

After six hours of rest, all participants in the fighting competition left their rooms, but the slaves were forced to stay inside the room. This is to avoid some problems.

They all went to a waiting room to be called at the time of the fight.

In the arena, Grum, the Impartial Judge, was making the draw and announcing the upcoming fights.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the number of participants remaining is twenty-five, that is, an odd number of participants !!! Thus, one of them will automatically advance to the next stage without having to fight !!! That lucky participant is..." He snapped his fingers and a large projection with the photo of the twenty-five participants was shown.

The twenty-five and photos mix for a few seconds before being separated into pairs. But a picture was left without a pair.

"The lucky participant is Mr. Smile !!!!" Grum, the Impartial Judge, announced.