
Transmigrated in honkai imapct 3rd with Generator Rex Powers

This is my first ever writing something. So please forgive me for my mistake. And please do help me with some ideas. English is not my first language. So there going to be some mistakes Please Ignore those mistakes. And do comments

11 Chs


(6:00 AM sunrise time)

<You can see a humanoid shadow running and jumping from roof to roof at a very fast speed. After running almost an hour shadow stopped at the roof of a high building. And started to look at the sunrise. This figure is none other than our MC Ryu>

Ryu: beautiful, this is the most beautiful sunrise I saw. I can even feel the sunray touching me it's so comfortable. It's so relaxing.

Ryu just seat there on the roof for some time and kept looking at the sunrise. but it didn't last long

Ryu:Ahh. why am I suddenly feeling so hot? it's getting hotter.

[+1 solar energy acquired ]

[+1 solar energy acquired ]

[+1 solar energy acquired ]






Ryu: Ah, what's going on? why did I'm absorbing energy?

[Answering user because of your special ability absorption.]

Ryu looked at his phone and said

Ryu: but I didn't activate it.

[No user this ability is always activated when there is energy to absorb]

Ryu: And why is that?

[Because user have zero control over his powers]

Ryu: So you are telling me this all is my fault





Ryu: Do you have something to help me.

[Yes User, option 1:you can give your excessive energy to me aka your system(alice) or you can use option 2: systems have empty energy cells. which can absorb your excessive energy and store that energy for you to use some other time.]

Ryu: I will choose 2nd option.

[Ok, Stating excessive energy from the user...ongoing process. ...completed.]

At that moment Ryu felt like his body temperature starting to get lower and lower.

Ryu: Yes, it's worked.

[ User should learn how to control your abilities and how to use than. the system has its limits. The system can not always help you.]

Ryu: But why. you are here to help me right. So you should help me

[No user, the System is here only has one goal to help you so you can control your power and get stronger. Once this goal is completed then.]

Ryu: Then what?


Ryu: No answer. ah well, whatever. First I need a place to stay. I don't need a big place. Some small apartments will do. Second I need to train my power. The third and most important thing I need to do is find myself a waifu.


Ryu: No, come on I'm in the world where so many beautiful girls are here. And I'm still a man, you know. And it's not like I'm going to make a harem. I just want to find a nice wife for myself.

[And who might be your future wife then]

Ryu:Hmmm. I don't know.


Ryu:What. I just said it's the third goal. It's going to take some time to find who I truly Love the most.


Ryu:*sigh* whatever. First, stop calling me user this, the user that, just calls me Ryu. And I will just call you Alice.


[Changing the way of addressing users. Change completed.]

Alice:[Hello, Ryu thank you for allowing the system to call you by name. And you may call me Alice]

Ryu: Ok Alice, let's go find some apartments.

(sometime later)

Ryu still roaming around the city and he has no luck finding an apartment.


Ryu:Alice why there is no cheap apartment in this city. I just need someplace to stay. It's so hot in here. I feel so weak.

[Ryu you should eat something first. You have been through so much in the previous 24 hours. And for apartment go for in North direction 5km. you will find an apartment at a low price and it's in a very good location ]

Ryu: Ah, Say Alice how do you know the location of the apartment.

[Oh, the system has a map of this city and you can even see your position if you want.]

Ryu:Hey, Alice don't you think you should have told me this earlier.

[Well you look so happy about exploring the city. So Alice decided to not tell.]

Ryu: Oh, that's good but I am wondering the whole morning. You should have at list said earlier.

[Well you..]


Ryu: Well whatever I should eat first.

Ryu looks to the side at a small cafe.

Ryu: Let's go to that cafe I need to eat something.

Ryu started to run in direction of the cafe and opened the door in a hurry because he was very hungry. At that moment.


Ryu bumped with someone, that had a cake box in his hand. Ryu open his eyes and looked at the falling cake box. But he was surprised that the box was falling in slow motion. Ryu doesn't know what's going on but he just moves his hand to catch the cake box. And he catches it.

Ryu:*Sigh* Thank God. The cake didn't fall. Oh, I'm sorry you can have your...

Ryu just returned to his senses and to give the cake back to his owner he moved his eye to look at the cake owner. Then he acted like he saw some ghost his sentence stopped midway.

????: Oh my, It's ok you don't have to say sorry. And the cake didn't fall to the ground. So it's ok. Ah are you ok, you stop talking.

Ryu:(Damn my luck, I don't know I'm lucky or unlucky. I just have to meet her off out of all the honkai impact characters. Yes, I'm now facing to face with one of my favorite characters S-rank Valkyrie Rita Rossweisse maid of Schicksal. Why is she here or not I need to say something or is she going to be suspicious of me. Ryu gets a grip just answer her like you don't know her. Yes, yes she is just a stranger, just stranger, stranger)

Ryu: Oh I'm sorry for running into the cafe like this. It's is all my fault, I just hope you forgive me. I won't do this anymore I promise.

Ryu waited for some time but he received no answer. Ryu started to panic.

Ryu:( Why she's not saying anything. it's she going

to kill me not right I just bumped with her it's not like I did something. If she wants to kill me then I will be dead in no time. Because I know my limit I may be able to fight against B-rank Valkyrie and survive but S-rank, forget it. If I had control over my energy and builds then be I can even fight A-rank head-on and survive, To fight I need at least one type of meta-nanite)

Ryu:(Hey, Alice)

[Yes, Ryu]

Ryu:(What are chance of my survival if Rita attack me)

[Well, I'm 100% sure. Your chances are Zero]


[Good luck Ryu, I hope you have a nice place in heaven]

Ryu:(Shut up)

Rita: *giggle*haha.

Ryu opened his eyes and looked smiling at Rita. He had a sigh of relief.

Ryu:(At least she is not mad at me)

Rita:It's ok, you don't have to say sorry for that .it's not like cake fallen on the ground. And I'm impressed that you can react so fast.

Ryu:Oh ha..ha, Yes thanks for forgiving me. I always do morning exercise. That's why my reaction is fast. Oh yes, please take your cake back. And have a good day. Bye.

Ryu handed Rita cake bake and Run away like a scared cat.

Rita: wait..what is.

Rita didn't get a chance to talk to Ryu because he run away very fast.

???:Why are you standing here, Rita?

Rita:Oh, Bianka-same. Please forgive that.

Bianka: it's ok, let's go.


Ryu stopped at the old-looking building to catch his breath.

Ryu: That was scary. I thought I was going to die. To think I'm going to meet Rita here of all places and if Rita is here then Bianka aka Durandal strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal also will be there. I can only hope that this is the last time I meet her.

[Ryu, Why are you scared of that Rita. It's not like she did something to you]

Ryu: I know Alice but I'm not scared of Rita but her superior Otto. I just didn't want the attention of that guy yet.

[Oo, I understand now]

Ryu: Alice I just realized that I'm too weak to live in this world. If I'm weak then I will just be the pawn of someone else game. I need strength. I need to be strong. So someday I can find my way to my world. I need to train my powers and master them.

Ryu said those sentences with determination. With serious expression. At this moment Ryu started to feel like something happening to his nanites.

[Mission completed: Journey Begins

Objective: User needs to realize the value of powers.]

[100 unit energy cells acquired]

[Nanite activation: 10%]

[New build: Hack blade acquired]

[Congratulations, Ryu for completing your first mission.]

Ryu: First mission, Alice when did I receive my first mission.

[Aa from the Start. When Ryu first accepted the System you received the mission ]

Ryu: What, from the start, why didn't you tell me.

[Because Ryu never asked.]

Ryu: Okk, I get it. *sigh* At least I got something. So Alice what is my next mission.

[hmm I don't know.]

Ryu: What you don't know?

[Well all missions create and distribute by the center or main system server. So I don't have any control over the mission and I have no idea when the next mission will become. So good luck.]

Ryu:*Sigh* well whatever. I needed to find somewhere to live and some isolated place for training. I can't train inside the city, maybe outside the city. Well, the first objective finds a place to live for a month. because only three months remain for the 3rd honkai eruption. I need to prepare.

After that Ryu somehow managed to get a decent small apartment. And Ryu also started to go his school.

(Rita POV)

Rita Diary:(Date November 21, 2013. I'm Rita Rossweisse Maid of Schicksal. Today I'm going to a cafe to buy some cake for me and Bianka-same. Because I heard that this cafe famous for their special chocolate cakes. I visited the cafe. I was lucky because they almost sold out the chocolate cakes. I managed to get the last one. I was just exiting the cafe door when some kid bumped into me. My hand slipped from the cake box. I saw my cake falling towards the ground. I am just about to make my move to catch the cake box. Then I saw that kid somehow managed to catch my cake. I was happy to see that cake is safe. I just wanted to thank that boy for catching the cake. But when he saw me, he started to apologize as his life depends on it. It's was a little funny. but I stopped him and thanked him for catching the cake. He calm down somehow and managed to talk to me. the way he talked to me even though it was small talk, was like he know me somehow. I was just going to question about that but he just disappeared from my vision. It's was our first encounter. So I thought maybe he saw me walking here. After returning from the cafe to our house we enjoyed the chocolate cake. I have to say this cake is delicious. I need to work hard for recreating this delicious cake taste for Bianka-same.)

No harem confirm. I'm going to use time skip in the next chapter so we get to the 3rd eruption fast.

And please, do give me some ideas about the storyline. Do I make mc super op type or weak to strong type? I like the second type personally.

STYX_LEGENDcreators' thoughts