Transmigrated into the One Punch Man universe as the MC himself with a Mission System that will give him random powers from different anime universes whenever he accomplishes a quest. Will he travel the world? Find out next time...Jk, he will only travel when he wants to because he's a dumbass P.S: I don't own One Punch Man and the cover, The Mc I own though SaitamaxFubuki I don't care what happens, whenever I have free time, I'll continue this fanfic, and English is not my first language, just F.Y.I
•Be able to create Energy Balls
•Unbreakable Sword + Mastered Swordsmanship
•Infinity (Jujutsu Kaisen)
•Broken Limiter
•Electrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation)
•Electronic control
•Matter Manipulation
•Pyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation)
•Shockwave Generation
•Extrasensory perception
•9 White Tomoe Rinnegan
[-Predict and perceive your opponents moves
-Blaze Release|Kagutsuchi
-Kamui on both eyes + Kamui Dimension
-Deva Path
-Asura Path
-Human Path
-Outer Path.]
[-Infinite Tsukuyomi
•Power Mimicry
•Fist of Flowing Water Crushed Rock
•Ice Manipulation
•Air Manipulation
•Portal Creation
(I realized it isn't really much as I was hoping for but there will be more soon. More powers for our Mc, overpowered ones that is :D)