
Tournament Quarter Finals: Part 2

Even after doing so many duels with solid vision herself, the sight of seeing someone else duel still made her as giddy as a school girl again. Especially when the match that she's going to watch was a match between two duelists that would become some of the greatest duelists in the GX-era.

She knew that Ryo will be using Cyber Dragons, a deck that was extremely strong going second, but she doesn't know what Fubuki's deck is going to be though. He played a Red Eyes deck during the anime, and then changed into some weird anime only beast deck, while he used winged beasts in the manga.

She thinks that Ryo will probably be winning the match if he goes second. That is what Cydra does best after all. Even old Cydra that hasn't received cards like Nachster and Herz. Not to mention the good Cyber Dragons XYZ that was Nova and Infinity.

Will he run something like Chimeratech Rampage Dragon she wonders? Or is he running a full Cyber Dragons only deck?

It was probably one of the best go second decks during GX after all, so it'll probably win, and even if it does go first, he still has cards like Cyber Phoenix and Cyber Valley that can stall out the game.

They weren't really useful in the format that she played out, but that was a much faster format so that was basically a whole different game.

And so she sat on one of the sofas, giddy at what kind of show the two future pro-duelist would put on. She even has popcorn and drink to go with while she watches! Who knew that there was a vending machine and a guy that sells popcorn not far from the VIP waiting room?

Mei was of course sitting right beside her, and she would also eat a few of her popcorn. She offered it to the others, who politely refused. Haru outright growled at her when she closed in to offer him some food.


Well more for her and Mei, she guesses.

And so, the occupants of the room were silent, none of them saying any words as they all were silently sitting where they all sat down at their respective seats. "And here come the two duelists!" She heard the declaration from the television screen.

The group focused their attention on the screen, to see the two boys walking onto the stage and to hear the loud cheering of the audience.

"Who do you think will be the winner in this match, Signore Sanders?" The ponytailed dueling instructor asked his co-commentator. Said moustached man hummed with a hand caressing his moustaches, as he thought hard for an answer.

"This will be quite a match, similar to the last one that we have just had." The dueling instructor said after his moment of deliberation. "Young Marufuji is an incredibly talented duelist, and so is young Tenjoin, both of them are also quite well known from where they came from."

In response, Cronos nodded and hummed in agreement. "Indeed, indeed. Signore Marufuji and Signore Tenjoin are quite well known in their own circles. It is quite well known that the two of them are quite the strong duelist after all." The blond teacher said.

She nodded to the comments of the commentators, so the two of them were already quite strong at this age, then again this was a children's game so that kind of makes sense.

The two duelists made small talk that couldn't be heard from the comms, Fubuki laughed and then the two duelists nodded and began their duel.


Ryo Marufuji: 4000LP

Fubuki Tenjoin: 4000LP

"I'll let you go first!" The brown haired boy declared with a smile, and the blue haired boy nodded and began his turn.

"I'll start then." He said as he looked at the five cards on his hand. "I'll activate Emergency Cyber, which allows me to add one light machine monster that cannot be normal summoned or set, or one 'Cyber Dragon' monster from my deck to my hand. I'll add one Cyber Dragon Core to my hand." Showing the card he added to his hand to the opponent, the blue haired boy then shuffled his hand.

"I'll summon Cyber Valley." The summoned monster was a machine, as all Cyber monsters were, the mechanical dragon with red konami-orbs that looked more like a snake if she was being honest made its way onto Ryo's field.

Cyber Valley - Light/Machine/Level 1/Effect: 0/0

"I'll set one card face down, and end my turn." WIth a zero attack monster and one face down card, Ryo Marufuji ended his turn and passed to his smiling opponent.

"Alright! My turn then!" The brown haired duelist said enthusiastically. "I'll draw!" Drawing his card, the boy then scanned the cards in his hand, the smile never leaving his face but the contemplative look in his eyes tells her that he was incredibly serious.

"I'll activate Excavation Work! This card lets me send one card from my hand to the graveyard to draw one card! I'll send Air Sphere to the grave to draw one card." The brown haired boy said as he sent the monster to the graveyard and drew a card.

Another anime only? Or was it a manga only since Spheres was a manga only deck? The draw spell was decency. Well, not really since a level restricted draw card like Trade-In lets you draw two cards instead of two, but this card does let you discard any card for a draw, so even spells and traps can be discarded.

It's a pretty good card, broken in some circumstances too since it's not a hard once per turn. No wonder Konami never printed it.

"I'll now summon Synthesize Sphere!" The brown haired boy placed a card on his duel disk's holographic blade, and a winged beast with a large ball with green visible wind as its lower half where his talons lay and light brown feathers adorned in silver armor appeared on his field.

Synthesize Sphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 4/Effect: 1000/1000

"I'll activate the effect of Synthesize Sphere! When it is summoned, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower 'Sphere' monster from my graveyard! I'll summon Air Sphere in attack position!" The monster in Fubuki's field screeched as it flapped its wings, generating a small gust of wind. From said gust of wind a small monster was formed, a small bird the size of her head protected by a sphere of air as its name implies.

Air Sphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 2/Effect: 400/300

"I activate Air Sphere's effect!" When the brown haired boy declared that, a large sphere of wind began to engulf his entire field. "When a 'Sphere' other than Air Sphere is in play, my opponent's monsters can't attack!"

"Mamma mia! Signore Tenjoin has started his turn incredibly strongly!" The blond instructor commentated through the speaker as she watched the duel through the screen. "With his field, SIgnore Marufuji will not be able to attack! Whatever shall he do?!"

His moustached commentator hummed as he saw the duel before him. "That is indeed a strong field, but what will he do with it?" He asked.

"Battle! I'll attack your monster with Synthesize Sphere!" The winged beast let out a screech, shooting blades of wind by flapping its wings to the mechanical dragon.

Even as his monster was attacked, the blue haired boy stayed calm, and she too would stay calm if she was in his position. "I'll activate my face down, Cyber Network and activate the effect of Cyber Valley. When this card is targeted for an attack by an opponent's monster, I can banish this card to draw one card then end the battle phase."

With a roar, the wetalic dragon with red konami-orbs disappeared from the field, evading the ball of wind that had attacked it while also letting its owner draw one card. In response to this, Fubuki merely hummed. "That's not bad." He said.

"I'll set two cards face down, and end my turn." The brown haired boy ended his turn with two monsters on field and two face downs.

The two commentators commentated as they should, though she chose to ignore it and focus on the girl that was tugging her jacket. Glancing towards the small violet haired girl, she asked Mei what was bothering her.

"What's wrong?" She asked the girl sitting beside her as she tilted her head.

"Yuuna, who do you think will win?" The violet haired girl asked her innocently. And she hummed as she watched the duel unfold from the screen.

"It depends really." She says as her eyes never leave the screen. "Sphere is a control deck, as far as I remember anyway I'm not too familiar with it. The lock that Fubuki made is a basic move that the deck can do."

She tries to remember the cards that the manga showed, not that that'll really help since the cards mostly sucked and not that memorable, so instead she silently opened her shop to see the cards and what they are able to do.

"The trap cards let him recover resources from destruction, and also some battle protection. The boss monster can absorb one monster that the opponent controls, but it doesn't have any protection and the summoning condition is quite bad." She answered the violet haired girl.

"Cydras however, is an otk deck through and through." She said as she watched the blue haired boy summon a Cyber Dragon Core and adding a Cyber Repair Plant. "The titular Cyber Dragon is a great go second card. And Cyber Emergency and Cyber Repair Plant are quite good cards."

Cyber Dragon Core - Light/Machine/Level 2/Effect: 400/500

She still continued explaining even as the crowd went wild at Ryo activated Machine Duplication on his Cyber Dragon Core that was treated as Cyber Dragon while on the field, summoning two of the titular mechanical dragons.

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2100/1600

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2100/1600

"As you can see, Cydras are quite good at putting bodies on the field, but their strength lies on the extra deck which is filled with fusions that can deal a good chunk of damage. Like Twin with 2800 attack that can attack twice and Cyber End that has 4500 attack and deals piercing."

Her comments did earn her looks from the other duelists in the room, barring Haru who did his best to ignore her existence and focused on the screen showing the duel, but she ignored the stares that she received.

The blue haired boy then played his other continuous trap, Cyber Network, and banishing a

Cyber Dragon Zwei since a Cyber Dragon is in his field. That's an interesting choice, but getting a body on board makes sense, even if it was incredibly slow.

Why would he summon two Cyber Dragons if he can't attack she wonders. Maybe he has Overload Fusion and he wants to set up his graveyard? Cyber Dragons without Infinity was more focused on OTK after all, and even without Cyberload Fusion, if he uses Power Bond he can still use cards on the grave as fusion material.

"There is an out in his deck though." She informed the violet haired girl. "Cyber Eltanin sends monsters on both fields to the grave when special summoned, and it has to be special summoned by its effect. The card in his hand is probably Cyber Repair Plant that lets him search it, but to activate the card he needs a Cyber Dragon in the graveyard first."

As far as she remembers, the only card that's useful in Cyber Dragons that also discards a monster is Nachster, but said card was released after Arc-V ended and she hasn't seen any cards released after that time anywhere in this dimension.

The smaller girl let out a sound of wonder as she watched the blue haired boy pass with a 400 attack monster on the field. But his set card probably takes care of whatever it was that his opponent can dish out.

Probably a card like Cybernetic Hidden Technology since using that he can tribute core to destroy the attacking monster.

Unless Fubuki tribute summons that one monster that ignores trap effect that is. That would probably throw a wrench on his plan.

"Last but not least are the support cards that both could possibly use." She said, gaining the smaller girl's attention once more. "Fubuki probably uses the generic winged beast support like Swallows Nest and Icarus Attack or maybe even Harpie Feather Storm. Those cards can further his play and the other two act as interaction."

She ignored the comments of the two dueling instructors and watched as the turn controller turned to the brown haired boy who drew his card for the turn. And said boy started his turn by tributing his Synthesize Sphere to summon an armored blue feathered bird man.

Ah, that's the monster that's immune to traps, which means that Ryo is probably going to be hit with a 2400 attack beater.

Troposphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 6/Effect: 2400/2000

And as expected, the brown haired boy decided to attack the skeletal frame of Cyber Dragon with his tribute summoned winged beast.

Ryo Marufuji: 2000LP

"Bellissimo! Signore Tenjoin has taken control over the duel!" She heard the blond dueling instructor of Obelisk Blue comment through the speaker. "How will Signore Marufuji manage to clear Signore Tenjoin's field without being able to attack?"

"Certainly there are ways to do so." His moustached military suit wearing co-commentator said. "There certainly are ways to destroy cards without battle after all. But the question is, does young Tenjoin play cards to counter such a thing?"

While he wasn't able to completely empty the field, Fubuki was still able to deal a heck ton of damage. If he had three monsters on field instead he could have finished the game if he had tributed for The Atmosphere and absorbed one of Ryo's Cyber Dragons.

But that was probably because his traps that summon monsters weren't triggered. Was summoning Air Sphere this early a misplay? Her brain wonders what kind of plays he could have done if he didn't play Air Sphere.

"My turn." The blue haired boy said, still looking as calm as ever. "I draw." Now with three cards in hand, there's certainly a way for him to turn the tables of the duel. "Since Cyber Dragon Core is treated as a Cyber Dragon, I can activate this card." The blue haired boy as he showed the spell to his opponent.

"The spell, Cyber Repair Plant. If 'Cyber Dragon' is in my graveyard, I can activate one of these effects, but if I have 3 or more 'Cyber Dragon' in my graveyard I can activate both effects in sequence." He informed the brown haired duelist before him.

"I'll activate the first effect to add one light machine monster from my deck to my hand. I'll add Cyber Eltanin to my hand." He added the machine monster to his hand.

"There it is." She said to herself more than anything. "There's the out. But if he summons that it'll only have 2000 attack." She doesn't see the blue haired boy winning this turn unless he has Cyberload Fusion to summon Chimeratech Rampage Dragon to clear Fubuki's backrow.

That or maybe a card that can pop his own Cyber Network, then he could do lethal. Unless Fubuki's trap is something that would prevent himself getting OTKed that is.

"I'll banish all light machine monsters from my field and graveyard, to special summon Cyber Eltanin from my hand!" The two metallic mechanical dragons let out a roar as they disappeared from Ryo's field, and in their place was a gigantic mechanical dragon head with a dragon head protruding from its forehead, and floating around said monster were six separate smaller mechanical dragon heads.

Cyber Eltanin - Light/Machine/Level 10/Effect: ?/?

"Cyber Eltanin's attack and defence becomes the number of monsters banished for its special summon times 500. I banished two Cyber Dragons and one Cyber Dragon Core along with Cyber Dragon Valley, thus its attack and defence becomes 2000."

A total of eight mechanical dragon heads let out a simultaneous roar, signalling the increase of attack of the mechanical marvel that was Cyber Eltanin.

Cyber Eltanin - Light/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 2000/2000

Witnessing the special summon of the monster, the black haired commentator's voice could be heard throughout the whole stadium. "Oh! It seems that young Marufuji has finally summoned another monster!" He said enthusiastically. "But what would he do with it? It does not possess enough attack to surpass young Tenjoin's Troposphere, nor does it save him from his current predicament of not being able to attack."

"Ah, that is where you are wrong, Signore Sanders!" His fellow commentator informed him. "For when Cyber Eltanin is special summoned onto the field-"

"It sends all other face up monsters on the field to the graveyard! Constellation Siege!" The six floating dragonic heads then shot bolts of energy towards the monsters on Fubuki's field, destroying the green dome protecting him and clearing it along with leaving him with merely two face down cards.

"Che!" The brown haired boy clicked his tongue as he saw his field being cleared. Seeing that he has no other cards to play however, the blue haired boy then proceeded to go towards the battle phase.

"Battle." He said calmly. "I'll attack you directly with Cyber Eltanin! Draconis Ascension!" Opening the gigantic maw to reveal a large canon, the mechanical monstrosity shot out a beam of light directly to the brown haired boy.

"Gah!" The brown haired boy let out as he put up both his arms to protect himself from the gust of wind generated by the solid vision.

Fubuki Tenjoin: 2000LP

"Mamma mia! With this Signore Marufuji has taken the upper hand in the duel!" The blond professor shouted in shock.

She once again ignored what other babble that the commentators and the loud crowd let out, as she focused on the field that was shown on the screen. "This'll probably end on Ryo's next turn." She said, gaining the attention of the small girl sitting beside her.

"Huh. how will he win then?" The violet haired girl asked her, not even doubting her declaration.

"Cyber Network." She said the name of the trap card that the blue haired boy had activated on the second turn simply. "On the third standby phase of its owner, it gets destroyed, and when it does it summons as many light machine monsters that are banished. And since he banished quite a number of monsters with Cyber Eltanin-"

"It'll be easy for him to reach lethal right?" The violet haired girl finished for her and she nodded as she ruffled her hair.

"Correct. As expected of Mei, you're really smart." She praised the small girl, which responded with a giggle. "That's not mentioning if he has a Poly in hand too, the only chance I see Fubuki winning this is if one of his face down was Unbroken Atmosphere, but even then if Ryo summons Chimeratech Rampage Dragon then he could clear the backrow."

"So there's still a chance for him to lose then?" The violet haired girl asked her, and she nodded her head and smiled in response.

"Yep, yep! It doesn't end until the last card is drawn after all! Or at least until one of the two duelists scoops after finding out that they aren't able to out the opponents board." She said the cliche quote, but with a more realistic twist added.

She doesn't want to sound too cliche after all.

Ryo ended his turn, and once more it was Fubuki's turn to see if he was able to turn the tides. "My turn! I'll draw!" He said as he drew a card, making it so that he now has two cards in hand.

"Alright! Since my opponent controls a Level 5 or higher monster, I can special summon Breeze Sphere in attack position!" The monster summoned was a small winged beast, carrying a sphere of air grasped within its talons.

Breeze Sphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 2/Effect: 700/1000

"And I'll activate the trap card, Atmospheric Transference! When a 'Sphere' monster has been special summoned, I can special summon a Level 4 or lower 'Sphere' monster from my deck!" The brown haired boy declared as he placed a card directly from his deck onto the field.

"I'll special summon another copy of Synthesize Sphere from my deck!" The winged beast let out a screech as it appeared onto the brown haired boy's field.

Synthesize Sphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 4/Effect: 1000/1000

"Synthesize Sphere's effect activates! When this card is summoned, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower 'Sphere' monster from my graveyard! I'll special summon the Synthesize Sphere from my graveyard!" Saying that, his newly summoned winged beast beat his wings, summoning another copy of itself from the graveyard.

Synthesize Sphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 4/Effect: 1000/1000

"And since Synthesize Sphere is special summoned," He started as he grinned at his opponent. "I can special summon one Level 4 or lower 'Sphere' monster from my graveyard! I'll special summon the Air Sphere from my graveyard!" The other Synthesize Sphere flapped its wings to summon a gust of wind, summoning the small bird protected by a sphere of air from the graveyard.

Air Sphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 2/Effect: 400/300

As soon as the monster reached his field, the green dome of wind surrounded his field once again, creating another lock for battle to his opponent.

"M-mamma mia! Without even performing a normal summon, Signore Tenjoin has managed to reestablish his field!" The blond dueling instructor shouted from his commentator seat.

"But I'm not done yet!" The brown haired boy declared. "I'll tribute Breeze Sphere to tribute summon Virtual Sphere!" The monster that appeared in the spot where the small bird was a human sized winged beast with two feather covered large claws grasping spheres of air.

Virtual Sphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 5/Effect: 2200/1800

"Battle!" The brown haired boy declared. "I'll attack your Cyber Eltanin with my Virtual Sphere!" The winged beast then threw one of his two spheres of air, hitting the cybernetic monster and dealing a small amount of damage.

Ryo Marufuji: 1800LP

"And now I'll attack with the rest of my monsters!" With that command, the three other winged beasts on the brown haired boy's field readied their respective attacks. Though not lethal, it will deal a hefty amount of damage to the future Kaiser.

"I'll activate the quick-play spell, Twin Twisters." The blue haired boy flipped his last face down card, still looking calmly but if one paid enough attention they would see his scrunched up eyebrows. "This card allows me to discard one card, then target up to two spells or traps on the field to destroy them."

The boy then showed a card from his hand that he is going to discard to his opponent. "I'll discard Cyber Phoenix from my hand to destroy my Cyber Network and one of your set cards." From the revealed quick-play spell card, two spinning tornadoes appeared and moved onto the two designated targets.

She saw that the face down that Ryo had destroyed was Unbroken Atmosphere, and she couldn't help but giggle at the frown that appeared on Fubuki's features as the card was sent to the graveyard.

"So you destroyed my trap card then." Fubuki said narrowing his eyes. "But my attacks still goes! Go! My monsters!" His orders given once more, the three monsters resumed their onslaught.

"I'll activate the effect of Cyber Network!" The blue haired duelist declared. "When This card is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can special summon as many of my banished light machine monsters as possible." Saying so he took out his five banished monsters from the banish zone and summoned them onto the field.

Cyber Valley - Light/Machine/Level 1/Effect: 0/0

Cyber Dragon Core - Light/Machine/Level 2/Effect: 400/500

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2100/1600

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2100/1600

Cyber Dragon Zwei - Light/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1000

"A-amazing!" The moustached commentator bellowed out. "To think that young Marufuji was capable of performing such a play! Truly he is an incredibly gifted duelist!" His fellow commentator could only nod, as he too was left as speechless as some of the crowd.

"Che!" The brown haired boy clicked his tongue as he saw the now fully filled board of monsters that blocked his onslaught. "I'll attack your Cyber Dragon Core with my Synthesize Sphere, and my other Synthesize Sphere will then attack your Cyber Valley."

The first target was indeed destroyed, though since the blue haired boy had summoned the monster in defence position he received no damage. The other one however, "I'll activate the effect of Cyber Valley. When it is targeted for an attack by an opponent's monster. I can banish it to draw one card then end the battle phase."

With that the battle phase ended with Ryo now having three monsters on his field and one extra card on hand.

The grin on the brown haired boy was now replaced with a frown, as he saw the only remaining card on his hand. "I'll banish my two Synthesize Spheres and the Troposphere in my graveyard, to special summon from my hand, and rule the field with The Atmosphere!"

With a large flurry of wind that filled the dueling platform, the two monsters from Fubuki's field were replaced along with a monster from the graveyard. And in their place stood a majestic orange bird with bright shining feathers and golden armor that screeched as it descended onto the field.

The Atmosphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 8/Effect: 1000/800

"A Level 8 monster with 1000 attack?" She heard the small violet haired girl beside her comment. Seemingly interested in the monster that the brown haired boy had just summoned.

"It's a monster that can absorb a monster that the opponent controls to gain its stats." She informed her. "Fubuki didn't summon it earlier since Cyber Eltanin's original attack was zero, so it would just be a waste of resources, but with two Cyber Dragons on the field now-"

"I can target one face up monster that you control and equip it to this card! And raise its attack and defence by the amount of the monster's attack and defence!" The orb of wind carried by the gigantic winged beast pulsed with power, pulling one of Ryo's Cyber Dragons inside of it.

"I equip one of your Cyber Dragons!" With that, now one of the Cyber Dragons lay dormant on the green orb carried by The Atmosphere.

The Atmosphere - Wind/Winged Beast/Level 8/Effect: 3100/2400

"With that, I end my turn." Fubuki ended his turn with three monsters and a battle lock still on his field.

"How will Signore Marufuji overcome this situation!" The blond professor shouted through the speaker, making the crowd cheer even wilder at the situation at hand.

"Will he even be able to?" His moustached companion asked in scepticism, seemingly sure of the brown haired boy's victory.

"My turn." The blue haired duelist declared looking quite serious. "I draw!" He shouted as he drew his card. And for the first time in the duel, Ryo Marufuji smiled.

"I'll activate Dark Hole!" With his declaration, a dark space formed in the middle of the field, engulfing all the monsters that were currently on the field. "When this card is activated, it destroys all monsters on the field."

When the dark curtain of power soon was lifted from the platform, it was to see that neither duelist now had a monster on either of their fields.

"Guh!" The brown haired boy grunted. "Virtual Sphere can special summon one Level 4 or lower 'Sphere' from the graveyard, but only when it's destroyed by battle." He informed his opponent as a bead of sweat dripped down his face.

"Mamma mia!" Cronos shouted. "To think that Signore Marufuji has managed to destroy all the monsters on Signore Tenjoin's field! This is truly an intense duel!"

"But with this his own field is clear as well." The military dressed dueling instructor commented. "Which leaves him vulnerable. While I commend his attempt at clearing the field, I do not think that this duel will last much longer."

She snorted at the comments as she popped another popcorn onto her mouth. "Yep, the old man's correct for once." She said earning the attention of most of the duelists in the room once again.

"If Ryo has the cards that I think he has, then this is game."

And of course, as she had predicted, the future Kaiser was indeed a great duelist as he had drawn the exact card that he needed to completely end the duel. "I will activate the spell Cybernetic Fusion Support. This card allows me to pay half of my Life Points. Once, if I fusion summon a machine fusion monster this turn, I can banish monsters from my hand, field, and or graveyard as the fusion materials!"

With that declared the boy let out a small grunt as he shaved his already meager amount of Life Points.

Ryo Marufuji: 900LP

"I now activate the card Power Bond!" He activated the last card in his hand that shone as it appeared on the field. "This card allows me to fusion summon one machine fusion monster from my Extra Deck using monsters from my hand or field as fusion materials." He started.

"But with the effect of Cybernetic Fusion Support you can banish the materials needed from the graveyard instead." His brown haired opponent half smiled half frowned at the card that had just been played.

The blue haired duelist nodded, and continued to explain what the card does. "The fusion summoned monster then gains attack equal to its original attack. But during the end phase of the turn this card was activated, I take damage equal to the attack gained from this effect at the time of the summon."

She heard the audience and even the commentators gasp at the high risk given by the card, but given its high reward and OTK potential, it was a staple at OTK machine decks.

She, sadly, does not have any of those cards. Though hopefully she can get her hands on those cards soon provided she still plays machine fusions and does not pivot to her Monarchs fully.

"I'll banish two of my Cyber Dragons, and Cyber Dragon Zwei which is treated as a 'Cyber Dragon'!" He declared as the three monsters briefly appeared on his field, all letting out a roar before being fused into one singular monster.

"Fusion summon! Come, Cyber Twin Dragon!" The monster that appeared was a gigantic two headed Cyber Dragon, with two different heads that was pulsing with purple electricity as it made its way onto the field.

Cyber Twin Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 8/Fusion/Effect: 2800/2100

The crowd went wild, and she herself felt giddy as one of Ryo's Ace Monster made its way onto the field after such a drawn out duel. "Because Cyber Twin Dragon was fused using Power Bond, it gains attack equal to its original attack!"

With a mechanical roar, the machine monster's attack doubles, ensuring an OTK on the clear field.

Cyber Twin Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 8/Fusion/Effect: 5600/2100

"Hey, hey, are you serious?" The brown haired boy said with sweat dripping from his head as he faced the twin headed monster bravely. "I guess you're the real deal. Dang, I wished I could've played my cards better." He said, accepting his imminent defeat with a smile.

Seeing that, Ryo too smiled as he finished the duel. "I attack with Cyber Twin Dragon! Evolution Twin Burst!" With that the two headed monster let out its attack, shooting beams of light from each of its heads to finish the duel.

Fubuki Tenjoin: 0LP

"The winner is Signore Marufuji!" The blonde Obelisk Blue dueling instructor declared from the commentating booth, his voice being sent out to everyone in the stadium and to those that were watching from the television.

With the duel over and the winner declared, the crowd went wild, and she too clapped her hand at the fun back and forth that she had witnessed. "That was a nice game." She said as she flicked another popcorn onto her mouth and gave some more to Mei as well.

"Yuuna." The violet haired girl called her and she tilted her head.

"What is it Mei?" She asked the violet haired girl.

"From the looks of it, I don't think that Yuuna's monsters can beat those mechanical dragons." Mei stated her observations, and she couldn't help but gasp and pout at the declaration.

"That's rude, but not entirely untrue." She said putting another popcorn inside her mouth. "I do run outs for the big bungusus that he can probably summon, but most of them aren't searchable and they certainly aren't fast excluding one. So the possibility that I'll lose aren't zero."

She has three outs to Power Bond boosted fusion monsters at the moment. Three of them are mostly traps too if she was being honest. Bottomless Trap Hole was one, Storming Mirror Force was the other, and though it can only out Cyber Twin Dragon or Chimeratech Rampage Dragon, Machina Citadel can blow them up if she chain it so that it blows them up before they receive the attack boost.

But they're incredibly slow, much to her displeasure, and one of them was a battle trap that can be removed by Chimeratech Rampage's effect too. And that wasn't even mentioning Ryo's Ace Monster that he hasn't shown, which was Cyber End that she can't out with Citadel.

And that also wasn't mentioning the fact that the kid probably has Limiter removal to boost his monsters even further.

Her OTK deck might win if she plays her cards right, but the chances of it losing was also extremely high too.

"Welp, might as well change decks to see how I can do with that one then." She said much to the surprise of most of the competitors in the room. Edo for one, looked at her strangely and had that contemplative look in his face, while the other two looked at her and then back to each other and shaking their heads.

No need to talk about Haru, he frowned while glaring at her before scoffing and turning away.

"Huh?" The violet haired girl let out a strange sound as she looked towards her. "Can you really change your deck in the middle of the tournament like that?" She asked her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Technically no, but technically yes." She said which made the girl more confused. Seeing the confused look the girl has, she chuckled and ruffled her hair, much to the smaller girl's glee. "There's no precedent for something like that I think, so it's mostly like tradition or something. But there aren't any hard rules about it since this technically isn't a tournament where you have to submit what your deck was."

She was basically being a cheat in other words.

Back in her old world, whenever one would participate in a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament, they would have to submit their deck and side deck. This was, of course, to make it so that duelists won't add cards outside their deck and cheat.

That and to make clear matchups since side decking was an important thing in her world, something that doesn't exist here.

This tournament however, did not have this kind of restriction. Nor did it even have the best two out of three type of match that she was used to. So basically put, she'll be switching gears to Monarchs on her second match, she'll be relying on Ehther and Erebus for interactions.

The blue haired boy probably runs Cyber Dragon Drei, which can prevent destruction from battle and card effects, and her out to that would be Erebus, and her interactions will be Ehther into Kuraz. She won't be using Orochi though, since that card needs an Extra Deck to pop a monster.

That and Domain to prevent any of the big bungusus from even appearing in the first place. There's no use to really use for something like Monarchs Erupt since they would still be big numbers.

Since his deck's OTK capabilities far suprasses her's, she'll use her control deck instead.

"Well." She said, trying to change the subject. "What about you? Your match is going to be after this next one right? Are you prepared to duel that then?" She asked the violet haired girl sitting beside her.

"For the third match, the winner of the fifth bracket, Haru Harule, will be facing the incredible dueling beast of the sixth bracket, Ryouma Kemono!" The name of the next two duelists were called, and both boys made their way out of the door quickly and silently.

"Well there goes those two." She said, "Welp, I'm gonna head to the bathroom too, so don't eat all the popcorn." With that said, she sat up from the incredibly comfy sofa chair and went out of the door and went to search for the bathroom.

She passed the pair of duelists who had just been dueling, and saw that they were being buddy-buddy to each other. Well, one of them was being incredibly buddy-buddy, that being Fubuki of course, while Ryo simply nodded to whatever the brown haired boy said, though she did see a ghost of a smile on his features.

She smiled and nodded to the two of them as she passed them. The two returned her nod, though Fubuki returned it with an enthusiastic wave.

She did want to talk more to them, but she can do that later, she needs to go to the toilet first.


"Man, that was one duel! I don't think I've ever been beaten this bad! Not ever since I actually started dueling" The brown haired boy said with a laugh as the two had passed the red haired girl and entered the waiting room.

The brown haired boy's companion merely nodded with a grunt of acknowledgement, not even changing his facial expression other than that small ghost of a smile that was on his feature.

The duel was something that Fubuki Tenjoin had enjoyed, so much so if he was being honest.

He was well known for being quite a great duelist ever since he has held a deck after all, he was strong enough to even duel against his father who was a pro-duelist on even grounds. It had even gotten to the point where he felt bored, he still wanted to be a pro-duelist mind you, it was his dream after all, but he was slowly getting bored of dueling itself due to his incredible prowess.

And then he just had to be humbled by the blue haired boy beside him.

Most of the people in the room were people that he had heard about, all of them having reputations of being incredible duelists. That was how most of them got to this point of the tournament after all.

He of course had heard of Ryo Marufuji from the rumour mill and the dueling forums that he joined. What of him being an incredibly strong duelist who was able to defeat even adults in his first turn.

That was why he went second on their duel after all, he could have probably set up his battle lock even on his first turn, but he wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be beaten as easily and so he took the second turn to also deal damage against the blue haired boy.

But instead he had been beaten, his strategy had been bested, and he had dropped out of the tournament for better or worse.

Thankfully he could still watch the upcoming matches from the comfort of the waiting room, it had an air conditioner which was better than being out under the sun while he was still wearing his jacket!

But still, the other competitors other than the blue haired boy that bested him were also people of note.

He had heard of both Sarah Dolly and Ryoma Kemono, while both were not as famous as himself or the boy that had beaten him, they were still accomplished duelists that each had a few junior league tournaments in their region under their belts.

Edo Phoenix, son of THE Mr. Phoenix, was an incredible duelist whose name was as well known as Ryo Marufuji on the junior dueling group all around the world. His capabilities as a duelist rivals that of Ryo, and so is his notoriety for being able to crush his opponents strategy.

But then the surprise came from the three people whom he hadn't heard of until today, and one of them was capable of beating that Edo Phoenix with barely inconveniencing herself.

Which was fine, it's not like the dueling forums know every duelist in the world after all. And since they seem to all be residents of Academy Island which was quite isolative, he wasn't that bothered that he hadn't heard of them.

Haru Harule was someone whom he hadn't heard of. But considering his name, Fubuki could only conclude that he was somehow related to the pro-duelist Joe Harule who worked for the Academia, a quite well known and established duelist.

Mei however was someone that he has no info about, what being an orphan that he had just met today and all. But if she had made it this far then she has to be quite the strong duelist. It made him anticipate watching the small girl duel and see what she can do.

And then there was Yuuna, the girl who managed to defeat Edo Phoenix.

She was a strong duelist, her strategy was built strongly to counter the grey haired boy's plays as if she knew what Edo would do beforehand. And that wasn't mentioning the strong cards that she has on her possession.

He wonders if he could beat her. Maybe with a bit of luck he could, but the imminent thought that he had was could she beat the blue haired Ryo Marufuji in their upcoming match?

He paused his pondering as he watched the screen, the two duelists had made their way onto the dueling platform. "Man, how will this duel go huh?" He said out loud to start a conversation.

The violet haired girl merely frowned as she watched the screen. "I hope that Haru loses." She said bluntly.

"Ouch." He said feigning hurt for the black haired boy at the girl's blatant wish for him to lose an incredibly important duel. "That's not really nice you know?" He said to the girl who merely huffed and refused to respond to his question.

She instead tried to direct the conversation into a different route, "That Haru probably still uses his Ancient Gears." She said, "Probably to try and prove that he's a better duelist than Yuuna while using it, even though he's not."

Ouch, he felt bad for him. "Is that so?" He said nonchalantly. "Well, who do you think will win anyway? Between Ryoma and Haru?" He asked once again.

"I don't know." The violet girl answered. "I don't know what the red haired boy's, Ryoma was it? I don't know what his deck is and what it intends to do, and what Haru has done to change his deck in the tournament, so I don't know who would win."

Oh, so she couldn't predict who would win because she doesn't know what both duelists' deck was? That's understandable if he was being honest. "If I wasn't wrong, I did hear that Ryoma was known for using Gladiator Beasts." He said as he looked at the other duelists around the room who were also as knowledgeable as him on networking.

"Yeah." The other girl said. "He's known for using Gladiator Beasts from where he's from. It's how he got the nickname 'The Beast' after all. What with his aggressive dueling style." She finished with a frown.

"Thanks! " He said, smiling at the girl, and turning to the smaller violet haired girl sitting next to an empty sofa seat. "So, now that you know what deck he plays, who do you think will win?"

"Humumumu..." The girl made a weird sound as she closed her eyes, seemingly in deep thought as she tried to attempt to answer his question. "The matchup isn't that bad if anything, both are aggressive decks if I'm not wrong, at least that's what Yuuna told me."

Hearing the mention of the red haired girl's name, Fubuki raised an eyebrow. "Yuuna huh." He said as his eyes trailed on to the grey haired boy that she had beaten earlier. "Well, do you think that she'll know who'll win this duel then?"

"Of course." She answered immediately, leaving him quite shocked at her quick reply.

"Is that so?" He asked again, and she nodded.

"Yuuna knows a lot. She can probably guess what a duelist would do if she knew their deck after all." The violet haired girl beamed as she praised the girl that was currently out of the room. "In fact, she even guessed what play the two of you would do on the last duel!"

That remark gained the attention of the blue haired boy sitting beside him. "Really?" He asked, and the violet haired girl nodded with a smug smile.

"She predicted that blue hair would summon Cyber Eltanin to clear the board of monsters, and she predicted that you would use The Atmosphere to get rid of one of the Cyber Dragons, and she even predicted that blue hair's fusion would end the match too!"

He glanced at his blue haired friend, who looked quite intrigued at the prospect of dueling someone that knew what he would do and smiled at the violet haired girl. "I see," he said with a smile.

"Well, I hope that she puts on a good match later then."