
Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines!

Totally Another Typical Isekai: Outlines! is just what it sounds like. It’s my story, but it’s basically the unedited drafts of it which will come out much quicker. While I can’t guarantee the main elements won’t be changed from this version to that one, I will say I’ll try my best on both! Now on to our synopsis! Our unlucky protagonist wakes up to find himself in a cage with his keepers speaking a language he can’t understand. He looks around to see other people in cages with some nonhuman characteristics, and it makes him question if he’s in a dream, but soon that idea will be shattered. This novel is still in its early stages, so make sure to be kind and if you want to chill, get alerted when the novel gets updated, and get earlier versions and releases, join the discord! ---> https://discord.gg/NYSDfRnnzK

ThatDragonFly · 奇幻
22 Chs

Chapter 1 Unedited

The feeling of cold concrete on my back… The dirt from the floor all over my legs, the small leak in the roof that would drip down that would consume the quiet besides the occasional screams, and the only warmth in here is this dirty old rag that was once a blanket and these scraps they call clothes.

While being here, I don't know how long I've been here because of the whole lot of nothing they do here. Time seems to fly at some points then come to crawl at others, but I know I've been here for a while at least a couple months.

Feeling my blood boils at the thought of how long I've been trapped here, so I bang on the bars again, hoping this time they just put me out of my misery already. After what I can guess is a minute a person in full plate armor walks up to my cell and says "Quid stulte puer, cur molestus agas, ... scis quid fit." then a few seconds later he mutters 『ضربة الصاعقة inpulsa Bolt!』lightning fires out of his hand and I drop to the ground with every muscle in my body spasming.

After he lets out a chuckle he says, "Nunc quiesce, et expecta emptorem!" not like I could understand them, but then I hear his footsteps get further and further. The only thing I could muster up after that is to crawl to the shitty blanket and pass out…



I jolt awake after I hear slamming on the bars of the armored guard from earlier, but this time he is with someone that is wearing a cloak. I can't make out their face but I think they are female because of how her voice sounds while talking to the guard, not that I could understand them at all. After their conversation runs its course, she turns to me and says, 『أعظم شفاء Maior Sana!』which makes a circle type thing appear in the air that puts me on guard because something similar happened when I got shocked those times.

With my arms up, I'm confused… The attack never comes. This time a bright light flashes and I feel a lot better. I notice a lot of the visible scars and injuries on my arms are gone. She then tries to talk to me for a few minutes, but to no avail because she keeps speaking a language I've never heard, just like everyone that's spoken since I've woken up here.

Then, after a while of her trying to talk to me, she mutters『تعويذة يمكن أن تترجم』and again, I ready myself for another painful experience because I know the difference between talking and what I assume is a spell but when no pain comes, I look back to the person and they say "I'm sorry I scared you. Don't worry, all I did was use a healing and a translation spell."

I weakly ask "W-why?"

She immediately asks "Does the surname Davidson mean anything to you?"

Well, it means nothing to me, but I feel intense sadness or grief from what I assume is what is left of the original owner of this body and make up a quick lie "I can't remember anything before coming here."

She sighs and says, "Can you at least touch this real quick?" as she pulls out a weird blue crystal, then puts it through the bars. So I do, but as soon as my skin makes contact, what looks to be a hologram shoots out of it…

『Name: Eric Davidson

Mana Purity Class: High A

Physical Prowess: High F

Inflictions: Malnutrition and Slave Binding

Blessings: None』

She just smiles and throws something at me, then the guard says, "Yeah, put this boy into the coliseum."

My blood runs cold as I yell "w-What is the coliseum?!"

The guard chimes in, "A great place where most people don't make it out of." and the cloaked person just nods weakly so they don't accidentally knock their hood off. I get closer to the bars and say, "I-I can't fight!" with a tear going down my face.

The guard just says "Well, it will be over quickly then." while chuckling. Then the cloaked woman throws me something and says, "This will help… hopefully." not long after, they just leave.

All I could muster up after that interaction is a weak sigh, but then I look at what she threw at me…

A tarot card?

The only words on it are "The Hanged Man" which adds to this already confusing situation… Why am I even here? I want to go back to my old world! When will this damn nightmare end?! This stuff only happens in shitty novels!

As all these thoughts spin through my head, I just begin to uncontrollably laugh. Am I really missing my old life? I remember always dreading school and home life, so why do I miss it now?

Well, I guess anything is better than being stuck in this shitty small cage. I wonder what god I angered to even get thrown here…

A world with what seems to be magic, as well as a few people with animal features. Most of them are bought pretty quick though and I could only assume they had it much worse than being in here because of the lust filled eyes of their buyer's.

At the very least, I hope that this ends soon either by waking up or… by… Death.

Author's note- Hello hello everyone! This novel is still in it's early stages so please be kind and give feedback!