
Training as a Slime (6)

As the sun beamed through the tinted window, the gemstones reflected the rays, laser-focusing the light on Cori's forehead. Not long after, a sweet burning waffle scent spread through the drawing room. Dreaming of delicious caramel waffles, Cori lazily opened his beady eyes. However, as soon as his eyes opened, two laser beams shot out of them burning a hole onto the wall. "!!!", dumbfounded Cori was surprised to find himself turned into X-men's Cyclops. "What happened while I was asleep?" He wondered and shut his eyes in haste. He opened an eye again, a light beam shot out again. He closed his eyes and opened the other one, another laser beam shot out.

He tried his luck and scanned the room using his ability, wearily checking without moving his head if any gemstones are non-reactive. Luckily, he was able to identify majority of them as non-reactive from memory, with only a paw-full being extremely sensitive to it.

Using his new abilities, he chiselled through the wall to dig out 2 golfball size gems and stuck it on his eyes. Unfortunately, he could not see clearly through them. Before he could blast through the wall again, he heard the drawers opened and a soft thud on the carpeted floor. He used his ability again and was able to identify a pair of red sunglasses. He used his paws to search for the object and put it on feeling extremely suave, cool and a little worried. "Was this a foreshadowing of his love life and a love rival?" he wondered.

He checked his status and found no additional skills. Perplexed, he mused if it was the nature of slimes to shoot laser beams. But that couldn't be. After observing for a moment, he noticed how the sunlight focused on the spot he was sleeping at and came to the conclusion that the body of slimes could store light energy naturally.

Which meant that as long as he depleted the energy, he could be his normal self again. To test his theory, he shot on the non reactive gemstone. And true enough, the energy was sapped out of his beady eyes and he could behave normally again. "

He slid along the carpet and tried to open the door with the intention of filling his growling belly (Although slimes had no stomachs at all) in the kitchen. "Why is this knob not turning at all?" Cori pondered. To his horror, he found he was trapped. Using a bit of his imagination, he tried to pick the lock using his malleable paw. Cori tried unlocking but couldn't because his paws were too liquid and not strong enough. But after some tinkering, he was able to note the shape of the keyhole. On second thought, he could have just blasted through the door using his laser beam. 

But the room as if reading his thoughts, closed its curtains tight. Although Cori had long came to the conclusion that the house was alive, it still freaked him out. In a pinch, he grabbed the two stones using sticky paws and tried to hammer the door knob. But before the stones could hit it, the door willingly opened, revealing a long passageway. 

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