
44. Once a Field Agent ... (Will Brandt)

Tony had never cared for what people thought of him. He wasn’t in the closet, nor was he the type to broadcast his conquests. It was stupid considering his day job. When Tony cared about someone the last thing he ever wanted was to put them at risk. If people took one look at him and decided certain things about him - then he wasn’t going to correct them.



Kate, his new teammate was a good person. What she needed to do was stop thinking she knew everything about someone from first glance. Gibbs was pandering to it but Tony wouldn’t - it was too naive and stupid during investigative work.



“So who was she? The reason you’re late?” Kate asked with a sneer.



Wow, that level of vitriol in her voice this early meant she was in a bad mood. Tony was guessing his buddy, Steve, had more than likely broken up with her again . Tony wasn’t having it, not today with Will going on a mission to Russia. “Or, since my team leader hasn’t reprimanded me, there was another reason and it is not any of the junior agent’s business.”



Kate flushed not liking the reminder that since changing agencies she was now a junior agent. Tony wouldn’t let her attitude affect cases which would be where it was heading. He’d been friendly with one of his frat buddy’s wives and the next thing he knew he was branded forever a player. He was genuinely perplexed because he was a one man type of guy and Will suited him just fine.



Gibbs checked in with his SFA. “Are you okay?”



Tony shrugged trying not to feel helpless because this was the job. He knew Will’s job was dangerous despite being in theory the Chief Analyst. Tony’s clearance meant he knew of the IMF and what his fiance did but not mission details. Well, apart from the mission where they’d met - that was a good time in Budapest. “Who knows? They’re off to Russia, you know everything over there is dicey.”



Gibbs snorted. “Understatement, but trust him.” Tony had a real smile for a second. “Always.”

Kate didn't like the conversation being deliberately vague to go over her head. It didn't matter, as there was nothing she could do about it. She had to have some patience as she could get it out of Tony eventually .






The screen in the bullpen always showed the news channel - it was always useful to know current affairs. Tony nearly fell back on his chair but somehow managed to say standing when he saw it. William would be okay, he had to be. Tony was struggling to breathe and he was as fit as a fiddle. He hated having to wait - he was sure someone was speaking to him but he couldn’t think for a second.






Tony’s phone rang once, followed by a text. It was the only thing keeping him upright. There was nothing on the message nor from the phone number. There wouldn’t be because it was a pre-arranged signal for both of them if their mission or cover went south. Tony would have to do the easiest and at the same time, most difficult thing possible - Wait.



Kate saw the look at the text. “Tony, we need to finish the case, you can flirt with your latest girl later.” Tony snorted unwilling to hold back. “Well, the girl’s name is William and he is my fiance so for the love of all that is holy- Shut up for five .” “Tony!” Tony rolled his eyes at Gibbs because that was some double standard. He was reprimanded for setting her straight and her inappropriate comment was ignored . Typical. He wasn't willing to let this go. “What do you want from me, Gibbs? He messaged to say he had a meeting at the Kremlin.” He had to sell the anguish and make people believe he was dead. No one would chase the dead it was the only help Tony could give for now.



Gibbs did pause upon hearing that, now understanding why Tony was pissed . He knew operators like Brandt and no matter what the boy tried to peddle, he was more than just an analyst. The look, the movements, the natural suspicion had all the markings of a field agent. Oh, and the perpetual look of guilt also was familiar too for an agent on a mission gone south. Gibbs didn’t say anything because the look disappeared around Tony and that said more than therapy ever could .



Kate sat back on her chair stunned. She wanted to deny it, so sure of her opinion of Tony but you couldn’t fake that type of emotion. Huh, she wondered just who could steal the heart of Anthony DiNozzo? And the idea that the person was a man seemed just too incredible.



She shook off her swirling thoughts because she couldn’t in all good conscience keep on teasing Tony. He was clearly rattled and she tried to be a good human being. “What do you need, Tony?” Tony sighed. “To see Will. I know that won’t happen so I need a problem to distract me.”



Kate nodded and went back to her report.






Kate kept staring at Tony like he was a broken puzzle she needed to fix - so much so, that even Timmy, the probie, picked up on the action .



“Why do you keep staring at DiNozzo?” Tim asked, vaguely confused.



Kate looked like she was going to say something and then shut up. She did this a few times and clearly she wanted to say something. “Is it a shocking secret?”



Kate would have in a normal situation chuckled because yes it was. Still, she was decent and wouldn’t compound Tony’s misery by making him the subject of gossip. She wasn’t naive and knew that there was more than one reason police and federal agents were in the closet. Times were changing but sadly some sectors of society were taking just a little too long.



Luckily the case wrapped up, all the while Tony kept checking his phone. The last message was what he needed because he grinned like it was Christmas. “Boss, I need a week.” Kate and Tim looked at each other expecting an explosion but they didn’t get one. Gibbs just said, “Go, Morrow is aware.” The team saw Tony’s true smile, which was odd. Was it bad of them that they didn’t know they’d never seen a true smile from the SFA - what did that say about them?






Dubai was a hot and sandy place and the Burj hotel was a monument to the rich. Tony dressed for the part, he was basically playing himself, minus the Federal Agent part. His suit was pressed and Armani like half of the hotel occupants. Tony was a man on a mission and he said a quick prayer of thanks to his dear departed Uncle Clive for the money he had left him. It made this mission far easier than it might have been.



Tony was sitting at the bar in the hotel waiting for a glimpse of Will or his target. He was nursing a whiskey that was nothing more than ginger ale as an easy cover. It was an hour later when he saw William, with three others, walk through the door. Tony found himself impressed because he knew the team was under ghost protocol. If so, the money on display suggested excellent forethought on the team leader's part.



Tony stayed back but followed at a slower pace when he noticed Sabine Moreau enter the building. She was a very pretty woman but she was also on every Agency watchlist known to man. If the IMF were in the hotel, disavowed or not - Tony would put money on the woman being involved .



Tony watched her elevator stopped and made a mental note of the floor. He wasn’t an amateur, he wouldn’t follow her in her own lift. He kept his distance and then slipped into another room that was kept ajar by the cleaning woman. Tony listened carefully , wanting to help the team if needed.



The bangs and crashes made Tony want to burst into the room but he wouldn’t be a distraction that could kill his fiance. He just hoped that Will stopped holding back finally. “Moreau is on the move!” A voice shouted.


Tony pulled a simple move but it was one that required you to time it to perfection. He stepped out into the hallway just as she dashed past him and put his foot out. “Oops.”



Ethan frowned seeing Tony, wondering who the hell he was but it didn’t matter. He needed to go after Wistrom as the man had nuclear launch codes and he had no right to them.



Tony had no problem pushing the woman back into the room she had just tried to flee. As he did, he saw Will finish putting one of his attackers on the ground. Good.



“Hey honey. Your guest looked to be leaving in a hurry.”



Will smirked looking like all his Christmas’ had come at once. “Ms. Moreau we have a few more questions to ask you and this time, you have no goons. I think... I like these odds.” Brandt touched his radio. “Benji, Jane, go and help Ethan.” “What about Moreau?” Jane demanded to know. Will looked at Tony who still had a hand on Moreau’s shoulder. “I got this. Go get the launch codes back.”



His attention was back in the room, watching as Moreau hissed at his lover. “Who are you?” Tony smirked. “Sorry sweetheart. You are not my type, he is though.”



Will snickered seeing the look on her face. Sabine Moreau was the type to use her looks as merely one more tool in her arsenal. The idea that someone might not be attracted to her was a mighty shock.



“So why is she here?” Tony asked.



Will didn’t see the point in hiding the facts from Tony because he had the skills to be able to help. He figured with all the crap they were all dealing with they needed any help they could get. “Ms. Moreau managed to kill one of our agents last week and appropriate Russian nuclear launch codes .” Tony sighed. “And who has she sold them to?”



“A henchman working for a madman who wants to bring about a nuclear war to help the Earth.” Will managed to say it all without any inflection in his voice.



“Perfect. And what makes you think diamonds is a good exchange for nuclear annihilation?” Will saw the look on Moreau’s face and there was the first crack in her cool exterior he’d seen. Tony didn’t stop there. “Yeah, now you get it. So how did Wistrom contact you and is there something you can offer us to fix this clusterfuck.” Just as he finished his little menacing piece Benji and Jane, the last two members of Will’s team, raced through the door . The tech specialist explained, a little breathless from all the running. “Ethan wanted to make sure you were okay. And who is the suit?” “His fiance,” Tony responded not offering a name.



Jane looked between them and she could see the natural chemistry and didn’t doubt what he said. “Okay, and how did you know to be here?” She asked with all the natural suspicion of a spy.



Tony just snorted because he’d worked with Gibbs for too long to be intimidated . “Sweetheart, I knew Will before he was an analyst and our jobs safety records suck. We have preplanned signals for everything so as not to give the other a heart attack.” Benji crowed. “ Just like you will give Ethan a heart-attack.” Jane heard the other part of what Tony said. “Before he was an analyst.” Will shrugged it off. “I was a field asset and a good one. There was an op that went bad.”



Benji looked at his teammate. “Oh, like that explains everything.”



Tony glared. “If you can’t offer anything helpful be quiet. Loose lips and all that.”



It was that statement that Ethan walked in grunting. “Wistrom is in the wind and we need to have words, Brandt.” The team freaked out but Tony stood up. “Do not get pissy with Will because you lost your mark. Oh, and Sabine here would like to explain how you can get into contact with Mr. Wistrom.” The icy blonde was glaring at Tony but did exactly as promised. Ethan was angry at the new player that he didn’t know about. It was not his greatest week but even he wasn’t naive - the cocky guy had helped.


“We owe you.” Tony didn’t say anything in return. “ Just bring my fiance back to me in one piece.”


“For god sake, Tony!”



Ethan got the feeling that this Tony blamed him for somehow breaking Brandt in the first place. He couldn’t see how it was his fault that an agent with those skills was no longer in the field full-time. Ethan would be investigating why as soon as Wistrom and the nuclear device was dealt with.






Will returned to Washington and their home, a little battered but lighter somehow. Tony wanted to ask but he didn’t. He’d done what was needed in Dubai and then headed back to Washington before he was a distraction for Will in the field.



“Are you good?” Tony asked, reeling Will to their bed for some much-needed rest.



“Yeah, I am.” Was the reply and there was no hint of doubt in Will’s voice.



Once Will was in bed with him Tony asked. “What is it?” “Ethan has arranged a meet for the team.” Tony knew what the indecision was over but in the end - only Will could decide. “Look you went through hell in Croatia. Go, listen to the pitch and then you are allowed to tell him to get lost. I’ll come with if you want.”



It was that conversation that found Tony hanging back at the bar of the cafe as Ethan met the team. He wasn’t trying to intrude in IMF business - there were some things safer not to know.



“Get over here, DiNozzo.” Tony sauntered over at the command as it was exactly what he wanted. “Welcome back, Hunt. Burnt covers can be a bitch, I would know.”



Ethan snorted because that was understating the problem. He didn’t want to take up any more of Will’s time, Brandt’s life had been messed with too much by him already. “You would know. He is a good man, DiNozzo, don’t lose him.”



Tony smirked. “I never doubted it, you just need to watch his six in the field.”



Tony didn’t say anything else because it would be useless. He was going home with Will and the rest of the world could hang this weekend. He was spending time with his fiance.