

A quick word on the timeline because this is confusing for some of you.

Shadow of war timeline is messed up and isnt canon.

In the first game, Shadow of Mordor, gollum is in mordor, why gollum is in mordor ?

Because he was tortured in mordor personnaly by Sauron to find the one's ring 2 years before the war.

But we know that Talion fought for 60 years the forces of Sauron.

This isnt possible, because Minas Ithil was conquered 9 years or so before the war of the ring.

So all of the clues we have doesnt add up.

So the mc is transmigrated 1,5 years or so before the war, at the time where gollum was tortured.

I avanced to 5 months before the war the assault on Minas Ithil.

in my version Minas Ithil wasnt conquered 9 or so years, but was in heavy conflict for 9years.

This is the best I can do with all the info I have.