
CHP: Hooded Figure

[AU: Before you get to reading the fanfic, I wanna say first off, I'm from England so the fanfic will feel more British than American. which is where, it is based in. Also, the dialogue will be different, there might be some quotes from the real show, but except that, everything will come from me. By the way, Clementine will be 10 year old going onto 11 in season one. Hope that's not an issue.]

Walking down the pathway to Macon, Kenny and Lee was yet again sent out to bring back supplies. Even though two months have gone by, the food they found in the wilderness had almost already been completely gone. Being the only two able people in the group, Lily gave them the task to do some scavenging.

Katja, Lily, Ben and Carley were left to stay at the motel and watch after the kids. Since having "issues" at St John's Dairy. The bandits whole attention were on them now. They had already lost some people from previous events, hopefully, with more caution they won't lose anyone else.

"Hey Kenny." Turning his head, Kenny responded to Lee. "What's up." Taking a couple of seconds, Lee asked with a noticeable frown. "How you going, you know. After what happened in the freezer with Larry."

Kenny paused, glanced at Lee and turned back. "I could say the same thing to you." Met with quietness, Lee carried on walking alongside Kenny. Until he spoken suddenly breaking the silence. "Hopefully, Clementine can forgive me."

"Don't worry, in due time she will." Kenny said trying to reassure his friend. "But first, we need to focus on getting these supplies. With the way Lily has been going off since the incident with her father, I'd like to hurry up." Nodding along, Lee and Kenny picked up the pace.

Along the way even going in to the city, Lee and Kenny rarely seen any walkers. Maybe they could get out the city without any problems finally for once. But knowing their luck it seemed too damn easy.

When they got to their destination, near the pharmacy, Lee's family used to own. Lee and Kenny scanned around the area on high alert. Still there was no zombie to be seen or heard. Just a eery silence in the area.

"Maybe today's our lucky day." Kenny showed a small smile, yet Lee on the other hand with a rifle in hand, couldn't shake this feeling that it was too easy. "I don't like it. Keep your guard up incase a random walker pops up." Lee said seriously.

While still being cautious, both of them headed to the truck blocking the other side of the road and to there entrance. Unexpectedly, laying around the truck, scattered around was three undead corpses. Each individually having a deep stab wound in their head.

Pocking one of them, Kenny turned to Lee slowly, half lidded eyes. "Think you might be right. Be careful, the sonna of bitch might still be here." Looking over the corpse, Kenny remarked. "Be careful, they seem to be armed."

Lee simply looked to him, thinking to himself, after a minute, Lee glanced around before going to the metal ladder. "I'll go up first." While climbing up to it, thankfully in time, Lee got up but unfortunately the ladder was barely holding.

"Dammit! Lee, help me up." trying to reach Lee's hand, all efforts were for nothing. He missed by a large margin resulting in Kenny to curse.

"Fuck! I'll find something to get up their." While Kenny was looking around down below, Lee asked him. "So how's the side." Kenny replied sarcastically. "Best as a gun shot can be."

Since the ladder isn't usable and Kenny can't grab Lee's hand, Kenny searched for a way to get up their. Lee on the other hand, watched around for him. However his mind was somewhere else, neglecting Kenny's safety but he didn't know that.

What was mainly on his brain was the girl, that was staying at motel currently with the rest of the group. Thinking if she was fine, if she wasn't, Lee... He didn't want to think about it. Just the mere thought of her hurt, boiled his insides.

Like everyone, Lee was no different. There is two sides, a good and bad side inside of them. Hopefully, with his actions at least he can balance out the bad he had done especially to a certain someone.

He wanted to push it away, as easy as it sounded, yet nothing was that simple. The days. Nights. He woke in cold swear down his back, in horror. Anger. About his actions. Most of the time, he is nervous and unsure if he was doing a fine job. He was and still is, an absolute reck. Maybe... His parents will forgive him...

"Hey. You going to help me up?" Lee snapped out of his thoughts, reality kicking in once he done a look out around him seeing the desolate city. He must of been out of it quite bad, by the location of Kenny. Now stood on a military vehicle hood, to reach his hand. "Yeah. I've got you, grab hold of my hand."

Pulling him up, Lee was able to despite Kenny's sore side and awkward angle. Get him up relatively quick. It took him a second to catch his breath from Kenny's weight than stood up fine as dandy, good for someone who could eat a horse.

"Thanks for the hand back there." Kenny rubbed his side and thanked. Lee simply breathed out. "...hah... Y-yeah. No problem." Taking a second to catch hold of himself, he stood back up finally and turned his whole body to Kenny, said also doing the same.

"Let's get this over wi-" Before Lee could finish his sentence, a blood curdling scream was let out. All the bumps on his skin raised in alarm.


When they turned around as fast as possible, on the road they were previously talking from, screaming desperately, a female of moderate height, dirt and all kind of muck on her was having a mental breakdown. Screaming and yelling for help.

"Is she a walker?" Looking down his barrel, turned briefly to Kenny and asked, which Kenny shaked his head. "Walkers don't scream like that." Hearing the edge in Kenny's voice, Lee just looked back. At the right time as well, cause the woman was grabbed ahold of by the ankle and yanked her of the ground, not before chewing a chunk of skin and muscle.

They stayed quiet, watching unsure if to intervene and help the woman. Slowly it seemed her time for the living was coming to an end, zombies started to appear and encircling her. Each step they took Lee tried to think of anything. Yet, he couldn't. The gears in his head stopped. He saw she was doomed straight at the beginning after the walker got a good chunk from her ankle.

It had been 5 months since the dead started to walk and even then with the things he had to commit, Lee didn't like the thoughts he was thinking. ...Leave her...

Lee had murdered people but still, it wasn't as if he enjoyed doing these kind of things. It wasn't like he had the answers for everything. All he can do is, be rational. No emotions fogging his decision. Cause just the slightest problem could put him in danger but more importantly, Clementine.

Luckily, Kenny's next words helped him slightly. "Lee... As bad as it sound. Why don't we... just... leave her. I know its messed up but think about it! She's already bitten. Might as well use her to distract the walkers to give us enough time to grab everything from the pharmacy."

Lee was shock, although wasn't fazed by what Kenny said. As messed up as it sound, he made a good point. If the woman didn't start screaming and grabbing the attention of the walkers. They wouldn't of been in this situation, if she was simply quiet none of this would of happen. It didn't only jeopardise her safety but also theirs in the process.

He wanted to do it, to put her out of her misery badly and not feel the guilt of causing another suffering when he could of stopped it. Even so, his reasoning and decision making, chose what seemed the most safest option.

And that was to leave her. To suffer.

The guilt was already festering inside of him, when she started to scream more and seemingly more desperate for someone to save her. Fortunately, when he felt a hand on his shoulder, Kenny was there to reassure him.

"Come on friend. We've got somewhere to go before they start to come after us." Lee nodded, he needed to finish his run with Kenny. Her cries of pain will definitely be in his dreams tonight and probably many more. To torment him.

Kenny and Lee dashed, instantly shutting the door as quick as possible after them. Lee looked around him, Kenny wasn't around, probably inside. No second before he opened the door, Kennys voice radiated within the room.

Kenny wasn't alone, as well. Lee stood for a second to hear a small voice, barely auditable. Tightening the grip of his rifle, Lee gradually opened the door slowly as possible. Each second felt like torture, the hairs on his skin crawled until when he turned the cornor, he was met with Kenny and a small hooded figure pointing guns at each other.

The person held a 9mm pistol. Quite small stature. Slim body structure, wearing a grey hoodie. Black cargo trousers and white shoes. On the back was a tactical backpack that barely fit their slim build. Nothing threatening, if you dismissed what was in their hand.

"Kenny, you good?" When Lee turned the cornor, in one of the stall, Lee finally got a good view of the situation. It didn't bother him that now a gun was pointing at his head, cause honestly, he didn't feel threatened shockingly.

"Lee. Help me out, this bastard took all the stuff." Kenny said, frustration seeing his friend not helping him. Tension gradually growing tenser. Kenny's finger ever so slowly pushing on the trigger. Until Lee, put his hand in front of him

"Lee what are you doing!? Can't you see he's already ransacked this place. We can't let him go away! I won't allow Katja and Duck to starve, Lee." Kenny threatened. Confused at first, but it left him soon. Now holding his gun with a steel gaze.

They had no time for this, There is so long until their little 'distraction' will be no longer of use. Sooner they get out and leave the safer.

Stupid decision from his side, however he had no time. Lee didn't need another layer of blood on his hands. Maybe he could save this situation before it could escalate. It was worth a try.

"I wouldn't move if I was you. Wouldn't want lead to be your last meal. would. we." Reaching out for the gun, Lee didn't care for the cold words. Maybe a little. It kind of unnerved him someone so small can say them soo calmly.

Time seemed to stop, for all of them. Uncertainty, filling Kenny's heart seeing the huge risk his friend was taking. He didn't have a clue for what reason, that he'd go to such a risk for them.

"It's alright... I'm not here to hurt you." It came out unconsciously, Lee didn't know why, just... He saw the hooded figures wavering gaze, tense shoulders.

Steady in his steps, not to portray himself threatening. However long as it all went out in his head, Lee made sure as possible to be careful. Now he was only a hair strand away, seeing no movement, he went for it.


The whole place was surrounded, walkers everywhere. The familiar banging of the walkers yearning to come in and fester on their bodies just like the woman. He knew they had no time but not this soon. Now all of them were in fight or flight mode. One thing was sure thought, they needed to get out or they'd be the next main course for them.

It didn't matter if they were stuck now with an unknown person. They had to now, push away any kind of hatred and negative energy for one another to survive. That's all that matters now.

Without any time to spare they all dashed, jumping over the counter, meeting face first, two walkers. "I've got them!" Lee wanted to say no but before he could say anything, he saw a small figure end the two walkers with relative ease. A simple kick in the leg, and a stab to finish it off.


They had no time! They need to get out of their, no looking back. For certain, the door leading into the inside was already gone now replaced with starving undead beings ready to eat them alive.

Things were becoming too close to call. Lee and Kenny heard each step they were taking, their little friend was no different. They were thankful though, they found a door at the back. Automatically Kenny went bolting for the door, booting the door down in urgency.

After putting in all his strength, in three kicks Kenny caved the door in, finally opening their route out. "Door's open! Hurry it up!" He yelled back to them. Neither looked back and runned to door as quick as they could.

"What the fuck! Get the hell of me!" Lee's screams of desperation. Stopped them.

They headed back to see Lee suffocated by three walkers, one fighting him, the other two flanking his left and right. His inevitable doom, fast approaching being seen in their eyes.


Gun shots resounded. Lee pushed the now dead walker away, thanking Kenny in his head for being there when he was. Yet... When he turned behind him. He hadn't expected Kenny to look as shocked as him, staring to the other person in the room with them in puzzlement.


Lee and Kenny snapped out of it, leaving the place in haste. What happened in the room could be spoken for later, for now wasn't the time for it. They needed to head back to the motel, back to their group. Than their small friend can be asked a couple of questions.


[End of the chapter.]

(Hopefully, people enjoy it. I got inspired while going back and playing the walking dead. I don't know why out of know where, but looking at what happened to Clementine and how shitty her experience was after Lee's passing. Suddenly, it came to me. Why not make a Walking dead Fanfic, despite how trash I am at keeping things up cause of keeping my inspiration up.

Let's just say my updates will be dodgy, yet I'll trash as best as possible. However I've got too say, this might be my most hated fanfic due to how bad it will be. I'm basically a rookie when it comes to anything involving zombies or stories surround around tension and mishaps on every corner.

Bare with it. As well as the dialogue. If there is any questions about the MC, just put in the comment section. I'll give my time out to answer. If they questions that could release any information for the future than I won't answer maybe as teaser. But I'll be thankful for any ideas especially for in-between episodes like on the train or in the house in savannah.)

(Words: 2,604)