
Transmigrated I decide to save the world from the 7 Hellguardians

After dying at the age of 20,Nyx Ackerman was reincarnated in another world which went by the name Theos . After 27 years of living with many identities and adventures he gets bored of it and decides to become the teacher at the best academy in the floating island Leviathan being the capital of the empire Immorra . 'Why does shit go down when I wanna live a casual and a carefree life'. Later on the the seven HellGuardian's each with their own unique power would be introduced and the mc is forced to fight them of and later confronts the Demon god. The Mc is a Casual person who does not like to kill and prefers it as a last resort .He is mature and a jack of all trades in terms of character and powers(literally) The world building/info dump is very less at the start and will be done at steady paces every 10-15 chapters. This is my first time writing a book so please be a bit lenient English is not my first language so please go with average expectations for grammar

Wannabe_Mob · 奇幻
7 Chs

Chapter 3 Humbly Pissed

'Dang so much for a casual life' I thought annoyed continued evading his greatsword.'This should work' I thought after pondering for a bit.

'Flash and Bang' I casted and a small light appeared and I closed my eyes instinctively.

*Schring*,*Schring* multiple small explosions of sound went off at once, stopping No.13 who was about to swing his greatsword .'Warp' I casted and appeared 15 feet above the ground. 'Hellfire' I casted forming a ball of purple fire, sheer malice coming out of it made me feel a bit of pity for No.13 .5 projectiles with the same purple hue that appeared from beneath the train heading for my vitals .'Absolute Defense' the projectiles seemed to bounce off the thin purple wall.

'They are basically heat-seeking missiles ' I noticed as the projectiles readjusted their trajectory and kept on striking again and again.

'Wait .....no wonder he kept his distance from me ' at the sudden realization my face turned grim. As if noticing my grim demeanor a huge grin broke out on No.13's face ." Beckon" he said and my body was pulled towards his open palm. (A/N: Yup it can attract living things too)

'Soulless: Abyssal chains' I used the 2nd ability of the black staff. Almost instantly thick black chains emerged from the ground and wrapped themselves around his legs and hand.

"Hellsgate" I casted one of my strongest offensive abilities as I pointed the now transformed golden staff in his face, "Finally" I sighed in relief. I felt a tingling sensation down my back and realized I had been stabbed with his hand "Oi, that's it " he asked mockingly. No.13 had lost one of his hands and leg but he could not help but grin after finally being able to hurt his opponent.

'Ah, I see he dislocated his shoulder as the abyssal chains had blocked his mana and used his hand and leg to cover his body 'I understood.

The next moment I disappeared and reappeared 25 feet above the ground my red eyes started glowing. "I am humbly pissed," I said in a low voice. "Erasure" I muttered and suddenly a blackish-purple light swept across the compartment erasing its very existence.

'Grapple' I cast with little mana left and my body was pulled into the next compartment