
Towards a New Future with my Twins

From being an average office worker to a pregnant vampire princess?! Wait a minute! I cannot catch the tide! Crystal is the filial daughter of two average working couples from the province. She struggles to earn money while using her short amount of time and day-offs to meet and bond with her parents. However, they all met a tragedy when an earthquake hit their apartment and they died on the spot. Crystal mourned and longed to have a family of her own, just like her parents' loving relationship. Transmigrating to a medieval era where monsters, vampires, and demon exists, will Crystal be to live in peace with her twins when misfortune always comes and knocks at their door?

rosella0214 · 奇幻言情
13 Chs

Chapter 1: Time is too Short

Since I was a little kid, I always looked up to my parent's loving relationship. They will support each other when the other is having troubles, fix their problems together, and kept being loyal and romantic to one another. Although our small family of three is just from the province and struggling to live in the bustling city, we were all content with what we have.

As time passes by, I didn't notice that I was already 25 years old. My parents were already retired and being the only child, I took my parents' burden on the money. their pension is enough to feed them every day, however, I still want to share the happiness and joy I get every time I get my paycheck and bond with them.

It is now the time of the month to get my paycheck and I'll buy ingredients for a hotpot. It was already six pm when I came home and I saw my parents watching the news together in the living room. I gave a quick peck on their cheeks before I went to the kitchen to ready our dinner.

"Crystal I'll help you."- My mother walked beside me while tying her apron, I nodded and thanked her. The preparation took less time and my father took care of preparing the dining table.

"Crystal, you're already this old. Why do you not look for a spouse than taking care of us old bags of bones?"- My father asked me while we were eating. I looked at him with a funny look before shaking my head.

"Father, Mother, I'm already very grateful to be with you together. I'll take care of you two, building a family of my own is the second priority of mine."- I said that made my mother sigh.

"Dear, what did we teach our child to be like this? I want to have grandchildren in my arms too, I want to hear children's laughter and lovable faces. Crystal are you really not gonna look for a spouse sooner? What if we didn't get to see your children at all? I'll be very regrettable."- My mother said and gently wiped away the non-existent tear from the corner of her eyes. I rolled my eyes before I jokingly pointed my chopsticks at them.

"Mother, Father, just like you two, I also wanted to have that kind of romance and relationship. However, in this fast-paced generation, we cannot have that anymore. Besides, they're just getting together for different kinds of potential benefits they could bring to each other, I do not want to look for a relationship in that kind of trend."- I said and looked at them with an apologetic look.

"Sorry but, I won't be getting a spouse or birth to a child this early."- I said to them but they only laughed.

"Crystal, we are not pressuring you to get one right now, we want you to enjoy yourself and always be happy with what you are doing."- Mother said and Father readily agreed.

"Be happy and content with what you currently have. It's fine to reach for what you want and obtain it but don't be too greedy for materialistic things."- Father said to me and I nodded.

"Yes, materialistic things will come and go but people's feelings, memories, and experiences will not easily fade away."- Mother said and I nodded eagerly.

"Everything you both taught me, I will treasure and keep it all in mind. I will not disappoint you, Mother, Father. I love you two!"- I said and stood up to go behind their chair and proceeded to hug them tight.

"We love you too, dear. We love you very much,"- The dinner ended on a warm note. I was the only one left awake after they rest up early. I took out my other paperwork to work on while I can still stay awake to lessen my burden tomorrow. While I was busy, I felt a small tremor coming out of nowhere. I looked around in suspicion, the tremors persist for five seconds and I saw some picture frames and vases moving from their original positions. I immediately stood up from my seat and run towards my parents' room when it happened.

I was momentarily thrown off my feet and my head is dizzy. I heard the loud crashing of concrete, metal, and the fire ignited from the electricity of the apartment. The ground continues to shake and I was left with no choice but to hide under the table and hold tight. The night was terrifying. I can hear other peoples scream for help or calling for their loved ones. the buildings crashing down the ground and other noises being drowned from the glasses shattering down from the impact.

"M-Mom! Dad! Where are you?"- The electricity shot down and the source of light I have was the fire that was slowly growing in volume in the kitchen. Wait in the kitchen-

"Holy shi-"- I flipped the table on its side and took cover from the explosion that came from our LPG tank. I covered my ears with my hands and scoot closer to the table so that I won't get thrown away or bleed from the debris flying around.

The ground trembled and I immediately held onto the table to stabilize myself, it was the first aftershock but it was still as disastrous as the earthquake. After it subsided, I immediately opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings, and I was left feeling miserable.

The other side of the apartment building was cut in half, and it crushed down from the large gap from the earthquake. I took a shaky breath as I looked down at the darkness of the fissure. I cannot breathe properly... I cannot see where my parents are... there are many deaths and casualties around me... I need to find them.

"I... I have to find them, I need to.."- I scrambled up to my feet and looked for the emergency bag that we prepared in case of emergencies. I took our spare identification cards before I run down to the fire exit of the building that was still intact. There were some people I passed by that were disoriented and in a state of shock and denial, but I cannot be like that, I have to move forward and I still have hope that my parents are still alive. I just need time and the government's help to look for the other lost citizen from the earthquake.

"Don't start assuming things, Crystal, they could still be alive and waiting for you. Focus and don't lose hope.. focus..."- I mumbled to myself as I climbed down the stairs and reached the alley of the building. I saw medics rushing everywhere in the city, firefighters and police rescue teams are around the place too.

"Calm down, Crystal. I need to look around, observe and proceed to a plan. Don't be reckless."- I calmed my giddy heart and went to the tent being set up for the people to rest and rescue.

I waited patiently, days turn to weeks and weeks turn to a month. They never recovered bodies or missing people that have fallen from the fissure. it was the epicenter of the earthquake and I was left devastated, alone, and miserable.

Standing in front of the memorial the government built for the people who passed away from this tragedy, my parents' names were carved on the large marble stones. It was cloudy today and everyone who lost their loved ones was standing with me while sending them off with white flowers.

I held the stem of the flower tightly, I cannot believe that they died just like that... I can't... I don't want to send them off like this...

The wind blew hard, carrying the flower petals up to the sky, I gritted my teeth together before throwing the flower to the bunch. Immense pain nestled inside my chest as the thunder resounded upon the sky and a heavy downpour cascades down to everyone. I have so many things I promised to them, so many aspirations, and a future I want with them and my future family... but now- it's all pointless.

I remembered crying hard under the harsh downpour. I remember the feeling of stinging pain of the raindrops to my exposed skin, the coldness of the wind, and my body shivering as it loses its strength to hold myself up. The pain felt like tearing my heart to shreds, as my voice turns hoarse and almost voiceless from my dry throat from my mournful cries. Blaming myself for my parent's death, if only I was a step closer, if only I reacted quickly!

A future without the warmth of my parents, a path so straight yet so cold. I do not want to walk further, it's pointless; it doesn't matter anymore. Through my blurry eyes, I saw that I was the only one left. I stood up and took a shaky breath, walking towards the bridge connecting the other city. Only a few vehicles were driving here and it works for me. I touched the cold metal of the structure. It was bone-chilling and slippery from the rain, I took a deep breath before propping myself up to stand on the railings.

"Death didn't separate them apart, but it did to me and them... A future without my parents... the people dear to me... what's the use of the rest of my life?"- I looked down the raging black river, it looks inviting and I feel like all of my worries and grief will also be washed away.

"Mom... Dad... I'll follow you."

I let the gravity pull me down towards the ominous river, however, someone called me from where I last stood sounding so desperate and devastated.


'Who was that? But does it matter now? I'm dying and I want to reach my parents... fulfill the promises between us and live happily... that's all that matters.'

Losing consciousness and finally succumbing to death, Crystal closed her eyes.