
Transmigrated as the villainess Step-Sister.

Only for reading purposes. slow updates Please read the tags before deciding to read it.

Lemon_is_sweet · 奇幻言情
17 Chs

First stop, Toy store

Akari curiously looked around the bustling streets. The morning sunshine brightly shone down the land and gave warmth to the walking creatures. Akari never saw such an interesting sight before her eyes.

Orcs wearing full sleeve clothes and gloves, were selling wild magical boars. Their huge belly jiggled as they moved from one customer to another.

At the opposite, witches wearing pointy and cone shaped hats were sitting and playing with a glass ball, sometimes mumbling words and occasionally gasping (wonder what they're doing?).

Continuing forward, humans were shouting aloud and selling their magical products, while the restaurants and food stores were bustling with various customers.

At the construction areas, goblins and werewolves were carrying bricks, metals and several heavy items, while the humans and witches used their magic wands to build a large building.

Auction stores, jewelry stores, food stores, toy stores, bakeries, weapon stores, arena for fighting and various types of buildings surrounded the main city. Akari was awe and excited by the fact that she could visit these all (well, not all).

"Ah, come on bro, save me some gold. I want to buy a gift for my girlfriend."

"Buns! Sweet buns for three coppers!."

"Idiot! Where is my money! Don't show me your pitiful face, I know that it's a facade! Bring out my money, or else this grandpa would beat you to death!."

"Hey, have you've heard about the opening of the new auction store? I heard that the head of the noble families are personally coming, since it is the king's request. I wonder what is gonna happen next."

"B*tch! Give me back my boyfriend! How dare you walk around with my boyfriend in arms! I'll kill you!."

"Hehe, What do you think of my new dress? I'm gonna meet my fiance after a long time, so I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him."

"Sir, I haven't eaten for 20 days. Please spare a copper, so that I can buy a bun to eat as my last food."

"50 coppers, no more. I'm not giving anymore coins. You can't expect me to give 100 coins for this cheap quality clothes. Come on, don't waste my time. 50 copper coins."

"Wands! Magic wands for 10 gold coins! Wands! Only 10 gold coins!."

The streets were bustling with various people's talks and the shopkeepers's loud voices, shouting until their throats pain.

Looking at the unclean surroundings, Nicole slightly frowned. He looked down at Emma, and found her staring at a particular direction. Following her line of sight, he saw a toy store across the street. He suddenly realized that Emma was just a 4 year old girl. Although his father sent various gifts to Emma, she might have a different choice and liking.

Nicole now felt guilty. He should have known his step sister better. He shouldn't have ignored her from the start. He should have approached her and talked with her. Nevertheless, he now had a chance to make things right.

He held Akari's small hand and led her across the street, followed by Clara, the hoody man and the soldier, who were dressed as commoners. Those who were walking passed them, couldn't help but glanced at the group of adults and kids.

Although they wore the clothes of the commoners, they looked more like a group of nobles, especially the two kids. The elder brother held the little sister's hand and slowly led her to the direction of the toy store, while the little sister obediently followed without any sound. They looked soo sweet and eye catching. People walking on the street couldn't help but sigh in God's unfairness.

Emma didn't know why Nicole brought her to the toy store, although she was a four year old child, she was twenty plus in intelligence and experience. Why the hell would she need a toy!? To hug and sleep!? No thanks....

When Nicole and his people entered the toy store, all the customers present turned their heads in their direction. The small girls couldn't help but blush when they saw Nicole, while the little boys looked at Akari with curiosity. For kids like them, they've never seen such a beautiful person, cause only angels could be more beautiful than all the creatures. So they all came into one conclusion, Akari was an angel, who came to bless them with her magical powers.

Nicole didn't bother to bait an eye to the people present in the store. He turned to Akari and said, "pick what you like." Akari blinked her round violet eyes and looked at Nicole. She didn't want a toy. If she bought a toy, then she wouldn't have enough money to buy food or visit various kinds of restaurants. She also wanted to visit the auction. A normal teddy bear cost 20 copper, but she could buy 6 sweet buns with it! Can she eat a cotton stuff teddy bear?! Hell no!

Thinking about wasting her previous coins for uneatable cotton stuff ugly teddy bears, she felt her heart tightening in absolute sorrow. Her round violet eyes glistened with unshed tears. She tightly grasped Nicole's hand and wordlessly pleaded, 'I don't want toys. I want to go to the restaurant. Please let me save my money for food.'

Nicole was frightened when he saw Emma's sorrowful eyes. He felt his heart pierced by a sharp nail. He didn't know that his mere words would make her soo emotional. He was one of the people who hurted his step sister. He should have taken good care of her, guided her and stayed with her, but he avoided and disgusted her. He shouldn't have done that.

He bent down and took Emma in his arms. Slowly and gently patting her back, he said in a doting tone, "shush...don't cry, brother will take care of you from now on. Brother is sorry for hurting you before, brother was being bad and selfish. Brother wouldn't repeat it again. Hush, don't cry. Brother would buy Emma the best toy, ok?"

He gestured his hand to his knight to book the whole toy store. Sebastian, who was disguising as a commoner, nodded his head and walked to the counter. No one knew what he said, but the staff immediately paused his movements and rushed upstairs.

Akari was relieved. She didn't want to spend her money for useless stuff toys, but if Nicole was spending the money, then she would gladly accept it. She sniffed and mumbled an ok. Nicole patted his sister's back and carried her to an empty couch. Clara immediately took a spotless white clothe from her basket, which was enough to cover a piece of land, and covered the brown leather couch with it.

Then she took out a table from her basket and set it across the couch. Next, she took out various types of snacks from her basket and orderly placed it on the table. Later, she took out a tea pot and poured a cup of tea for her young miss. Gently placing the cup of tea on the table, she took out a flower vase and set it on the center of the table.

The customers in the store, "...."

The hoody man, who was dressed as a commoner and awaiting his orders, "....."

What happened to the plan of staying 'low key!!!?.'

"Tch, what an act? worthless commoners, they think that they're above us? Ha, low slave commoners." No one knew who said the sentence, but the faces of the people in the store changed from admiration to disgust and annoyances.

People who entered the toy store were either from mid rank or high rank, so witnessing commoners being arrogant in their presence triggered the button of disgust.

Akari wasn't angered by the sentence, nor did she care about the way the people looked at her. Why would she spend her precious time, arguing about the rights of commoners and nobles.

Too troublesome, she doesn't wants to do it.

She would rather sip her tea and lazily relaxed on the couch. She licked her lips, and pushed her tiny cup toward Clara. With clear and round violet eyes, she asked, "more. I want more tea." Clara smiled and poured tea in her young miss's empty tiny cup.

Although she was angry by those words, she didn't dare to act in a rashed manner. Her young miss wouldn't like a violent maid. She needed to keep the image of a pure and patient maid, who is ready to help everyone in need. Punishing others would easily be handled by Sebastian and the young master Nicole.

If she remained gentle and patient, then her young miss would surely love and treasure her in the upcoming days. Imagining her young miss being clingy to her in the upcoming future, Clara had a wide smile on her face.

Akari silently sipped her tea and glanced at the silly looking maid. She was slightly disappointed in Clara. Although Clara wasn't a commoner, Akari wished someone to stand up and give some beatings to the person who spoke those words. What she wanted in a maid was a ferocious spirit, who can stand and face all her enemies with a fire burning in her eyes.

Her maid should help the weak and support the strong. She wanted her maid to beat people who speak rubbishes, and help people who are hurt. Seems like Akari's expectations were too high, cause Clara didn't come in her favourite maid section. Akari sighed and shook her head, 'how disappointing.'

Clara, who swore to become a gentle and patient miad, "....."

Nicole didn't bother to waste his time with insignificant nobles. He placed Emma on his lap and rested his chin on her small head. He didn't care for anyone here, except his tiny and adorable sister. If Emma was sad or angry about the other person's speech, then he'll make sure to break the person's mouth. He looked down at Emma, and found her immersed in eating her snacks.

Chuckling, he pinched his sister's cheeks and rested his chin on the top of her head. Akari took a piece of cake and held up to Nicole's face. She didn't want to eat alone, because eating alone would cause her a stomachache.

Nicole opened his mouth and ate the cake from the small spoon. He thought the donut this morning was the best delicacy, but the cake fed by his sister was the best of best delicacy he ever had.

The customers in the store turned away and ignored the low commoners. They didn't want their precious eyes to see any disgusting creatures.

In all the races of people, slaves were the lowest of creatures, followed by beggars and commoners. It wasn't unreasonable.

The fact that the commoners possessed low tier magic clearly showed why they're different than the other people. Although half of the continent is covered by the commoners, none of the commoners possessed a fifth tier magic. Thus, they were mostly ignored by other people. Even a low rank household can eradicate a couple of commoners (doing so would cause the low rank household heads to roll on the ground).

Nevertheless, commoners were also a part of the kingdoms, so they weren't really hated to the point of eradicating.

After Kaiser became the emperor of the Scarlet Empire, commoners and other weak races were treated well, but not too well. Although killing, kidnapping, enslaving and abusing have stopped, it didn't disappear.

Rather, it couldn't disappear, and would never disappear (that's what Akari thought).

But, will the future of the commoners, slaves, and all other weak races remain the same?

No one knows.

Only Author knows.


Short drama with between author and Akari.

Author: Why don't you raise your voice and support the commoners, instead of wishing your maid, Clara?

Akari: Too troublesome, *dozing off to sleep.*

Authour: *sighing* I seriously need to change your character.

Akari: *abruptly waking up* What!? Why!!?

Author: *smiling in a sly manner* you're too100x lazy. All my readers are getting sleepy and my novel is going down! If you're being this lazy, then I have to eradicate your existence.

Akari: Noooooo! *dozing off to sleep* Ok, not a problem.

Author: *dumbstruck* U, Get up!

Akari: *snoring* zzzzz

Author: Akariiiii!!!

Akari: *snoring* zzzzz

Author: *enraged* You wait. I'll take care of you in the next chapter. You'll cry and beg me to forgive you.

Akari: *snoring* zzzzzz

Author: "....."