

Iris sat her brothers gathered around her. The doors to the dorms opened two men standing in the door way. "Lady and Masters please come with us. Your father Lord Sakamaki wishes to see you." One said in a emotionless explanation an tone. They look at each other before leaving with the men. "You look beautiful this evening lady Iris." One of the guards said helping her into the car. She had an uneasy feeling but thanked the man. "Brothers I don't like this. Father never calls all of us at the same time." She said clutching her bag looking out the window. "I'm sure its nothing to worry about Iris." Kanato said resting his head against her shoulder. He was a big child that made her feel a little better. "Lets just see what the old bastard wants." Subaru said "Honestly he waited till now to call us." Reiji said. "It better be worth our time." Ayato growled annoyed by the whole situation.

Iris pov

We arrived moments later and of course it had to rain. The guards held umbrellas so I could walk threw. "Welcom Young Masters and Lady Iris. Please come this way your father is expecting you." It was the hunters association president. Though he may be a man he made a nice looking woman. "Iris you look lovely this evening. Its a shame I couldn't be one of your males. You and I could have a lovely time making beautiful children." He laughed as right as he might be ewww no thank you. "Soor I have one perverted male and thats enough. That and you couldn't handle all this woman. You might brake a hip." I smirked he took his fan under my chin. "Dear me I'm not that old sweetheart. I am old enough however to know how to please a lady." He said smug. I chuckle "so does Laito. It would not surprise me if the baby I carry is his." Laito chuckled and was about to chim in but was cut off by footsteps heading our way. "I asked you to get my children, and bring them to me. I did not say flirt with my daughter." I curtsey and my brothers bow. "Yes of course my apologies got carried away sir." He said bowing to my father. "See to it that it doesn't happen again. Now children follow me we have things to discuss."