
To Love Ru: Universal Harem King

Rian Yuki…was what you could call a survior. He has survived more bizzare situations than years he has been alive. After arriving home and going to the shower room…he was put into his biggest and most bizzare situation yet.

Ok_Fallen_Angel_ · 漫画同人
105 Chs

Chapter One Hundred One: Rian Meets…A Clumsy Lady.

Part 1:

Despite Rian perfecting parrying the heavy sword strike with his neo-chrome colored katana, he was still forced backwards.

Rian stopped himself from going back even further by stabbing the charred field that was littered with burned reeds and burned cherry blossoms with his sword.

Right now…

At this very moment in time…


Rian Yuki was in a life or death fight against the man in front of him…and he had been in this fight more than an hour.

The man who sent Rian skidding backwards name: Shura.

Shura was a man with semi-long, jet-black hair that was tied in a ponytail. Shura had a black eyepatch that hid his glowing, vermillion-colored right eye. Shura wore black clothing that was tattered, torn, and seemed to radiate some sort of fiery embers.

And in Shura's right hand—a vanta-black katana.

Dozens…hundreds…thousands…perhaps even millions had fallen to the very vanta-black blade in Shura's right hand.


Would Rian be the same?

Or could he somehow, someway… defeat the man in front of him.

Those who wondered…would soon find out!!!!!!!!

Rian stood straight up and looked at Shura.

Rian used his left hand to wipe the red solution off his blade before swinging the blade back to his side. He tightly gripped his sword and took a deep breath before dashing towards Shura with motivation in his eyes.

Shura quickly reacted…and dashed towards Rian with hatred…and pain in his eye.

When they finally were in range of each other…and able to slash each other with their swords, Shura, without an ounce of hesitation or remorse, swung down at Rian—who was smaller than him.

Rian quickly raised his blade and perfectly parried the strike.

And in doing so, a rather loud, metallic clang resounded out into the atmosphere.

Although the attack was heavy for Rian, Rian was able to hold it above him and stare Shura in his glowing eye.

Rian and Shura stood in that position for a few seconds, fighting back and forth for dominance until, suddenly, Shura's blade set itself on fire and emitted a scorching heat.

Rian frowned and quickly kicked Shura in his gut with all the force and might he could muster at the moment.

Shura's face contorted in a unpleasant and ugly manner, and he was sent sliding backwards like a hockey puck on ice.

Rian also jumped back as far back as he could, increasing their distance apart.

Shura didn't need a minute to recover from the kick. And, unlike last time, Shura didn't just stand there and wait until Rian approached him. He, instead, took a small step forward.

However, before Shura's five toes could even come in contact the burned ground, he vanished from his spot and appeared directly in front of Rian before attacking him unremorsefully with his flaming sword.

Rian, with the help of his unbelievable reaction time, evaded the hot attack before attacking Shura back.

Shura dodged, but a piece of his long, jet-black hair was cut off from his head.

Rian, seeing that he barely missed, quickly attempted to attack Shura again.

Rian deduced that Shura was most likely expecting another sword strike. So, in his sword's place, Rian used his fist to punch Shura.

Rian's fist connected and landed on Shura's face.

Shura was, once again, sent away due to the force behind Rian's attack.

And Rian, once again, jumped back to increase their distance apart.



Shura slowly wiped the blood that suddenly slide down his nostrils with his free hand. He slowly raised his flaming, venta-black sword before quickly driving it into the charred ground. Shura released the tight grip he had on his sword's handle… and swiftly removed the black band that was holding his ponytail together. He then grabbed his black eyepatch and tossed away. He raised his fists… and took the stance of a fighter.

A heatwave of hot energy burst out of Shura. But luckily it didn't reach Rian due to their distance apart.

If Rian was a few meters closer to Shura, he would have, maybe, died.

Rian looked at Shura before driving his blade into the charred ground as well. Rian even took a fighter stance like Shura.

Everything went completely silent after Rian raised his two fists.

An ant blinking could probably be heard in this silence.

Suddenly, at the same exact time, Shura and Rian dashed towards each other with their fists balled up.

Due to Shura's reach advantage over Rian, Shura was the first one able to throw out his fist.

Shura's fist went toward Rian's face at an inhuman level of speed.

Rian leaned away from Shura's fist and used his wrist to parry the strike before it could land.

Rian was about to punch Shura with his free, balled up fist, but Shura stopped Rian by striking Rian's side with his leg.

Rian was sent to the side from the blow.

He should've flew away and hit the ground. 

But Shura kept his leg out for too long.

Rian grabbed Shura's leg to stop himself from flying away, and cleanly decked Shura in the chin.

Shura was sent a good distance back, and even kneeled down after he stopped sliding backwards.

Rian charged at Shura.

Shura, despite having his brain rattled from Rian's fist, got up and tackled Rian—who had approached.

Rian grabbed Shura as he was being forced back in the direction he came.

Before Rian could accidently slip on a banana peel that magically fell from the sky, or experience some form of misfortune that gave Shura the advantage, Rian punched Shura in the liver with his full power.

Shura's face contorted in pain, and he immediately stopped his tackle and fell on his knee while holding his liver.

Rian, before Shura could recover, drove his knee into Shura's nose.

Red blood shot out of Shura's nose, and Shura's body hit the ground.

Rian mounted Shura—whose vision was currently blurry—and beat the [BLEEP] [BLEEP] out of him!!!

Rian didn't stop until he heard a bell ring in his ears.

Part 2:

Rian removed the VR headset from his face and put it on a nearby table.

He then took a seat on a nearby black couch that was made out of leather, and looked at the extremely huge television that hung directly in front of him and displayed the words "You are the first to win. Congratulations, Honored One. Do you wish to continue onwards?"

Rian sighed, leaned back, and looked up at the colorful ceiling above him.

The colorful ceiling above Rian didn't belong to him. Even the VR headset he just took off didn't belong to him.

It all belonged to Mikado-Sensei.


Rian was at Mikado-Sensei's mansion—in her large, well-lite, and colorful gameroom.

However, even though every object in this room was brought by Mikado, she didn't really use it.

She brought it all for Oshizu.

Suddenly, the cracked open door of the game room opened, and Oshizu, who was still wearing her school clothing, entered the room with a smile on her face and two cans of soda in her hands.

She walked over to Rian and put the two cans on the mini table in front of him before sitting down next to him on the couch.

Only after sitting down beside Rian did Oshizu finally look at the television…and see what it read.

"Y-You beat it…?" Oshizu asked, extremely shocked.

Now, Oshizu knew Rian was good—no, phenomenal at video games—it was actually one of the reasons she called him when she needed help with a game. However, she didn't think he would be able to defeat a boss that needed to be fixed in an update by the developers.

"Luckily. That was the hardest tutorial bosses I have ever fought. I never knew a tutorial boss could have 16 different phases with attack patterns based on how you attack." Rian calmly said, still looking up at the ceiling.

Oshizu looked at Rian, still in shock.

"I wonder what the final boss is like." Rian curiously muttered, not realizing a tiny smile appeared on his face.

Oshizu continued to stare at Rian, unblinking.

"Anyway, since that boss finished, do you want to play Mortal Kombat against me now?" Rian asked, leaning up with a grin.

Rian was ready to hit Oshizu with a twenty second combo on Mortal Kombat.

Oshizu shook her head without even needing to consider it.

"Street fighter?" Rian asked.

Oshizu made an X with her hands, indicating that that was not happening.

"For Honor?" Rian suggested with a evi—light smile.

Oshizu let out a light sigh of despair.

"Ok…how about…uh…UFC?" Rian inquired.

Oshizu put her hands together and prayed.

"Hmmmm…you just wanna play duo's then?"

Oshizu stopped her prayer and looked up at Rian with curious and suspicious eyes.

"What game?" Oshizu asked, wanting to know.



Oshizu actually liked Fortnite because she was pretty good. 

"You can get the television. I'll get the PC in the corner." Rian said

Oshizu nodded at Rian's words.

Rian got up from the couch and walked over to the PC. Just as Rian was about to sit in the gaming chair that sat in front of the PC, Rian heard the Mikado's front door open from downstairs, and laughter afterwards.

'Must be Mikado.' Rian thought to himself before turning to Oshizu.

"Oshizu, I'm about to go greet Mikado."

After saying that, Rian walked towards the door Oshizu entered though.

"She's back from her trip? I'm coming too then." Oshizu got off the couch, and followed behind Rian.

The hazel-eyed boy and the blue-eyed ghost-girl walked out the room and down the stairs of Mikado's mansion.

They saw no one at the front door, but they did find two different pairs of shoes at the entrance of the mansion.

Rian and Oshizu then heard a shriek, a rather loud thud, and Mikado-Sensei's cheerful laughter.

The shriek, the thud, and Mikado's laughter sounded like it came from the living room.

Rian and Oshizu made their way to the living room. And upon entering, they saw Mikado sitting on the couch, laughing.


That wasn't surprising.

However, was what surprising to Rian and Oshizu was the fact that there was grown, golden-haired women…face-first on the floor…with her rather big butt in the air… and glasses on the black of her head.



Is…she okay?

"…Ughh…" The golden-haired woman groaned in pain from the floor.

Rian looked away from the women and at Mikado.

Mikado smiled at Rian and gestured for him to go help the women.

Rian nodded and walked over to the women before crouching down beside her.

"Are you alright?" Rian asked, knowing that the women didn't look fine and swell.

The woman slowly raised her head off the ground—her glasses still on the back of her head—and nodded with an embarrassed look on her red face.

Rian's head kinda leaned back a tad bit after seeing the woman's face.

…Wait! Wait! Wait!!!!!

It wasn't because she was ugly or anything like that? It was because of how much the grown women looked like…Yami.

Suddenly, the relatively fresh name of the woman Yami told him about popped into his head.

"Your…Your name is Tearju Lunatique…right?" Rian curiously inquired.

"…Yes. Yes, it is." Tearju nodded her head with her eyes squinted despite her face still remaining rather red.

Tearju didn't know Rian's voice by heart. She also didn't have her glasses on, so she couldn't completely recognize the boy Mikado had shown her earlier.

"May I assist you up?" The young gentleman asked.

"Please." Tearju said in a low voice.

Rian first took Tearju's glasses off the back of her head before helping her up.

After helping her up, Rian immediately concluded that this woman and Yami were two clones with more than one physical difference.

How did he come to this conclusion, you ask?

Well, when Tearju stood up, Rian, a young and healthy teen, unconsciously looked at her body.

This woman's body was different from Yami's. It was more…more…more…more…more…more…more busty and mature.

Ms. Tearju Lunatique may have had the biggest pair of natural breasts that Rian Yuki had ever seen…point blank period.

They were like built in life preservers for the water.

Her breasts were ninety six…ninety six centimeters according to Rian's expert and quick calculations.


Would Yami naturally look like this in the future?

"Thank you." Tearju thanked Rian for his assistance.

"Not a problem. And here." Rian leaned towards Tearju and put the glasses he had quickly cleaned back on her face for her.

Tearju regained her vision. When she did, she was finally able to recognize Rian as the boy Mikado showed her.

Tearju was about to say something, but stopped herself after realizing how close Rian was to her face. She blushed and attempted to back away from his face. However, perhaps due to her unlucky clumsiness, she slipped on a invisible cord and fell in a pretty comical way.

She unconsciously closed her eyes and braced for another impact. 

She was just about to hit the ground. But just before she could, a hand—Rian's hand—grabbed her and pulled her up and onto his chest.

Feeling safe and unharmed, Tearju slowly opened her green eyes. It was then that Tearju realized that the brown-haired boy had caught her…and was hugging her..




Her…heart started to beat out of control.




Nah. It wasn't.

Tearju's heart was beating for two reasons.

The first reason being her almost slipping.

And the second reason is because was being hugged by a young man with boundless harem aura.

"Are you alright?" Rian asked in a calm tone despite feeling Tearju's soft, jello mountains on his chest.


Tearju had accidently bit her pink tongue while attempting to respond to Rian's question quickly.

Mikado-Sensei tried. 

She truly, truly did. 

But she truly, truly couldn't help it anymore. 

She broke out into laughter.