
Transmigrated into American Dramas

In the interconnected world of American TV series, we will experience the story through the eyes of the main character. As he will try to save those characters who died unexpectedly, and live through the twists and turns created by the creative minds of the screenwriters. Some popular shows like "The Rookie," "Jack Reacher," "Hunter," and "Person of Interest," as well as potential additions like "Knight Rider" and "Bones," might feature in this world. There might even be some thrilling police versus gangster dramas. However, apart from the protagonist's special ability, there are no supernatural elements involved. All the cases and storylines are crafted to serve the overarching narrative, and there may be some intriguing surprises along the way. Readers, please remember that this is all meant to be taken lightheartedly and not too seriously. /////// https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda / (This is a Translation Work ) 美剧世界:从洛城巡警开始

The_Lazy_Panda · 电视同人
31 Chs

Chapter 7: First Encounter



Chapter 7: First Encounter

In American police dramas like "The Rookie," several main characters have died, and in other American dramas that have been mixed in, there are numerous big scenes and many deceased characters.

Apart from that, he was also very curious. Since the beauties in this world are much more appealing than the corresponding characters in the original show, it would be a shame not to get to know some of the famous ones.

However, it's too early to discuss these things now. Currently, he is just a small LAPD patrol officer. Apart from being good-looking, he has no connections, and his pockets are as clean as his face.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, a sudden call came in over the police radio, requesting additional police support.

Jack and Angela couldn't help but become alert. John's communication also came through the private channel, informing them that they had caught the accomplice, Dallas Nguyen, who revealed the whereabouts of Lance Selby. Selby was currently hiding in a house on 1350 Street.

Lucy and Tim reported that their police car was closest to the suspect's location and that they would be the first to arrive.

Angela, in the passenger seat, immediately responded to the command center, saying they would head to the location at once. Meanwhile, Jack, who was driving, turned on the police lights and siren. After checking the rearview mirror to ensure no cars were behind them, he gently pressed the brakes, turned the steering wheel sharply, and accelerated.

As they were about three minutes away from the destination, the radio suddenly became noisy. Lucy and Tim, who had arrived first, were trying to maneuver around to the alley behind the target house to block Selby's escape and wait for additional reinforcements. Unexpectedly, they encountered Selby and his other accomplice in the alley, and the two of them opened fire on the police car with automatic weapons.

Lucy and Tim got out of the car and attempted to fight back, but their pistols' firepower was no match for the two M4A1s. Tim got shot and fell to the ground.

Hearing Lucy's panicked voice through the intercom, Jack clenched his teeth and pressed the accelerator harder, speeding up further. Angela started checking the two M16 assault rifles they had just taken from the trunk.

As the car turned a corner, they could hear the sound of a police helicopter's rotors above them. Through the walkie-talkie, police officer Talia Bishop announced that they had apprehended one suspect and that the main culprit, Selby, was fleeing towards the residential area on Clinton Avenue.

Jack turned and drove onto Clinton Avenue, searching for the target. Suddenly, a figure leaped out from the backyard of a house. Seeing the police car approaching, he raised his hand and threw a flashbang.

The glass of the police car in front of Jack shattered instantly, and the bullet narrowly missed his ear before embedding into the seat cushion.

"Damn it!" With adrenaline surging through his body, Jack picked up the M16 that Angela had checked for him, placed it on the steering wheel, and fired three short bursts through the front window at the fleeing suspect's back. At the same time, he heard the sound of Angela firing from the backseat.

Watching Selby stagger a few steps and disappear into the street, Jack and Angela quickly got out of the car and chased him on foot.

The two turned another corner and found that John, who had arrived at some point, was confronting Selby on the pedestrian path next to the neighborhood park.

At this moment, Selby discarded the empty M4A1 and held a Browning M1911 against the head of a female passerby. Completely focused on John, he sometimes pointed the gun at the hostage and other times at John, while John tried to negotiate with the hostage and convince him to drop his weapon.

Angela turned to look at Jack and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure you're excellent at shooting with the rifle?"

In an instant, Jack understood her intention, positioned the M16 against his shoulder, and replied in a deep voice, "The distance is less than 20 meters now, so hitting the head is absolutely doable."

Angela also readied her gun and said coldly, "When he aims at John again, shoot. I'll cover you. Pay attention to the angle, and don't accidentally injure the hostage." As she finished speaking, Selby's M1911 was once again pointed at John. Simultaneously, two shots were fired.

Selby's head and wrist erupted in a spray of blood, and he collapsed to the ground. Amidst the screams of the female passersby, the three of them rushed forward together.

John thoughtfully shielded the corpse with his body, helped the female passerby to safety, and gently comforted her. Angela kicked Selby's gun away, and Jack suppressed his discomfort as he looked at the lifeless body.

Selby's wrist holding the gun had been shattered, with only a bit of flesh still connected to his right hand. Half of his head was blown apart, and brain matter scattered all over the ground.

The power of rifle bullets in the real world was not as weak as portrayed in movies and TV shows. Jack fought the urge to vomit and kept his focus on the scene.

He had to firmly imprint this image in his mind. This was an adaptation process. Such scenes might occur multiple times in the future. This world wasn't the peaceful and secure one he was used to; he must become ruthless when dealing with criminals.

Sensing Jack's unease, Angela pushed him aside, looked straight into his eyes, and asked loudly, "Rookie, are you okay?" Jack forced a small smile, pulling at the corner of his stiff mouth, "I'm fine, don't worry. Since I'm a policeman, this was bound to happen sooner or later, right?"

Lucy and Tim had left their instructor, Officer Bishop, to handle Selby's other accomplice alone, leaving her barely escaping harm's way.

Superintendent Gray was furious when he learned about the incident afterward. If it hadn't been for Zoe's support, he would have almost driven John out of the police station.

"John is an outstanding graduate from the University of Pennsylvania and had 20 years of experience as a construction contractor. Anyone with discerning eyes can see that his abilities are beyond doubt, and his grades at the police academy were excellent. I really don't understand where Superintendent Gray's bias against him comes from." After the intense ordeal, Jack hugged the exhausted Zoe, playfully patting her smooth buttocks with one hand as they discussed the day's events.

"Stop it. It's ticklish."

Zoe playfully slapped away his mischievous hand with a smile, thought for a moment, and then looked up.

"I insisted on recruiting John and you because of your personalities. I hope you'll bring some changes to the Wilshire Police Department. As for Superintendent Gray, I might have seen a different side of myself in John and subconsciously developed resistance." "I heard that Superintendent Gray has already worked for 20 years and can retire with a full pension. His family also hopes he'll retire early, but he's full of energy all day long."

So, Superintendent Gray might be experiencing an alternative midlife crisis, no wonder." Jack said to himself, suddenly realizing.



I would like to take a moment to extend my heartfelt appreciation and give a special shout out to two amazing individuals who have recently become part of the Empyrean Vault (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑) wow!*✰ in our Patreon community- Ramtin-Chaos & CasualReader

(*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*

Thank you for being an invaluable pillar of support,


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