
Chapter 19: Club

I watched the interaction between the two with a calcultive gaze and sank further into Ameilia's side making her shift a little to accommodate the new weight.

'If I get them together than Amelia will be my sister' I thought a little happy and glanced up at her

A flash of determination swept through my eyes as I thought of a plan to play matchmaker

'Usually I wouldn't go through all this trouble for someone, but I like Amelia and Ceilia does deserve to be with someone that will actually treasure her' I thought in a daze, ' but how am I supposed to bring them together'

Just as I finished my thought I heard the front door open and and seconds later Alyssa walked into the living room

She immediately went stiff when she spotted Amelia and poorly hidden malice flashed through her eyes

"Mom" Alyssa said in greeting while her eyes were still locked onto a set of confused ones

Ceilia seemed to finally snap out of the conversation she was having with Oliver and smiled lovingly at Alyssa

"Alyssa how was work"

Hearing the happy tone of her mother Alyssa disconnected her gaze from Amelia and stared confusingly at her.

'Pfft' I laughed internally, 'Her thoughts are written all over her face. She's so shocked at her mothers bright expression. I mean I would too if i didn't know why she was happy. Ceilia always has a stoic expression that sometimes shows a gentle smile'

"It..was good" Alyssa said slowly and her gaze drifted to Oliver's form

"Oh! Honey this is Oliver Hale"

Oliver and Alyssa nodded at each other in greeting

"And this is his daughter Amelia"

Amelia slyly smiled at her probably thinking of ways to get on her good side

While all this was happening I was staring at Alyssa trying to think of a way to start operation cupid



'That's it!' I thought happily and sprung up to my feet, startling everyone in the room. I ignored them and made my way outside.

"Jasmine! Where are you going?" Alyssa's question went unanswered

I walked to the limousine and the driver opened the door for me.

"Where to miss?"




"Um...Miss, which club?"

I turned my gaze away from the window and looked at him

'Oh, I forgot' I thought and took out my phone and started to hack the GPS of Aaron's phone

My plan is to use Aaron. Why him? Well Alyssa would never approve of the marriage when I make it happen. No matter how much she loves her mom the anger and resentment she feels for Amelia will blind her judgement. So I'm going to threat- *cough* I mean ask Aaron to invite Aylssa out on a date on the day of the fashion show, but first I need to teach that arrogant bastard a lesson to treat my sister right. With Alyssa gone I can get Ceilia and Oliver closer and hopefully score a date by the end of the night.

'And yes that would technically be considered cheating, but Jack cheated first' I pouted internally

The reason why I'm going to a club is because the novel mentioned something about Aaron having a meeting at the club after the event in the office. Now I just need to find out what club it was.

"Yes" I whispered as a red dot popped up on my map

"Diamond rose" I told the driver

"Yes miss" He said and drove off


I stepped out of the car and observed the massive building in front of me

'This is more like a hotel than a club' I thought rolling my eyes

I walked to the entrance only to be stopped by the security guard. I saw him look down at my clothes.

" Sorry miss, you need formal wear to get in" He said politely

I stared at him right in the eyes with the blankest look I could muster causing him to shift uncomfortably and start to sweat.

I sighed and nodded before walking away

'No fucking way am I changing and using effort that isn't needed' I thought stubbornly and made my way to the back enetrance

There were no guards so I slowly made my way to the door and tried to open it


The rusty door actually opened, making me a little happy, but it was short lived by a man in a black suit and sunglasses who appeared in the door.

"Miss were you about to sneak in" He said with a cocky smirk

I sighed, annoyed , already done with the word "miss" and was about to knock him out, but the moment my blood red eyes looked up he seemed to have a look of recognition.


He immediately bowed to me and apologized

"Sorry Miss Jasmine. I didn't know it was you"

I was confused but on the outside I was blankly staring at him which for some reason made him sweat and step to the side making room for me to come in.

I shrugged it off, not really caring and stepped inside the noisy club room.

"This way Jasmine, Grace is in one of the back rooms" He offered out his hand but I just stared at him

'Grace' I thought

I looked over the man before me and noticed that he is trained in fighting

'Hm, I guess Grace told her subordinates about me' A tiny smile made its way on my face without me knowing, 'knowing she talks about me, makes me happy'

The smile quickly disappears before I nodded at him to lead the way and followed after him

'I guess I can see Grace first before I meet the bug'

After walking through the club we made it to a hallway filled with doors on both sides. At the end of the hallway the man knocked on the door to the right.

"Yes" Came a familiar voice

"Jasmine is here" He announced and stepped back when the door was immediately opened

On the other side was Grace with a very big smile

"Jasmine!" She pounced on me and gave me a bone crushing hug

I didn't even flinch, which was noticed by the guard who seemed to take a step back.

'How fucking strong is she. If I was in her position I would've broken my back!!' He screamed internally but on the outside the only evidence of his nerves was as single drop of sweat

Grace looked over my shoulder and settled her gaze on the guard

"You can go now Mathew"

Mathew disappeared right away leaving a trail of smoke

Grace just laughed at her subordinates actions before letting go of me

"Jasmine Im so sorry I had to leave early the other day" Grace's face fell when she apologized

For some reason I didn't like that look on her. I liked when she was smiling and being goofy.

Without me thinking I raised my hand and bonked her on the head

"Ow!" Grace cried and crouched down clutching her head

She looked up at me with teary eyes

"What did you do that for"

"Frowning" I said

She looked confused

"I don't like it"

Grace lit up with realization and sprung to her feet so fast even I was a little taken back

"Jasmine! I didn't know you loved me so much!" She brought me into another hug

My arms were by my side for a second before I brought them to Grace's back.

Grace pulled away again and brought me into the room sitting us down on opposite couches.

"So what are you doing here?" She questioned taking a sip of her alcohol

"Operation cupid"

"Pffffff-" Grace's drink sprayed all over her and she started to cough

" *cough* Wh- *cough* WHAT!"