
Tomorrow's Earth

RexxDrink · 奇幻
7 Chs

The weird

The individual guided Mazir along the path until he saw a large crowd of inhabitants surrounding the place.

-Looks like you're here too. -Ker said to his older brother.

-You saw him?

-No, I just arrived just like you.

Despite the great concern, with a single deep breath of air, Mazir is filled with vigor and determination and walks towards that crowd.

-Everyone make way! Let me see what's going on. - ordered the man to the others who were there.

With the path clear, he and his brother move forward and finally reach the unknown man. When they saw him, the two were filled with surprise, their eyes widened and their mouths clearly showed their feelings of surprise. The man in question was someone who had hair in the region of the face and his skin was white and smooth, without any marks of wrinkles or peeling. In addition to all these physical characteristics, he also had a kind of white garment on his body that covered his torso and went down to his feet. With all that commotion and noise from the people around him, the man lying down starts to move, causing everyone to raise their guard and be alert to any suspicious movement. Gradually he opens his eyes, but without being able to see very well what was happening, due to the light and having spent countless days walking in the darkness outside. However, the villagers could see him perfectly and his eyes still with the perfectly white sclera was something that caught everyone's attention.

-He has the eyes of a child. - said Mazir.

The stranger seemed disturbed by the light in his eyes emitted from the cave's green stones. With his fingers of his right hand he begins to rub them until he opens them again and can see the environment around him, instantly he sees those countless bluish-looking people staring at him and is extremely afraid crawling away from them.

-Stay away! Stay away! - shouts the man.

Residents understand that he was scared, but they couldn't understand what he was talking about. Looking at each other, they wondered if this man could speak or was he like the countless animals outside who did not have the ability to communicate.

- You're scaring him. Why don't you give our guest a little space? - advised an old man who approached walking slowly.

-Elder! We found him unconscious outside the cave. - replied one of the guards.

-Fool! How dare you speak so blatantly to the elder? the other guard asked, confronting his companion's attitude.

The guard, who had spoken, became aware of his rude behavior as he looked at all the other villagers who had knelt in the elder's presence. With an air of shame he shows respect to the lord and slowly kneels. Now, with everyone down, the strange white-skinned man could see the village elder, he was a very experienced man who carried with him a huge staff made of wood. The man was bald, but he had a huge white beard, as well as thick eyebrows that stretched across his face and a look that conveyed an air of extreme importance. Despite not having understood anything they were saying, he understood that the guy was the most influential person in the place. After looking a little farther away, the sage strikes the ground with his staff and immediately everyone who was kneeling rises and makes way for him. With the path open he walks slowly towards the outsider with a smile on his face. Upon realizing that he was getting close, the man became impatient and afraid that they would devour him for food, he began to cry.

-Please, I didn't do anything. Don't eat me. -begged.

The elder seeing the hand of the man in front of him extended as a way of protecting himself, he holds it with his hand, at that moment he still felt terrified, but he did not react for fear that all the other residents would understand it as a form of attack on their leader. After holding the stranger's hand, the old man bends down close to him and with his other hand he fills the upper part of the hand he was holding, covering it completely. The man finds that attitude strange and when looking at the old man's face he notices a smile on his face, but it was strange, it didn't seem to be a smile of happiness for him. It was as if he only smiled to show that everything was fine and that nothing bad was going to happen.

-Sir... -said Mazir without understanding what was happening.

-It's dangerous to get too close dad! -warns Ker.



-Prepare my room for a warm welcome.

-With pleasure. -answers Mazir to his father's request.

-My father, you must not be thinking straight, putting a total stranger to sit alone with you? - asks Ker.

-Everything is fine. He's one of ours.

After saying that, the residents began to look at each other, they wondered how a being clearly different even in skin tone could be just like them. The sage with his right hand rubs the upper part of the man's hand and gets up, he starts to walk outside when he looks at the stranger for the last time and with a head nod tells him to follow him. Not knowing how he could get away from that whole situation, he decides to obey that gentleman. As he walked around following him, he noticed several interesting features of the cave that caught his attention, in addition to being surprised by the green stones that lit up the entire place, he also showed great interest in the black rocks that surrounded his view.

-Did something happen? - asks Mazir.

Upon hearing the great man addressing him, the outsider feels apprehensive at not being able to answer him.

-I'm sorry, I had forgotten that you don't understand us. - said Mazir.

However, Mazir's explanation was not understood by his announcer and made him think that Mazir was asking him another question. Realizing that a conversation with him would be impossible, he walks up to his father and whispers in his ear.

-Are you sure it will do any good to take you to your room? You know, he doesn't even understand us. - asks Mazir.

The old man, hearing his son's question, just gives a dry laugh and continues on his way without answering him. After a while they finally arrive at the old man's quarters, it was a house unlike any other, it had different materials than just black stone that made up the structure of the residence. Being filled by a black cloth that covered the entrance of the house so that nobody could see what was happening inside and several green stones illuminating the space. The old man enters his house and with his right hand prevents the passage of his two sons.

-Not you, I want to speak privately with the guest.

-But dad, do you know how dangerous it is to leave you alone with that man? Ker asked angrily.

His father just looks at him with sharp eyes that leave Ker unresponsive, he just gets angry and leaves the place. Mazir, unlike his younger brother, does not try to stop his father, but stays outside so that if something happens, he will intervene. Entering the lord's residence, the still frightened man begins to feel extremely uncomfortable for being in a closed space with an influential person from that tribe that he could not even communicate with.

-Why don't you sit down, I'll prepare some tea for us. - says the old man.

-Thanks. -answers the man.

After sitting down the man opens his eyes amazed, what was that he just heard? Did the man in front of you just speak your language? As time passed he became more euphoric, was he going crazy? How could he speak the same language as him if no one else understood him, the sound of boiling soup water entered and resounded inside his head like a ball being hit from side to side, he was getting altered breathing, he did not understand nothing else that was going on. Why that man pretended not to understand him the whole time, but he had spoken in his language at that moment, until a small hypothesis crossed his mind, that that sentence that the sage had spoken to him was the same for both languages. An extraordinary and almost impossible coincidence was the only answer he could come up with, but it soon fell apart when the elder opened his mouth.

-You look apprehensive, why don't you have some tea to calm down?

It wasn't just a coincidence, that man actually spoke Portuguese. Obeying him he begins to drink euphorically without stopping to the point of choking on the hot liquid.

-As? How do you know my language? - asked the young man to the old man.

Smiling, he answers him with another question:

-You... are not from here, are you?

Not quite understanding why the wise man asked, since he knew he didn't know their languages ​​and didn't show any resemblance to them. For someone said to be the most intelligent being in that society, it was kind of obvious to deduce that he was from distant lands.

-That's right, I walked for a few days to get here, I'd say I'm from a land a little to the east... -the young man said when he was interrupted.

-No, I wasn't referring to place, or space, when I said you weren't from here I was talking about time.

The young man widened his eyes and opened his mouth, his surprise was such that you could see the eyes popping out of his face like in a cartoon.

-Yes, I'm not really from here.

That was the only thing he could say at that moment. The young man had understood that he had misjudged him, because it was a tribe that was very reminiscent of the primordial men of society, he concluded that everyone would present archaic reasoning and thoughts with little foundation, he never expected to find someone who would assume that he would be a time traveler . The gentleman sitting in front of him calmly drinking his tea was someone extraordinarily intriguing and much more intelligent than he had imagined.