
Wonderful Experiences

And we start to keep our feelings to ourselves because we can't explain them and don't want to appear helpless in front of our loved ones. One of the big reasons is that we don't know how to accept help and comfort from others.

Lin Huiying scooted next to him, took his hands in her, looked him in the eyes, and softly said, "Big Brother you need to understand that if you can't say you're hurt when you feel hurt, we're not family. If you can't say you're happy when you're happy, we're not family. Pain, happiness, and love must be shared, and you must endure all hardships in prayer until you can feel it together. That's how we become a family. You should be able to express your sadness and be able to cry together. We must be able to express our happiness and be able to be happy for each other. You must feel like you're under the same blanket no matter where you are."

Lin Biao whose eyes had turned moist uttered with difficulty, "I am not good at telling people how I feel."

Lin Huiying understanding his feelings, was barely controlling her tears, "Oh, big brother no one is. We were not raised like that. But you need to trust us. If you can't do it, then no one would judge you. I am happy that you tried."

Lin Biao felt like he could tell her anything he was feeling, and he won't be judged, "I just feel like I don't belong in the Lin family. I feel useless. Like my life is crashing down and I have no way to stop it. I am a member of the Lin Family, all of you is something that you guys excel at but look at me. There is nothing specific I excel in."

Lin Biao was the second child of the Lin family. He was not an ambitious guy nor was he a born genius. Her big brother was that character. Both the children in their childhood grew up together while being mischievous and naughty. Her big brother was the bold type to lead all the pranks and her second brother would always accompany and follow him. While growing up, their personalities changed.

Lin Family was a warm and loving family, but that doesn't mean that they were not punished or disciplined from childhood. Some expectations needed to be fulfilled. There is a society that looks at them like hawks. They too grew up under societal pressure.

Lin Huiying: "Are you kidding me, big brother? You can paint and sing. Form beautiful poetry. A spirit cultivator. Play different sports. Cook. Swim. Have beautiful calligraphy. Isn't it amazing? I can't do more than half of it. Not just me, even the other three only know two to three things from the list."

Lin Biao looked at her and said with a sad face, "But, I'm not good at ANY of them."

Lin Huiying furrowed her brows slightly and seriously looked at him, "I don't think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you've got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teach you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them."

She continued, "We four excel at one or two things because we spent most of our time in it. We have never experienced different things. We live a boring life of waking up and training. But you. You, my big brother, have such a rich experience which can't be compared to any one of us. Just do things that you enjoy doing. Why run after excelling thing?"

Lin Biao was visibly stunned as he registered the meaning of the words and digested them.

Lin Huiying completely understood her reaction. It was not the first time she had come across such a person. All the humans in the modern world were the victim of the same mentally. They see themselves as a failure, someone who hadn't been talented enough at anything to excel in contrast to someone who did things because they enjoyed them. Everyone had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that they think that it is only worth doing things if they can 'win' them.

She was a victim of it. She wanted to become a doctor. A surgeon. One of the hardest fields. Partly because she was fascinated by the human body, partly because except for biology she was terrible at math, and partly because she wanted to make her parents proud and be like her brainiac big brother who had two double degrees in the engineering field, a high paying job in Amazon - one of the best companies in the world and excelled in almost every damm thing he did, except for his low EQ.