
Tower of Conquerors Online!

Welcome to the world of Tower of Conquerors Online, a place where you can be the conqueror you want to be! Do you want a harem of different species? you can have it (be careful with favorability, some are very treacherous)! Do you want to drive a super expensive and very colorful mecha? here you have hundreds of templates to choose from (be sure to level up your tech core to be able to build one)! Do you want to fly through the starry sky and blow things up with your bare hands? We have all kinds of mutations for that! (Be careful with friendly fire, you might start an interspecies war). ------ *Boom! *Boom! When mysterious but familiar towers fell from the sky, humanity realized that this wonderfully and insanely realistic game was more than just a game... 【Governments worldwide are searching for humanity's champion, 'Silent Shadow'. The Star Tower guild is trying to contact him, but so far, there have been no results. 】 When it was discovered that his skills and technology could bring significant changes to Earth, governments around the world demanded the presence of the most powerful and feared player. However, he did not appear. Where was Silent Shadow? Well... "This isn't real, haha, I didn't know lucid dreams could be so realistic..." Lying on a narrow bed, a young man of average appearance denied the reality. This young man was Silent Shadow, but... why was he escaping reality? Well... 【Earth warmly welcomes its descendants! -Princess Amazon - Species: Amazon-Human Hybrid (Zyraethian-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow -Princess of the Lucifugus Empire - Species: Demon-Human Hybrid (Daemonium-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow -Twin Heroines of Eternal Ice - Species: Human (Arcanite-Earthling) - Earthling Father: Silent Shadow】 "How did it all turn out like this?", thought the young man as he recalled his entire journey from the beginning....

DaoistAdQYQ3 · 奇幻
45 Chs

Clean slate

Fortunately or unfortunately, I survived.

As if by a stroke of fate, mystical towers descended upon our world just as they were about to find me, diverting their attention. Initially suspicious, the promise of advancement captivated them, and they began competing among themselves.

(But the tower is 'fair'...)

These humans, who had bathed in my blood and that of my children, were identified as something more than human. They saw it as a compliment, but to me, it was nothing but a death sentence.

The first official war of these humans was against an unforgiving race. They all fell; there was no chance. The enemy was ruthless and direct, and those humans who had changed by dragon blood did not know how to properly use their abilities.

(Even that hero had a pathetic death...)

The war expanded to our homeworld. Nothing and no one could stop them. Demons? Exterminated. Elves? Enslaved. Dragons? Nothing.

I was even forced to fight to prevent the world from falling, but it was in vain. My body was a wreck thanks to those anti-dragon weapons, and my strength was not great, plus I was not exactly a dragon with martial virtues.

And how did it all end?

Unable to defend ourselves or repel the invasion of our homeworld, the enemy stayed in our world until the death of the last champion. I was the last living champion, but it all ended when they discovered me and eliminated my mortal body with a mysterious weapon.

In the end, our world was assimilated by the tower, without enough resources to plunder. I could only watch in vain as everything crumbled while my soul was also damaged.


POV Tiamat

I opened my eyes. The memories... they are so painful and humiliating.

I stopped watching that fragment of the past and focused on the current human.

"You're completely different from him, and I don't think you have his personality either," I said while examining his face.

Normally, I wouldn't have any obligations to this human, even if I knew he was my former life partner.

(But that fragment...)

That changes everything, as it can be seen as a threat of destiny or a warning that I will not be free from the karma I still carry.

(Nothing is so casual in this place...)

With that thought, I tried something.


[Status Window:

Name: Tiamat

Species: Divine Dragon of Life

Race: ??? (Now you belong to the tower)

Status: Divine Soul (tangible)

Overall Rating: Divine souls cannot be rated]

It was disappointing not to see anything more than that, but I suppose it's okay. At least the tower recognizes something of my existence.



Second Chance of Life (EX) x1]

[Second Chance of Life (EX) x1

You will get a new chance at life, but you will lose everything.

Note: You can partially customize your new life, but it comes at a price.]

(I still have it... excellent.)

It goes without saying that I also entered this tower, and even with my wounds, I was able to obtain many good things. Things that I exchanged for this item when I learned of my world's fate.

It was not something that anyone could obtain or find easily.

"With this, I can start over..."

And since I am a divine soul currently, I can cheat a little...

It was then that I noticed that pink ribbon again.



POV Ethan

(What do I do?) That was the only thing plaguing my mind as I watched the woman in front of me.


My nervousness was clearly visible, but she did not act; she just stood there, observing.

Weapons... I don't think they'll work.

Running... maybe if she trusts, but in movies, they always magically appear in front of you.

Begging? Never. I'd rather die like a man than beg. I have a bit of pride, you know?

(Even so, that a game can make me feel like I'm facing an apparently superior being... it's incredible.) I disconnected from the scene for a moment to praise the game.

I even blinked.


"Huh?" I exclaimed, confused not to see that woman when I did.

With a very foreboding feeling, I slowly turned my head and...


She was here, right next to me, just a few steps away, with her green eyes shining terrifyingly.



The fright was so great that I fell and dropped the rifle in my hands.

(Hyper-speed? No, that was more like teleportation...) I theorized, but that was mostly a final reflection, realizing I was already dead.

She looked at me for a moment before speaking.

"How did you heal me?"

(Seems like she speaks my language, but...)


I was so terrified that I couldn't respond and only glanced at a certain vial on the floor next to the sarcophagus.

She caught my glance and looked in that direction.

"I see..."

The silence stretched for a few seconds before she spoke again.

"Fate brought us together again..." she began with a strange speech I had no idea about.

(What is she talking about? This is really bothering me.)

"I won't give you power, as my blood will turn you into the downfall of your people like the humans of my world... but"

(But? Wait, is she going to give me something?)

I really want to understand what this woman is talking about, but my discomfort doesn't let me concentrate, and for some reason, I feel abnormally angry with this situation.

*Dragging slowly

I began to move a bit towards the rifle while she was talking.

"I know some tricks," she continued and then...



She... began to change.

(A transformation?)

Her hair changed from black to green and grew until it reached her feet.

Her dress changed its shape and was now a long lime green dress, with some ornaments that looked like golden flowers.

*Step, step

She took a few simple steps to approach me, and each step left a trail of... illusory flowers?

She looked like a goddess.

A goddess that annoyed me quite a bit for no reason.


I dragged myself a bit and focused on the nearby rifle. When I put a hand on the rifle...


I felt a touch on my shoulder and froze.

I turned my gaze and...


"I'll give you this in case we don't meet again, but if we do..." she was right in front of me, with her head just a few centimeters from mine.

Almost touching our foreheads.

"I will faithfully fulfill the vows of our broken pact in our past life," she finished with that and moved even closer to me.


She gave me a short kiss on the lips, nothing extraordinary.

But for me...

"Ughhh!!!" My throat burned, and I also felt an abnormal urge to vomit.


I writhed on the ground, unable to expel anything from my throat.

I felt very ill.

(Did she poison me?!) was the only thought I could muster while glaring at her.

She took that look with a neutral face, though with a raised eyebrow.

"##### you are gone, now it's time for your new life," with that said, she moved her hand closer.

I didn't understand the first part, but curiously, all the fear and nervousness I had disappeared when she kissed me.

All I had was... rage.


And controlled by that emotion, I pushed her hand away as it approached me.


"...Until the day we meet again." She was not bothered and simply said that.


"Huh?" I was surprised to notice she touched my forehead without me realizing.


Something strange happened in my head, and I seemed to hear something odd.

-You!!! How dare you!!!

Before losing consciousness.

[You have obtained the talent 'Life Pact (SSR)'!]

[Life Pact (SSR): All your healing is 800% more effective, immune to mortal diseases, all life you nurture will be blessed, great favorability with dragon-type creatures

-"It seems the river did not do a good job with you, would you accept this repentance?"]

[You have obtained a credit transfer! ]

As English is not my native language, it might contain some inconsistencies

Did you see something wrong? Help me point it out and I'll correct it as soon as possible!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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