
"The New World Order"

It was a quiet night...

All seemed well at the Autobot base,with Ratchet hard at work as per usual with the base's checks,when all of a sudden,alarms began to blare..

Ratchet checks the radar,to find hundreds of Decepticon energy signatures right outside,followed with a loud,intense explosion.

"By the Allspark....." Ratchet said in metal chilled fear.

Optimus was currently away on a mission.

Bulkhead,Arcee,and Bumblebee were out on guard duty for Jack and the others...

He was all alone in this fight.

Ratchet attempts to boot up the Ground Bridge for an emergency departure,to hear it give a loud,sad whine,"Fuck it." Ratchet said,abandoning the Ground Bridge controls to seek the emergency exit.

"WARNING! ENTRANCE INTEGRITY FAILING. ALL UNITS TO POSTS. PREPARE FOR BREACH." An automated voice said,as an explosion thunders outside.

[Just outside of the Base]

Decepticons were firing away,launching any matter of laser or explosive,which had now eaten away rock to expose the gate.

Megatron was walking between his soldiers,smiling proudly as he approached the tightly closed gate.

"The Autobot base. It always fills me with a warm pride to find the nest of the great Optimus Prime. Soundwave,is your insect still active?" The Decepticon leader rumbled toward his new second in command.

Soundwave nods affirmatively,and begins to link up to their spy.

The "Insect" was a scraplet that Soundwave managed to seize control of. It slinked about,finding the base empty.

It quickly flies about,locating Ratchet on the emergency exit's control panel. The creature quickly began to attack Ratchet out of instinct,forcing him away from the panel.

Soundwave disconnects,leaving the drone to swoop and dive at Ratchet. He signs to Megatron that there was only one Autobot.

"Ah...The Watchdog. I'd almost forgotten him." He purrs,as the doors finally give,and allow through dozens of Decepticons. "Find the Watchdog. But do NOT kill him. We will need him." Megatron demanded as he looks around,scrutinizing the base as the rest of his soldiers get a head start.

All a nice stroll on a sunny day as the soldiers began to collect information,and simply ransack the place to prevent unwanted resistance like this.

After about 2 or 3 squads of four going into the base,and not returning,Ratchet was finally procured,damaged and beaten.

"I still remember our little tussle,Watchdog. It genuinely tickled me that you tried so hard with that enhancement." Megatron chuckles warmly,a steely,evil grin settling on his face.

Ratchet gives a gentle growl,attempting to break free,only for the barrel of a laser rifle to press firmly against the back of his head.

"You will be used to produce more of that serum,more importantly,reveal the locations of the other Autobots. And in trade,I don't snuff your spark as cruelly as you Autobots have with my men." He said.

Ratchet hesitates,given the circumstances,and his condition,he gave in. "Fine. You...win..." Ratchet struggles.

Megatron gives a cruel,booming laugh that echoed through the chamber like thunder,"Poor Watchdog. I haven't won. Not yet. Get him aboard the ship,and prepare for departure. We're going on a Bot hunt."

[Somewhere else]

Optimus was patrolling a clear area of forest,looking for energon deposits. His search seems to be for nought. His radio crackles,"Optimus! Megatron is on a....warpath! Warn the others! Don't bother rescuing me,I'm already too far gone,and the groundbridge has been destroyed!"

"Ratchet?" Optimus asked,but the signal was now too far gone...

Optimus takes vehicular form,and begins to drive as fast as he could manage. By the time he arrived,the smouldering remains of the gate,and battlescars on the rock surrounding it led Optimus to a grim conclusion.

"All remaining Autobots,do you read?" Optimus asked

"Loud and clear." Arcee said

Bumblebee gives an affirmative buzz

"What's up?" Bulkhead asked.

"The base has been lost. Megatron is on a warpath. Seek shelter immediately,I will contact Fowler of the impending invasion."

"What about Ratchet?" Arcee asked.

"He has been captured by Megatron. It may be likely that he is going to interrogate Ratchet for your location transponder codes. Be on guard,be safe."

"Affirmative...." Acree comms in.

The remaining comms were silent upon hearing these grim news...

(Meanwhile,on Arcee's end)

"Arcee..?" Jack asked,as her face seemed to have gone gunmetal grey...

"Ratchet's been captured...Megatron is on a warpath..the base has been lost.."

Right then and there did Jack understand the circumstances of the situation. War was now officially in play. "Jeez....Yeah okay...Thats pretty scary. What do we plan to do?" Jack asked,pacing some.

"We grab your mother,and locate the others to get the hell out of dodge. Right now we need to gather our resources and get as far away from the invasion site as we can." Arcee said,shifting back into bike form.

Jack climbs on,and they speed down the desolate desert road into town. Nothing had happened yet,thankfully,but upon arriving into the house,Jack found it empty,"Damn. Mom's not home. She must be at the hospital right now."

"We need to hurry." Arcee said,as Jack got on,and they sped off once again.

They were now weaving between cars at high speed,arriving at the thankfully closeby hospital.

Jack rushes in,approaching the counter,"I need to see my mother!" He requests.

"Are they a doctor,nurse or patient?"

"Nurse. June Darby." Jack said,seeming to be in a rush.

"She is currently in the break room just down the hall. Thank you for visiting." The Clerk said dismissively. Jack almost sprints to the break room,with Arcee following through windows she could see Jack in.

As he practically stampeded into the room,June looks to him. She was alone in the room,thankfully. "Jack? What's going on? Why the rush?" She asked worriedly.

"Megatron. War path. Evacuate." Jack said between breaths. June didnt even hesitate to grab his hand and drag him along to the exit. "Where's Arcee?" She asked.

Arcee rolls up,"Right here. We need to leave,NOW!" She said as June and Jack climb on,and speed off.

Megatron's Warship roars overhead,hovering over the city and displaying a holographic screen.

"Autobots,humans,and anything else that may dare to challenge my power,I am Megatron. A Decepticon. Your ally. You have been harboring criminals to the Decepticon empire,and for that,your only hopes of surviving,will be pledging your alliance to me,without any ill intent. Any sign of insubordination,or resistance will be snuffed. Now BOW!!"

Many people began fleeing,while some simply did as he asked amongst the panic. Vehicons and Jeticons began to chase down the clamoring crowds,cars narrowly missing one another as everyone attempted to flee the rulers reign.

Arcee,Jack and June reached a safe point...

And turn back to hear clamoring screams,distant laser fire,and explosions...

"I can't believe it....W-we're losing..." June shivered.

"We havent lost yet,June. This is just the beginning...Now come on,we have a long road ahead.." Arcee said,as Jack solemnly mounts her once more.

June stares onto the chaos a bit longer,before joining Jack on Arcee.

They drive away..