
Transmigrated:- Wanxian ( untamed )

This is novel of untamed version of transmigration. Where lan wangi travel from 21st century back to the world of cultivation and helped his lover change his destiny

Silentknight1994 · 电视同人
4 Chs

Longing for lover from past

The handsome man with golden eyes sat in his dark room, surrounded by shadows that danced upon the walls like restless spirits. His elbows rested on the table, his forehead leaning against his hands as if the weight of his thoughts was too much to bear.

The dim light of the room cast a mysterious glow on his features, accentuating the sharp angles of his face and the piercing intensity of his golden eyes. Those eyes, once bright and radiant, now seemed dull and lifeless, like two golden coins that had lost their luster.

His hair, a rich, dark brown, fell around his face like a curtain of night, framing his features in a way that made him look like a tragic hero from a forgotten tale. His skin was pale, almost translucent, as if the light had been drained from his very being.

As he sat there, lost in thought, his mind wandered back to the love of his past life. He remembered the way he smiled, the way his eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and the way his touch made his heart race. He recalled the way he laughed, the way his voice sounded like music to his ears, and the way his presence made him feel alive.

But most of all, he remembered the way he left him, the way he vanished from his life like a ghost, leaving him behind with a heart full of sorrow and a soul that was forever lost.

The handsome man with golden eyes sighed, his breath whispering through the darkness like a mournful sigh. He missed him dearly, and the pain of his loss still lingered in his heart like an open wound. He felt like a part of him had been ripped away, leaving a gaping hole that could never be filled.

As the night wore on, the darkness in the room seemed to grow thicker, like a palpable fog that clung to his skin. But the handsome man with golden eyes didn't notice it. He was too lost in his thoughts, too consumed by the grief that had been his constant companion since he was gone........

The handsome man woke up to the sound of his manager's voice, "Good morning, young master Wang . You have a flight to catch in a few hours. You're headed to China for your next project."

The handsome man Wang yibo the second heir of Wang clan rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the sleep. He sat up in bed and looked around the room, his gaze landing on the painting he had made of his loved one. He had painted it himself, and it was his most prized possession.

As he held the painting, he couldn't help but think about his past life. He thought about the mistakes he had made, the opportunities he had let slip away, and the pain he had caused his loved one.

"If only I could go back in time," he thought to himself. "I would do everything right. I would never let him suffer like I did. I would be there for him, always."

He looked at the painting again, and his eyes welled up with tears. He knew it was just a painting, but it was all he had left of him . He wished he could turn back the clock and relive those moments, to make things right.

But life doesn't give second chances, and he knew that. All he could do was move forward, carrying the lessons of his past with him.

With a heavy heart, he got out of bed and began to pack for his trip. He knew he had a long journey ahead of him, but he was ready to face it head-on. He would make the most of this new opportunity, and maybe, just maybe, he would find a way to redeem himself...

As the plane took off, the Wang yibo settled into his seat and closed his eyes, letting the memories of his past love wash over him. He remembered the way he smiled, the way his eyes sparkled, and the way her touch made his heart race.

As he reminisced, the plane hit turbulence, and the staff began to rush here and there, their voices raised in concern. But the handsome man didn't notice, lost in his thoughts.

Suddenly, the plane lurched violently, and the oxygen masks dropped down. The staff's voices turned to screams, and the plane began to plummet towards the ground.

The handsome man's eyes flew open, and he saw the chaos around him. But as he looked out the window, he saw only one thing - the face of his loved one, smiling at him, his eyes shining with love.

He closed his eyes, wishing with all his heart that she was by his side. And when he opened them again, he felt a strange sense of peace wash over him.

The plane crashed, and everything went black.

But when the handsome man came to, he found himself in a familiar bed . he found himself standing in the middle of a familiar room. He looked around, taking in the ancient furnishings and the long, flowing curtains that billowed in the breeze.

He couldn't believe his eyes - he had transmigrated back to ancient times, back to the era where he had lost his love.

As he gazed around the room, he saw his old sword hanging on the wall, its blade glinting in the sunlight. He saw his long, flowing hair, tied back in a ponytail, and his white ancient robes, draped elegantly over his body.

He felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him, and he couldn't help but smile. He had missed this place, missed the simplicity and beauty of ancient times.

He walked over to his sword bichen and drew it out of its scabbard, feeling the familiar weight of it in his hand. Bichen buzzed is excitement.He ran his fingers over the blade, remembering the countless battles he had fought with it.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he heard a faint noise behind him. He turned to see a blue screen appeared infront of him. He found it familiar, A system in transmigration novels..

" Good morning Master lan wangi . God gave an second chance to get your happiness and love. This system is here providing you everything from 21st century. As long you have silver to system, it will turned into points . With the points you can get everything you want . 1 Silver stone is worth 1000 points and 1 gold stone is worth 10.000 points . Otherwise you can get points after doing the given tasks . You have to change your Lover's fate without letting anyone notice . " 

Lan wangi nodded with understanding. " Then what's my first task " .....

" In half hour , he is coming to gusu clan for study with his brother and sister as the past . You have to let him enter the gate without getting suspicious" ......

" Hmm " lan wangi hummed . He was so much happy to back in his life . He love this life so much in 21st century the moment he remembered his past life.....

So he went out early to admire the gusu clan...

Lan Wangi stood on the mountain peak, gazing out at the breathtaking vista before her. The ancient era's Gusu Clan was spread out below, its majestic mountains and winding rivers a sight to behold.

he breathed in deeply, feeling the crisp mountain air fill his lungs. The scent of pine and earth filled her nostrils, and he closed his eyes, letting the tranquility of the moment wash over him.

As he stood there, he felt a sense of connection to the land, to the ancient history that seeped from the very rocks themselves. he could almost hear the whispers of the past, the stories of the Gusu Clan's triumphs and struggles.

Lan Wangi's eyes fluttered open, and he gazed out at the mountains once more. he saw the mist-shrouded peaks, the snow-capped summits, and the verdant forests that cloaked the lower slopes. he saw the rivers, too, their crystal waters flowing like lifeblood through the valleys.

And he saw the people, the Gusu Clan themselves, living in harmony with the land, their lives a testament to the enduring power of nature.

Lan Wangi's heart swelled with admiration for this ancient era, for the beauty and wonder that lay before him.he knew that he would never forget this moment, this glimpse into a time long past.

As the sun began to came out . casting a golden glow over the landscape, Lan Wangi reluctantly tore his gaze away from the view. he knew that it's the time his love came to gusu clan and met him on door how he remembered his heart skip beat when his eyes landed on his love . But he was too much into his uncle's cover that he couldn't see the beauty and purity Beside him .....

" Wei ying , this time is our now " ......

" I will protect you " ....

" Will you " .....

" Only you " .....

He smiled and then cover his expression back how they were and walked towards gusu clan......