
Transmigrated as Nevillie Longbottom

Transmigrated in Harry Potter as Neville Longbottom after his uncle drops him out the window. There’ll be no bashing of anyone. Hogwarts Legacy, Movies aren’t canon. Spells are usually from canon, some might be made up.

Prometheus96 · 作品衍生
20 Chs

Pilot (slight rewrite)

"Oh! Your finally awake!" Said a elderly woman, she was tall, thin and bony she wore a hat with a stuffed vulture on it grabbed hold of me in a bear hug.

"Where am I?" I asked the woman pushing her away.

"Oh Neville goodness, what has he done to you. You don't even remember your own Grandmother." Said the woman.

"Grandmother, Neville." I then looked around the room finding a mirror. In that mirror instead of my own reflection I see a chubby brown-haired boy. I recognize that face, i'm Neville Longbottom.

"There is our wizard!" He yelled in excitment.

Augusta the turned to the man and started to yell.: "You idiot you could have killed him, you almost killed the family heir Algie! And, he doesn't even remember his own name."

"What do you mean?!" Yelled the man with great surprise.

"When he woke up he didn't even know his own name!" Yelled the woman back.

The man looking down in shame in a voice conveying his regret said. "I…just wanted to make him use magic…i'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me do it to him!" She yelled pointing at me.

The man too ashamed to even glance at me in a low voice said. "I'm…sorry Neville I just wanted to prove your weren't a squib."

After several seconds, of silence I said. "I guess you did that. But, you still dropped me out a fucking window!"

The man who had been looking down turned to me and, looked in my eyes then, said. "I am truly sorry i… will try and make it up to you."

With that he stormed from the room at a fast pace.

"You've definitely lost your memory. Neville would never say something like that." The older woman said.

"I have no idea what Neville would have said. I don't have any memories of being him." I said in reply.

It's best if I go with the whole amnesia thing. I don't think I could be bumbling clumbsy Neville. Just wasn't me.

"Well I suppose that means you couldn't get any wrost than you already were." The woman said in condescension.

"I'm sure I can't. By the way can you tell me yours and, that man's names?" I asked.

"Right you have lost you memory after all. I am your grandmother Augusta Longbottom, that man as you call him is your great uncle Algie." She answered.

"Right thank your for telling me. Do you know where I can get information at?" I asked hoping that the Longbottom's had a library.

"Now why would you need something like that?" Asked Gran.

"We'll I don't really know anything right now. So the best thing to do is look for information." I'm not one of those fanfic mc's who jumps right into trying magic. Just becase I know what to do doesn't mean I know what i'm doing. So seeking information is best afterall there are people smarter than me.

"Hmm. That isn't a bad idea. Go use the library it's downstairs down the hallway to the left." Augusta said. Giving me directions to the Library.

"Ok may I go there now?" I asked calmly but on the inside I was giddy as all hell, who wouldn't at the chance to use a magic library.

"You do that and also don't try reading the books on the farthest shelf. Those contain spells and you aren't ready for those." Gran said in a firm tone.

"Stay away from the furthest shelf got it." I said giving no argument.

"Good you may go now then." With permisson I stood then, left for the Library.


After a short walk I was at the Longbottom Library. The room was circular with it books surround it, the room also contained four arm chairs and, a ladder the seemed to be able to go around the room. With my servey of the room done. I thought about what I needed.

And, came to the conclusion there are two books I need one on magical theory and one on Occlumency.


After searching the shelves I found what I needed. The first was Guide to Advanced

Occlumency by Maxwell Barnett and, Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling. Starting with the easier one first I took a seat and, cracked open Magical Theory. Turning to the first page, I began my read.

A long read and what felt like an hour. I was finished after skimming I was able to get what I needed. Wandless magic was possible and was used. But, it was beyond most Wizards. As much like fire, magic can be raging, chaotic and volatile that's why Wizards use wands to channel it and requires the utmost skill and discipline to control. Wandless magic could be likened to riding a bike with no hands. During an earthquake. Not that it meant anything to me, though I might not be able to use every spell wandlessly but, there were a few that were a must have.

With Magical Theory finished I started on the Occlumency book. The Mind Art's would be very important in the future so, it's best to start as soon as possible. So, I began my read.

The mind arts are not just about protecting your mind. They can be used in every day scenarios. The arts are used to make you a master of yourself. The mind is where everything starts and ends. The same is true with magic, your mood and thought process are key factors in a successful spell. So the saying the mind commands the body obeys is the mantra you should remember as you practice this art.

After the introductory paragraph it had the basics to Occlumency.

The first step to mastering Occlumency is to clear your mind to make it blank and, unreadable. This skill isn't a matter of trying it is a matter of doing. You must empty you mind!!

With that I closed the book. I'd practice this later tonight along with wandless magic. I would try the levitation charm first.