
News from outside the continent (3)

After they took the man to the wooden bridge. The military stopped and waited for him to wake up.

Nobody had the courage to force him to wake up because nobody knew about him.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the man to wake up.

"Asdaasa ... addasadadas ... asdasdasda ..." He murmured in an unknown language. Only those who live on the Xinia Continent or in the initial village can understand this language.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!" All the military personnel around were shocked to hear the unknown words. Nobody understood anything he said.

Everyone at the site had a vague idea of ​​the languages ​​in the world today, but none resembles the language spoken by man.

"Ffasaafsfas. Ssgegeg" He looked at everyone around him and commented, but no one could understand what he was talking about.

"Hello" The US military officer approached and commented. He was the first to speak.