
The Betrayal

Luis' P.O.V

After I got through almost all the security barriers of the compound. I got to the door of the room I saw his silhouette in, switching off the lights of his room. That was many hours ago.

My car had been outside their compound for a very long time. I had been watching them and also waiting for the best time to strike. And this was the best time. Trust me.

He was most probably asleep and I thought I'd have to pick the lock of his room before I broke in, but I didn't. I opened the door with ease and a very high level of quietness then, I stood at their door.

The was light coming from outside and I could see him in his bed with someone. Most probably his wife.

I walked towards him then I pointed the pistol at him. Right when I was about to pull the trigger, I felt something hit the gun out of my hand and it landed on the floor, in a corner of the room very far from me so I couldn't reach it.

Davis had been awake and he was probably the one that threw the object which I guessed was an alarm clock. I hadn't at all planned for that. I had expected the mission to go very smoothly but that was a very bad start.

He pounced on me and started giving me punches on my face. It was evident that he was extremely angry because the punches he gave to me were harder than ever. So thankful to my stars that I took drugs before I came on the mission.

I was weak and he was still on top of me, beating me. He pulled off my mask and with the rays of light that came from outside through the open curtains of his room, he saw my face.

"Luis?" He asked hysterically as he stopped punching my face. "What are you doing here? And with a gun?"

"I came to kill you!" I confessed without any fear in my voice

"But why? What have I done to you?" He asked.

"You wouldn't understand, okay."

"You wanted to betray me, huh? Well, I'm going to make you feel pain." He said in a scary voice and he kept beating me.

He held my neck and was about to strangle me.

"I guess you're about to kill me now. Aren't you?" I asked in a calm voice though I was very scared. My voice also sounded weak cos I was almost out of breath.

Surprisingly, he released my neck. Like he just regained consciousness, then he spoke.

"Baxter, I can understand why you'd want to kill me. But I want to give you a second chance." He paused "I want to give you a chance to right all your wrongs and throw the envious feelings you have for me away.

"I'll let you walk away and pretend as if this incident never happened. Then we can continue to work as a team. Deal?" He asked as he got off me and stretched his hand for me to shake it. He was a man of integrity and I knew he meant what he was saying.

But I wasn't going to let all the struggle I had to make to get into the house, waste. Also it would be a boost for my career if I eliminated the man that was keeping my hands away from the USA Championship Belt.

Plus I was sure Coyde wasn't going to be pleased if I went back to him without Davis' head. So I didn't shake him.

"No deal!" I yelled as I brought out my gun from my belt and shot him in his chest. He fell with a loud thud on my legs. Come on, I wasn't dumb enough to have brought just one gun for something as risky as this.

His wife was awake probably because of the noise the gunshot made. By the look on her face, she was very confused about what was going on.

I pushed him off my body and stood up and I walked towards her. She looked very frightened.

"Shhh..." I said as I also pointed the gun at her.

"Please, don't kill me. I beg of you" She begged in a very pitiful voice. I was even tempted not to kill her.

But, if I didn't kill her, I was probably going to be caught. There was no way she wasn't going to tell anybody. I had already killed her husband so what was the use of keeping her?

So, I shot her too. That was some seconds before I heard a door open. I had to be snappy.

I picked up his heavy body and kept it on his bed. Then I covered both their bodies totally with their blanket.

I picked the gun he had whacked out of my hand earlier, and my mask. Then I jumped out the window, simultaneously closing it behind me.

I landed outside the house. Ignoring the pain, I hopped into my car and drove off. I couldn't waste any time because that was risky.

Coyde was probably going to be very happy, hearing about the death of his former rival. And I won both ways: I was going to get ten million from Coyde and also, I had a greater opportunity of becoming the USA Champion, I could feel it already.

But I was feeling very bad. That was the only aspect I could say I lost in. My conscience was tugging me endlessly. How do you kill your conscience again?