
Chapter 181: Battle at the Haunted House (Part 3)

Hyunmin and Sihoo stared at me in shock. They clearly did not believe what they had just witnessed. Even then, Hyunmin's shocked face was so pretty.

"One more to go."

I pulled the string again. As soon as I did that, the ghost in the other window, that was taunting me, moved away real fast.

"Does he think that it will make it harder to find him?"

I aimed at the wall. I'll put a hole through that instead.

"W-wait!" Sihoo shouted at me. I turned to aim at him instead.

"H-hey! Don't point that at me!" Sihoo said, taking a step back. With a smirk, I lowered it until it pointed to his private area.

"I should just make it fall off."

I really should. You think I'm joking? I'm 100% serious. Unfortunately, that's when it happened. Sihoo suddenly transformed into goblin fire and began to run. As he did, he called out over his shoulder.

"Catch me if you can!"

So I aimed and shot, the arrow hitting its mark.


The fire began to dwindle. I couldn't tell if he was dying or not.