
Transition Through Time

Ace was born a golden child, having all he wanted in the world since he was the son of one of the richest people in the world. At the age of ten, however, everything changed. The Eternal Apocalypse. The appearance of void portals changed everything. At first, humans were apprehensive about what could be in these void portals. However, soon enough, some humans developed superpowers discovering that these portals was emitting some sought of energy which they aptly named origin energy. Soon enough many humans started to develop superpowers. However, during all this, it became clear that someone wasn't getting any superpowers. This person was none other than Ace Legend. Ace's parents decided to artificially create a superpower for Ace. At first things went well until Ace actually developed his superpower which turned out to be something extraordinary. His parents decided to take the powers from him, and take it for themselves. However, using his newfound superpowers, Ace was able to escape. When he woke up, he realized he was transmigrated into a universe parallel to his own. To make matters worst, he had travelled to the past in this world which means the void portals hadn't appeared yet. What would Ace do now that he arrived? What would happen to him? What would happen to those from his previous universe? *Follow Ace on this exciting adventure as he discovers new things and solve the mystery of The Eternal Apocalypse* Update schedule: 1 chapter everyday. I am thinking of changing this soon but for now, I will stick with this

The_little_boy · 奇幻
9 Chs

The Apocalypse Starts (III)

What can be considered beautiful? 

Of course, to most people of the world, beauty lied on the eyes of the beholder and hence depended on the person who was seeing it.

Ace on the other hand felt that this form of considering beauty was very hypocrital. He never agreed to that sort of definition.

Instead, Ace felt that true beauty, the type that he called 'Universal beauty'; was the type that was admired by everyone. To him, true beauty wasn't only appreciated by a few people.

True beauty was admired by all and there was nothing like anyone's view on the matter.

To Ace, the perfect example of true beauty was the woman infront of the class. Mrs Eleazer was absolutely gorgeous. Even someone like Ace who thought had developed strong resistance to beauties couldn't help but look again.

Her skin was more tender than a young girl's, and it seemed like it was covered in a thin layer of milk, making it both smooth and soft to the touch. Her eyes seemed to reflect the countless stars in the sky, giving off a brilliance that drew people in.

Her face was a flawless masterpiece, and her long neck accentuated her gracefulness. Her long bright red hair extended to her bottom seemingly blending her mature aura with a hint of seduction.

'She really is beautiful but she still won't reach that person,' Ace thought as a certain figured popped into his head.

Ace frowned when remembered that person as if he just remembered a bad memory before looking away. 

Miss Eleazer seemed to have sensed Ace's gaze as he looked over. However, when she glanced back at him, he seemed to be focused on something else. 

'He wasn't watching?'

Miss Eleazer frowned when she that thought popped into her head. She realized that Ace didn't even look at her when he entered.

Initially, she thought it was because he was afraid but it seems like she was wrong. 

She didn't brood over the issue and continued to speak. 

"Once again, I will welcome you into the school again. As you all know, this is one of the most prestigious... "

Miss Eleazer proceeded to give a long speech about the school and the class rules. She continued to welcome them throughout her speech, an action that Ace felt annoying.

The other people in the class didn't think so. They all had a smile on their faces as they listened to Miss Eleazer. This was even more so for the boys, they smiled till their eyes turned to narrow slits.

Ace couldn't help but sneer. As a boy, how could he not realize what the other students were thinking. 

It was only because Miss Eleazer was beautiful that they were listening with so much focus. If it were any other person, they would be yawning by now.

Soon enough, the bell rang for breakfast and all the students rushed out of the class, including Ace.

Miss Eleazer wanted to talk to Ace about something but he left in a hurry with the other students making her stop.

'I must be wrong.... Maybe' 

Miss Eleazer couldn't help but chuckle as she left the class closing the door.


After the bell rang, it didn't take long for almost all the students to go to the school's cafeteria.

Ace was also part of these students. After all, if he didn't go out to explore on the first day, it might really be too suspicious making people notice his odd attitude. 

And as someone who didn't want others to notice him, that wasnt something he wanted to see. 

As he walked through the faint corridors that lead to the cafeteria, Ace was hit with a wave of deja vu. He felt as if he had been here before because he had, of course. 

It didn't take long for him to reach the cafeteria, he immediately headed for breakfast, planning to explore after he was done.

He picked up a plate and joined the line just alike any student. The queue was quite long and it would take sometime before it reached him.

"Heyy... You were the guy who came in late right?" 

Ace heard a voice behind him making him turn to the source of the voice. Behind him was a boy holding a plate just like him.

The boy was looking at him with an interested look on his face. The boy was handsome however, the dignified look between his brows gave away his background.

"Oh.. yeah. I had a few things to do so I was quite late," Ace said as he turned around.

"Oh... I see. You didn't seem to be afraid of punishment at all... " The boy said before stretching his hand for a shake, "by the way I am William. You can call me Will."

"I am Ace. You can call me ... Em... " Ace tried to introduce himself using the same phrase Will used but realized he didn't have any aliases. 

"Oh come on, everyone know Ace doesn't have any known aliases that come from shortening your name!" To his rescue, Will rolled his eyes and said with an amused smile on his face. 

"Yeah.. of course.. of course!" Ace said.

Will nodded whilst looking at the canteen," This canteen is pretty big. I didn't expect it to be so big. "

"Me too. After all, from the outside it looks really small. How could someone guess that something as small on the outside will look so large on the inside."

Ace nodded whilst looking around. The cafeteria was pretty big. It was almost half the size of a soccer field with clear spaces between the tables, each having around 4 seats.

Ace couldn't help but frown when he saw this. He normally didn't like eating with a lot of people around. However, he knew that there was nothing he could do at this moment other than adapting...

"Is there something wrong?" Will asked when he noticed Ace's frown.

"Oh, nothing... " Ace said putting away his frown.

Soon enough, it reached their turns. Ace sighed as he placed his plate under the food dispenser before selecting the food he wanted. 

Since this was a big school, they all had the choice to choose what food they wanted. No wonder they took so long when selecting a food.

Ace didn't waste alot of time quickly finding his food and leaving. He simply choose a milk shake and a burger. When he choose his food, some translucent light beamed into his plate and the food he choose simply appeared.

Strangely enough, the milk shake came with a cup making Ace quite surprised. 

Ace immediately made way for Will to take his food whilst standing to the side. Will immediately selected a wide range of food including almost everything on the dish.

Beans, a burger, fresh dandelion leaves, bacon...

Ace lost track of the food after those ones. What kind of food is this guy even eating?

Ace frowned whilst Will just looked at him with an apologetic smile. He quickly picked his plate which seemed pretty heavy from the huge mountain of food. 

It almost seems like it would fall with the least mistake. Will paused as he moved past Ace before saying,

"Come on... Why are you standing there?"

Oh... Will... Hmmmm


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