
Tragedy Strikes!

Justin's P.O.V ( A year later)

It was midnight and I was fast asleep when I heard loud noises. The first woke me up, then I heard another when I was awake. They sounded very much like gunshots but a little less louder.

I tried to believe that mom and dad were watching a movie and the volume was very high. But that just was not possible. They were not irresponsible enough to be watching a movie at this time. Its 1:30am for God's sake. And even if they were, they wouldn't have increased the volume to that level. So, the whole thing's just impossible.

I also tried to believe that our neighbors were celebrating something, maybe a birthday. But by this time? It wasn't even close to Christmas or New Year's Day so it wasn't feasible. And the two houses beside us were not occupied.

I stood up from my bed to check out what was going on. I decided to use a torchlight though there was electricity. For reasons best known to me.

There weren't any noises coming from the parlor so I made up my mind not to check there.

I decided to check their room which was a few rooms away from mine. I just hoped in my heart that they were fine.

I got into their room and the lights were off. I pointed the torch at them and I noticed that both dad and mom's bodies were under the blanket. They never ever put their bodies totally under the blanket no matter what.

I started getting scared. My heart was pounding hard. 'What if they were dead?' I thought.

'No, that's not possible. Its probably because its winter and the weather is very cold that's why they did that.' I thought trying very much not to be frightened.

I walked closer to their bed step by step. When I got to the foot of their bed, I called out, "Mom," but she didn't answer.

One thing I was very sure about mom was that she was a light sleeper and if I ever called her name when she was sleeping, she'd wake up and answer. But this time, she didn't. Once again, those bad thoughts rushed in like a tidal wave. I hoped it was just a prank. But this prank just wasn't funny.

I decided I was going to remove the blanket from their faces. It was scary and my heart was beating very fast. I was scared of what I was going to see if I opened it, but I tried to be courageous and I did it.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed when I saw their bodies, lifeless under the blanket. Tears began to well up in my eyes and it rushed like an unending stream.

They both had been shot in their right chests and it was such a pitiful scene. My world spun and shattered right in front of me. I didn't know what to do, like suicide was the only option.

Instead of grief, my heart started getting full of rage. I pledged not to let the murderer go scot free. I opened the window and I moved backwards.

I ran towards it and jumped through it. The fence was a little bit lower than the window so I found myself outside the compound and on the road. I had landed and rolled on the ground simultaneously so I didn't get injured.

Our street was very long and full of rows of houses and most were not occupied. At once, I spotted a the lights of a car that was speeding on our street shining very dimly. It was like two hundred meters away. My instincts told me that it was the car of the murderer and I hoped I wasn't wrong.

A normal human being wouldn't have gotten fifty meters close to that car by running but I just did. By the way, I'm not a normal human.

When I got that close to him, I stopped running and used my telekinesis to stop the car. I could see the man in the car struggling to make his car move. He was the assassin that killed my soul. And he was probably asking what the hell was wrong with his car.

I was so angry then, I forgot all the guidelines mom and dad gave me about using my superpowers. I made the car float then I turned the car upside down.

I moved my hand up and down and the car also went up and down, being smashed by the road.

I didn't let go of the car till all its glasses broke and the roof was dented to a very great extent then I turned it back to its normal position.

The door got opened and I saw a hefty man crawl out of the car. I hoped I hadn't almost killed the wrong person and I was relieved when I saw that he was with an AK-49, strapped around his chest. He was wearing all black. Exactly how an assassin would dress.

Immediately, I used my telekinesis to bring him about three meters close to me. I noticed that he had blood all over his body and some pieces of broken glass that had pierced into his body. Now I know why mom and dad told me not to use my powers to be a nuisance because he looked so brutalized.

I made him kneel so it'll be clear to him that he's at my mercy.

"You," I started, with rage evident in my voice. "You're the one that killed my parents. Right?!" I asked with the toughest voice I could fake.

"What are you talking about?" He said in a voice that was weak and shaky. He was most probably scared because of my telekinesis and all.

"Don't play dumb with me. You're with a fucking gun!" I yelled.

"That doesn't mean I'm the one to blame for anything. I don't even know who your parents are or what you're talking about. Please just let me go." He said. But I wasn't going to believe that crap.

"Who sent you?" I asked, ignoring the fact that he told me that he knew nothing about what I was asking him.


"I asked, who sent you!" I yelled

"Look, I've told you many times, I have no idea of what you are talking about."

"Man, this is going to end badly for you if you don't comply." I threatened.

"But I've told you all I know already: Nothing." It was clear that he was the one that killed them though there was no solid proof. It was still my instincts that made me keep believing that he was the killer.

The way he denied the murder vexed me so I started twisting his right hand with the telekinesis and he started shouting. Before I knew what was going on the joint between his humerus and ulna, broke. If he was the wrong person, I wasn't going to forgive myself.

"Aaargh!" He shouted in pain.

"I told you it wasn't going to end well for you. Now speak!" I commanded.

He hesitated.

"I'm going to your left hand." I declared.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you." He said and I thought he submitted. At least I was now very sure I wasn't torturing the wrong person.

In a flash, he got a pistol out of his trousers and shot at me. It was so fast, I couldn't understand what happened.

Immediately I found out what was going on, everything started moving kind of slowly. The bullet came to a halt and dropped on the floor when it was like fifty centimeters away from me.

'Awesome!' I yelled in my mind.

"What! How did you do that?" He asked in confusion and I smiled.

"You're smart but just not smart enough." This time, I broke his left hand. And I did it without hesitation. I was very angry and pissed off.

"Now tell me, who the fuck sent you!?" I yelled with a perfectly serious voice. A voice that said 'If you don't comply, I'm going to kill you.' But without making any sound.

"Its your dad's rival." He finally answered but I wasn't satisfied.

"Call names!"

"Its John Mark Coyde. The retired wrestler, now businessman."

"That son of a gun! I should've known." I cursed under my breath. " Thanks for the information." I said informally.

"You're welcome. Can I get the hell out of here now?"

"Are you kidding me? Whoever said you were going to..." I paused when I saw his face. It looked familiar, though it was covered with blood and his hair.

I knew the long, curly, deep black hair and the voice. I walked towards him and moved the hair away from his face with my hands so that I could see it clearly.

"Luis Baxter?" I asked with a whole lot of disbelief in my voice when I finally recognized his face. Tears started welling up in my eyes. It was unbelievable. This was a man that I would've never expected to do such a thing.

"Yay! Its me, Luis Baxter." He replied sarcastically.

"So you're the murderer?" I paused. "Why did you choose to do this? Why?!" I asked hysterically.

"Well, I wasn't happy your dad was winning everything and every time. It was always because of him we won. He was taking away all the fans and the money and I wasn't happy about it. I was jealous. So I teamed up with Coyde and we planned I'll terminate him. I'll get my fans and fame back and he'll get his revenge. It was a great deal." He confessed.

'Such a dumb ass. Dumb enough to let Coyde use him to achieve his selfish gains. And its him that is at risk of being killed by me.' I thought.

I used my telekinesis to take his left hand, the one with the gun to the left side of his head. It was pointing right to his skull and I could see him struggling to get his hand out of that position. But, it was stiff. I made it stiff.

"You're the one he teamed up with and you both won together, right?" He didn't answer. "So why did you kill him? How could you have killed your teammate?" I asked, with tears still in my eyes.

"I was jealous of him, okay?" He replied. Such a plain and stupid reason to give.

"So you killed him just because you were jealous of him? You couldn't strive to be better than him?" He nodded shamefully. "Your problem was with my dad so why did you kill my mom?!" I screamed. It was so exasperating.

He didn't have anything to say.

"Thanks man. You've just made me an orphan." I said, wiping my tears. "Just help me tell John I said hey when you see him... In hell!"

"Please don't do this to me."

"You're the bitch that killed my parents and you're telling me to let you go. Such a dreamer... This is for my parents."

"I'm so sorry." He cried. This time there was no sarcasm in his voice. He knew I was capable of killing him without hesitating.

"Forget it! You can't bring them back to life, or can you?"

I was so angry, I didn't know when I made his hand pull the trigger of the gun and BOOM, I blew his brains out.

His body dropped on the ground, dead. It was such a disgusting sight but I didn't regret my actions at all.

I brought his mutilated Chevrolet car and placed it right next to his dead body. Then I walked back home.


I opened the gate of the house when I got there with the key which mum and dad used to hide in the bushes and got in. We had never used it till now.

I opened the door with another key that was in the watering can that was used to water the beautiful flowers.

I got into the house and went upstairs to mom and dad's room.

I thought when I came back, maybe they'll resurrect or something. I don't know why I thought that because they didn't.

"Don't worry, I've killed your murderers." I said referring to both of them.

I started crying uncontrollably again till I slumped on their bed and finally fell asleep on the blanket; right in the middle of both their dead bodies.