
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · 奇幻
102 Chs

25 Disrespect

"And it shall be so, that is why you must surrender those beastmen for execution." an annoying voice sounded out as a group of people forced their way into the training grounds led by a man who looked like the scheming type but with no real power. Their blatant disregard as they sauntered to the training grounds were something that ignited a deep sense of anger inside the townsfolk.

But being former peasants to a society of nobility made them indecisive towards confronting a noble. This was seen by Mark whom he could not blame because he knew making them change drastically is something he wouldn't do as he would have to make these people mindless thralls should he reach that necessity in hypnotizing them.

But something bothered him more was the looks of arrogance being thrown to him by the man in front as well as the priest he denied last time. The Wizard was not even looking at him but just showed disgusted looks all over the place. Mark's frown deepened at the sight and said in anger.

"Men! Throw them out!" Mark threw the weights he was holding on the ground which made a large booming noise. The weight of the item was shown as it made a tremor that was felt even outside the Training grounds. The townfolk who were indecisive awakened and followed Mark's orders, they might not actively defy a noble but with him backing them up made them confident.

The group of people coming in arrogantly was shocked at the tremor that they were not able to react at the order Mark just gave which had given the people in the training ground enough time to get weapons and spears. They then pointed to the group surrounding them with at least two dozen armed towns folk.

"You dare rai-" the priest who Mark recognize was about to speak but Mark looked at him with an indifferent glare and said.

"Kill that man too, bring his head to me. I don't give a fuck who you all are but going inside here without my permission is a blatant disrespect that I do not take kindly. So leave before I have you all killed to." Mark didn't bother with the group anymore as this seemed like one of those cliche events where a bigger bad guy or a rich idiot was fooled by his lackey got fooled into doing stupid things.

"Do you know who I am boy?" The nobleman was still acting all high and mighty saying these lines feeling confident in his ten guards.

"No, I do not. And I don't intend to know an idiot as I might be infected by their stupidity." Mark said as he walked at the end of the training ground.

"Hmph, you shall regr-" the noble man was about to give more threats but the townsfolk didn't tarry any longer and closed in to his guards stopping him from giving a cliché speech. His guards were also arrogant as they slowly drew out their swords but darts were already flying in the air striking their necks alongside the Mage who was also about to blow up.

Soon they all fell down unconscious making the noble man pale in horror. He never thought they would use darts as it was a preconceived notion that Brettonians hate fighting from afar or using range weapons as it was dishonorable. That was why he was confident in the ten men as they were the elite soldiers of his father's army. Seeing them taken out instantly along with the Wizard made him want to say so many colorful curses but the tip of a spear was already at his throat.

"You risk having war pointing that spear to me old man!" the nobleman threatened but he was greeted by silence. The priest who was with him was also pale white speechless hearing the last order from that hated noble he detested. He instigated this event as he knew this guy was the third son of the Van Daleen family of Marienburg who was a foolish dandy that loved showing off to others.

Never would he have thought that an instant conflict happened without Mark hesitating at all. He didn't even listen at their introduction at all so maybe he didn't know who the man with him was. He must salvage it because he would be killed if not.

"Do you not know who this is? This is the third son of the Van Daleen family, the family of the Baron of Westerland!" The priest said which made the townsfolk hesitate. Seeing this, the nobleman also gained a bit of confidence but Mark's voice was heard from afar.

"So there are still two more sons, he won't miss the idiotic one. He'll thank me anyways for getting rid of Useless trash in his family tree." This made the nobleman pale as he was indeed not that important to the family. Only his family name was able to sway these elites of his father's army to follow him to this small place to be able to gain a chance to behead a Minotaur.

He wanted something to brag towards his fellow young masters back in Marienberg so he blatantly marched here seeing it was only countryside noble from a weaker kingdom than the Empire.

"You are all dishonorable! You dare use poisoned darts!? Are you not knights of Brettonia?" the nobleman said trying to grasp on straws as he was not calm enough to think straight. Never in his life had he met a lunatic such as Mark who didn't care of his family's name.

"You're trespassing the grounds of my liege so there is no honor to be shown to you. Besides none of us are even knighted, we have no honor to protect only orders to follow." Old man Hans slowly walked forward as he was confident towards the decision of his Lord Mark. He had shown great wisdom and strength that he didn't fear even a vile spawn of Chaos.

Others didn't know much but he knew that it was a Bloodbull that Mark fought. And reforming a beastmen was no mere feat a normal man could accomplish which meant his lord is fated for great things.

Hans suddenly drew his blade which decapitated the troublesome priest in one skillful stroke of the blade. This was also another reason on how insightful and a genius their lord is. He told him stories of people fighting with only one hand and had shown great valor which made Hans inspired and hopeful. Thus he treated Mark's words as holy edicts to be followed.

A third son is indeed of no importance if he could only bring this much force despite being a son of the Baron of Westerland. But they did not do much other than imprison the nobleman, the wizard and the other guards were just striped of their weapons and magical items.

They were put inside a large Jail which Mark had made to punish some of the townsfolk who did wrong things. Some were thieves caught in town as well as trouble makers but Hans made sure to put this group in one room.

"How dare you peasant imprison me here?! Release me and I shall show mercy by giving you all a swift death!! I am Bertrand Van Daleen!! Third son of Baron Derrick Van Dallen!!! You all release me right now and I'll have my men not kill your women!! I'll just have them r*ped and violated in front of you all!!" The idiot noble broke down as this was the first time he experienced such treatment so he threatened them thinking they would be scared at his titles but all he got were more hostile looks from the guards.

He was the third son but he was still spoiled dandy through and through, thus his mind couldn't take in him being a prisoner. He would get laughed at by his peers if they heard he was imprisoned in a country side town. Also his father would most likely punish him as he came here under orders to deliver a marriage proposal letter to the Beaumanior Family which was a long family ally.

If he couldn't deliver the letter in time as the 14th nameday of the First daughter of the Beaumanior Family then his father would have his hide once he goes home. He never knew Mark didn't even think og releasing him but he still spewed threats anyways even if he knew that his father wouldn't do that. Neglectful he may be to his children's fate except for the Eldest and second Brother, he was still strict and a scheming person.

Having a scandal of him going to another lord's land without doing the necessary traditions of being guest meant he is not eligible to rights of a guest. He thought that his name would scare them into thinking things through like it always was back at the empire but the impulsive behavior of his didn't seem to matter inside another kingdom.

Even if he spent the whole day spewing threats no guards gave him any attention. Even when the wizard and his guards were now awake from the sleeping darts, which took eight hours to dissolve from the body's system. It was a tranq dart Mark made using some simple chemistry he remembered as well as resources available in his island.

"I told you there was something wrong with that priest, yet you didn't listen. We followed you here Mousillon as a show of strength to the Beaumanior family not as your goons" The wizard was still weak from the tranq dart but his eyes blazed in fury, he never thought that he would get knocked out immediately without even a chance to conjure a flame wall to protect them.

[Authors Note: I've been trying to scour more info about the Warhammer Fantasy World as well as various things from Marvel and DC for the past few days. I've been thinking of putting some events from the comics or TV shows as well as characters that were not much shown in the movies. I know I had tagged this fan-fic novel with R-18 and Harem but that would be for later once I think of waifus that I like.]

If any of you know underated heroes, anti-villains or villans with tragic history that can be changed by MC like dead parents (sorry Batman, MC was too late) of traumatic events (Not gonna save Flash's mom) even some characters that seemed good enough to be given a second chance then please comment. It's quite hard trying to peice together many things from three large universes but I chose this cause I like the game as well as the two franchise.

Warcry_Aymscreators' thoughts