling her head into my chest and the small kisses I could feel being planted there every now and then told me that she was just surprised at my sudden affection.

Looking down at my cute little cat, I smiled a happy smile and she looked up at me with a slight blush, "Do I need a reason to hug my beautiful girlfriend? Plus, you look so cute right now I couldn't resist...Can you give me a 'meow' or a 'nya' possibly~?" hearing my slight teasing, Yuuki hit my chest with soft taps.

But she soon stopped and looked up at me with a tender smile.

"You don't need a reason because whenever you want a hug, I'll always be here to give it...the same goes for anything...nya~" she ended it with a sexy wink and I felt my heart skip a beat.

...The cuteness and sexiness...I think I'm overdosing on it...!

Ignoring the silly thoughts in my head, I leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips.

She returned it in full force and it soon developed into a full-on kissing session, tongue and all.

Despite having a lot of lustful interactions, neither Yuuki nor I could ever seem to get enough of one another. No amount of kissing would bore us, no amount of sex would get tiring or unsatisfying, just anything to show the other how much we loved them didn't get stale. It all felt as good as the first time.

I guess we were addicted to one another as weird as that sounds.

Feeling her lithe tongue tangling with mine, I felt my mind go blank seeming to forget something as my dick started to go erect and press against her body which was pressing itself against me.

She felt it before she smiled through our kiss and slowly, and in a near-unnoticeable nature, ground up and down against it. It was slowly driving me crazy and I grabbed her ass, lifting her up a little toward me.

She let out a moan of pleasure, her eyes drunk off of the feelings we felt and filled with happiness and love.

Though her moan brought an end to our session.

As for the third time today a loud cough rang out next to us.

"O-oi, you pair of love-struck idiots, don't you have any shame? K-kissing in front of other people?!" hearing the slightly screechy voice, I remembered what I was forgetting; we were in a room of our friends.

Looking over at Saya, Saeko and the other two, I could see that they had different expressions.

Saeko looked interested in it like she was studying what to do with me, while Rei and Takashi looked incredibly embarrassed. They'd seen other couples kiss before but nothing as erotic as what they just witnessed! Tongue, lewd sounds and grinding were all too much for their innocent, no-experience minds.

Saya, however, other than being red, didn't seem that bothered by it.

Though I did miss the confusion in her eyes and the Jealousy and Envy that sprung that confusion into existence.

Oblivious, I brought my hand to my head and scratched my hair in a slightly embarrassed manner.

"Ah...Sorry guys, I got carried away in the moment...how about we watch that horror movie you were talking about, Takashi?" I looked to the only other male here and he seemed to be in an embarrassed stupor while glancing at Rei.

After a few seconds, my words seemed to register with him and he jumped a little in embarrassment.

"Y-yeah, yeah, sure, let's do that," he stood up, "I'll go get it from my bag!" with that he quickly walked to his guest room to go get it from his bag.

Without saying anything, a red-faced Rei rushed after him.

...Oh? Well, guess I did something right. You go get him, Rei! I'm rooting for ya!

Yuuki seemed to be thinking the same thing as when we met eyes again, we started laughing as we saw the teasing light in each other's eyes.

I pecked her on the forehead before we went over to sit next to Saeko and Saya.

I was dead set on making tonight fun. Giving these people happy memories is what they need to survive what's to come.

(A/N - Yuuki's a natural ranged-combatant. That's what I was trying to get across with dexterity focus the virus seems to be bringing out of her.)

Did this chapter fueled purely off of the anger from a comment on the last chapter/update thingy. I'm still taking the week break, I just wanted to prove I'm not dropping the book.

Anyway, should I write the next chapter about what happens during the party? It'd probably involve a lemon between Ryu and Saeko, so that'd be good, right? Not a chapter length one - I want Ryu to do some speaking with other characters to sort some stuff out. Well...I'll try not to do a chapter length one.

Lazyycreators' thoughts