
To Love Ru:A celestial Love

In the middle of the center of creation where the Celestial Sapiens live, there is a celestial child who has not yet formed his basic personalities, but instead has developed a peculiar personality. Seeing the way his brothers and sisters act at the center of creation, the celestial child decided to run away from his home so as not to be like his family. His destiny was earth to learn what human life is like. In this story we will follow the journey of this young celestial in search of a new purpose.

GrandMasterBRX · 漫画同人
12 Chs

The golden darkness

A few days passed after Yui's incident of changing the school rules and everything went back to normal with just new things happening.

One of these things is the news that I am Lala's future fiancé which is spreading throughout the universe and because of this many aliens wanting to compete with me for Lala's hand appear every day, their attempts always go wrong with Lala herself teaching a lesson. in them or the people themselves who give up. 

With the arrival of many aliens on earth, my school introduced a new nurse.

This nurse is called Mikado and she immediately became famous for her beautiful adult appearance and made many boys mesmerized by her appearance. Mikado besides being a nurse, she is also a nurse who takes care of the Aliens that visit the earth and she knows that Lala and I are Aliens, I just don't know if she knows if I am Celestial Sapien or not.


It's the weekend and it's also the day to shop for the house, and I'm the person who had to go out to buy.

Mikan sent me a list of things I have to buy while she and Riko keep an eye on Lala and Zastin who are not good with shopping especially Lala. 

- Thank you very much for your purchase. Check back often. - Said the store receptionist.

- Ok, what do I need to buy? - I say this leaving the store and taking the paper from the list.

- Yuuki-kun. - I hear Haruna's voice.

- Haruna! Did you come to shop too? - I ask.

- Yes. I'm about to buy things at this store. - Haruna said pointing to the store I just left. 

💭What a coincidence.

- Do you want me to help? - I say this, taking Haruna by surprise.

- If it's not inconvenient. - she said.

- It won't bother you after all, it's always good to have an extra hand when shopping. - I answer. 

With that I help Haruna buy some things at the store, after that we split up as she is with her friends who are also shopping. 

I continue my shopping but this time alone when I finish, I see a guy selling taiyaki. 

(A/N: Taiyaki is a fish-shaped snack filled with red rice.) 

I love Taiyaki, it's one of the fried foods that I really like and it's in these moments that I abuse my powers as a Celestial Sapien. 

💭Time to eat about 20 taiyakis....

I make enough money to have 20 taiyakis and every time I do, I see the seller's shocked face quickly turn into one of pure joy. 

💭Riko says I can't eat too much taiyaki to avoid gaining weight, but I'm an alien so I have nothing to worry about.

I walk down the city sidewalk eating my taiyakis at a certain speed and I see a girl with long, blonde hair and red eyes who is looking at me.

💭Who is this girl?

She is wearing a very peculiar outfit, the style of her clothes is very gothic.


💭She's looking at me very intently...

I move a few steps to the side and see the girl's gaze following me.

💭Hmmm.... maybe it's because of the taiyakis? 

I walk towards her and eat the taiyaki in my mouth.

- hmm.....maybe you wanted one of those? - I say this by offering her a taiyaki.

- What? - said the girl, seeming to have been caught off guard.

- Don't worry, I bought a lot, even having one less won't make a difference. - I answer.

(A/N: Who knew that was the key to her arc.)

She remained silent and took the taiyaki that I offered, and she and I ate the snack in silence until I decided to break it.

- That taiyaki shop is my favorite, besides being famous, do you know it? - I ask, but I don't receive an immediate answer.

-The food on Earth is really strange. - said the girl.

💭Did she say Earth?

The moment this crosses my mind the girl walks up to me and puts her hands on my shoulders. 

  - You must be Akira Yuuki. - said the girl.

- How do you know my name? - I say this, taking a taiyaki from my bag and starting to eat.

- I'm looking for you. - Said the girl.

- Me? - I say this with the food in my mouth. 

The girl's hand changes shape to a sharp blade, she tries to cut my chest, but I dodge it at the right time.

💭Another suitor from Lala? But aren't the majority men? 

- Another alien?! - I say this pretending to be surprised.

- Someone told me to eliminate you. I have no resentment against you, but I must ask you to disappear. - said the girl attacking me again, but I dodge easily.

- Can't you wait until I finish eating? - I say this by putting another taiyaki in my mouth. The girl didn't respond and continued to attack me. I start running away from her, avoiding her attacks by eating my taiyakis at the same time.

💭She doesn't get tired, does she?

I hide in a wall near some parked cars and start to analyze my situation.

💭 This is new, someone sent someone to kill me.

- It's enough that I have to deal with Aliens now there's a killer after me? - I say this not expecting an answer, but I receive one.

- Exactly. - Said the killer, breaking the wall next to me.

- Please don't run away. - she said, standing in front of me.

- Why don't you attack back, Akira Yuuki? - she said.

- Because I'm eating my snack, I don't want to scatter food. - I say this not caring about the assassin approaching me.

- Aren't you a terrible demon? Even if I can't see it. - said the killer.

💭 Terrible demon? This is not the world where there was a supernatural war and the god of angels died! 

- But it will end here. - she said, going to attack me again, but Zastin appears immediately, blocking her attack.

- You took a long time Zastin. - I answer.

- What do you think you're doing? - said the Assassin.

- Me? I am the officer sent from Deviluke to Earth. I am Lala-sama's guard, protector, ward and bodyguard. And, I'm protecting the little guy while I do it. - said Zastin.

- This little guy could very well make you lose your job, you know? - I respond with a not-so-cheerful smile.

- I am the captain of the bodyguards of the royal family in Deviluke, my name is Zastin! - he shouted, pointing his sword of light at the assassin.

(A/N:It's not the same light sword from Star Wars, unfortunately.)

- I still don't understand, but it seems like you're trying to get in my way. You leave me no choice. - Said the assassin who began to advance towards Zastin.

- Come. - she said in a neutral tone.

- Let's fight! - said Zastin advanced too.

The two started to fight with each one anticipating the other's attack, but it seems that the fight is well balanced.

-Akira!!! - I hear Lala's voice next to me and I see her flying like a rocket towards me, luckily I catch her in my arms preventing me from falling to the ground.

- Hey, who is this? - Lala said and I put her on the floor.

- This girl said she is a murderer. Apparently she was sent to kill me. - I say this after eating the last taiyaki and make the bag disappear in my hand.

- What did you say? - Lala said, becoming serious.

- Her code name is "Golden Darkness". - Said Mikado-Sensei appearing next to us.

- Do you know anything Mikado-Sensei? - I ask.

- She appears to be a space assassin who has the power to freely transform any part of her body into weapons. She came to Earth. It's better not to get involved with her. - Mikado said this and she starts to leave.

- Mikado-Sensei, you - I was going to continue, but she interrupts me.

-If you're going to fight her Akira-kun, try to go easy on her- She said that, leaving sight.

💭Do I go easy on my power? Don't tell me that she....no, it can't be that and that! It's impossible for anyone to find out my race!

While I'm wondering if Mikado-Sensei knows the truth about me or not, the fight between Zastin and the Golden Darkness was going well, until Zastin ends up falling into a sewer hole, it seems he didn't know how to aim for the landing spot.

💭 Is this Lala's bodyguard? For heaven's sake he is pathetic.

The assassin grew wings and began to fly towards us and hovered in the air.

- The person who was interfering has already moved out of the way. Akira Yuuki, are you ready? - said the Assassin.

- If so, I will be your opponent! I will take revenge for Zastin! - Lala said, looking serious, but her tone of voice makes me think otherwise. 

- I kidding. - Lala said, just confirming my suspicions.

💭She hardly takes things seriously.

- Lala, are you sure you want to face her? - I say that.

- Yes. - said Lala.

- Lala Satalin Deviluke, will you be my opponent? - said the Assassin.

- Yes! - said Lala.

- A princess who grew up in a protected environment. You mean you want to fight me? - said the golden Darkness.

- It may not seem like it by appearance, but I am very strong. - Lala said with a look of determination.

- I'm going to make you cry, princess. - said the assassin, preparing to attack.

- Even though I said that, I won't be kind. - said the Assassin.

💭What a situation this is. 

The fight between Lala and the Golden Darkness is practically Lala turning the fight into a game.

Lala dodged the assassin's attacks and I, who was in the crossfire, had to dodge too, but that wasn't a problem for either one or Lala.

In the middle of the fight I ended up going through a wall and came across naked women with soap on their bodies looking at me. 

💭Wow, I accidentally hit a hot spring.

- Ahh! Good morning girls. How is your bath? - I ask, not caring about the women's looks of shame. 

- Pervert!!!!! - shouted the women throwing everything in my direction, I just walk to the exit, not caring about the girls' attacks, and I leave the place through the front door with the men who seem to be impressed by my attitude.

- Have a good day gentlemen. - I say this walking to where Lala and the assassin are fighting.

💭Lala is practically using the Assassin as an opportunity to use her intentions.

I feel like I don't need to worry about Lala since it seems like she's coping well against the killer. I see that they are landing in a temple far from my location.

💭I better fly there.

3 horns appear on my forehead and I start flying to where they are. 

I see that the two are no longer fighting and I land next to Lala.

- Maybe he isn't. - said the killer and Lala nods.

💭 It seems like they talked while I was arriving.

- But. I will destroy anyone who gets in my way. This is the duty of the golden Darkness. - She said.

- What?! You can't do such a thing! - Lala shouted.

- A princess who grew up in a place where there is no danger will never understand. The difficulty of living in a universe alone. - said the Assassin with a cold look.

- Yes, you are right. That's the reason I left the palace and went out into the universe to see new places! There are many things I still don't know! - Lala said and I ended up smiling at what she said.

💭Lala being Lala.

At the same moment she said that, a spaceship appears in the air.

- What are you doing, Golden Darkness? Your opponent is not Lala-san. - said a voice from inside the ship. 

💭Ahhhh no, who is it now? 

- Tada! Lacospo is here to visit you! - he said, coming down from the ship.

- Lacospo?! - Lala said his name in surprise. 

💭 I bet it's another suitor.

  - Who is this green dwarf? - I say this making the dwarf angry.

- Shut up, you Earthling! How dare you interfere in my relationship with Lala-tan?! - said the green dwarf who looks like a frog.

💭Here we go again.

- Golden darkness, finish this boy now! - said the Dwarf.

- Lacospo! So it was you who is Yami-chan's client! - said Lala, getting angry and the killer is surprised by the name.

💭 Yami-chan? 

- Yes, all for Lala-tan. Now, let's get married! - Said the Dwarf, 100% in love with Lala.

- Never! You sent an assassin to kill Akira, you are the worst. - Lala said, showing her tongue to the dwarf.

- The worst... - said the dwarf.

- Exactly! I will never marry someone as bad as you! - said Lala. 

- You'll never get married.... - said the dwarf, stepping back.

- Golden Darkness! This is what happens when you don't kill the target! - said the dwarf. 

- I have something to ask you. Akira Yuuki's data  turned out to be very different from what you told me. - she said, leaving the dwarf embarrassed.

- What are you talking? - said the dwarf, pretending to be innocent.

- I think you said the target's data couldn't be fake or made up. Don't tell me you were fooling me this whole time? - said the killer with a straight face.

- Shut up, shut up, shut up! Akira Yuuki is a bad guy who is Lala-tan in danger! Why would I lie?! - said the dwarf.

- Yami-chan, don't believe what Lascopo says! -Lala said.

The killer stared at Lala and Lascopo until she was staring at Lacospo with a threatening face. 

The killer stared at Lala and Lascopo until she was staring at Lacospo with a threatening face. 

- What is that look?! I am your customer! - he said. - If you want to continue like this, you will have to give me the correct data. - said the killer.

- If you won't obey me, I'll have to punish you! Come! Gana-tan! - said the dwarf who made a large frog come down from his ship.

- That's a rare colorful frog! - Peke said in a tone of fear.

- Do you know anything Peke? - said Lala.

- I had seen this before in the astrobiology reference book. If it's the least of what I read, then he's a natural enemy of mine! - said Peke looking like he is very scared.

Lascopo, who is riding his frog, begins to attack the killer using an acidic liquid that, when it hits the killer, causes her clothes to slowly melt.

- Gana-tan! Destroy her clothes! - shouted the dwarf.

- That's exactly it, this frog that melts clothes. It's very scary for me... very scary... - said Peke.

💭Well for a robot that makes clothes this makes sense.

The fight between the two continues, but the assassin, or Yami, is going badly for her as she is unable to cut the frog due to its mucus. Yami narrowly avoids the acid, but she ends up falling on top of me with her ass sitting on my face.

💭Soft.....it feels like two pillows on top of me.

Embarrassed Yami gets off me right away and she uses her hair to punch me, but I grab her hair fist right away.

- Hey! I'm not fighting you! - I say that, but it seems that Yami is focused on me now.  

Lacospo took advantage of this and attacked Yami, but Lala took the attack in her place.

- Lala! - I say this getting worried. 

Lala was completely naked only in the private part that is still covered and Lala covers her breasts with her hands.

- Ohhh! Lala-tan's clothes! Once again Gana-tan! - said Lascopo ordering his frog. 

The frog was going to attack Lala once again, but this time I stand in front of her and my clothes disintegrate and I'm left in just my boxer shorts. 

- Akira! - said Lala.

- Are you okay Lala? - I ask, looking at her who seems embarrassed to see me almost naked now.

- Y-Yes! And I'm fine. - Great. Now it's my turn to deal with the trash. - I say this walking slowly towards Lacospo with a not-so-happy expression.

- Hey! How can you stay ahead?! You ruined my moment! - shouted Lacospo.

- Shut up, you alien trash! - I say this with a serious and authoritative tone. 

My eyes flash white and at the same moment Lacospo's frog explodes into several pieces. 

(A/N: This is a reference to Jiren and Gogeta SSJ4. Yes, Gogeta has this ability for those who haven't seen GT)

- My Gana-tan! - shouted Lacospo.

- Who do you think....- Lacospo shuts up instantly the moment he sees me.

I probably have my 3 horns showing and part of my hands are in their original form.

My anger is so high that it makes it difficult for me to control my anger, I'm about to revert to my original form if I'm not careful.

💭 I have to end this soon....

(A/N: I recommend that you readers put on Bills' music when he destroys Zamasu. The scene is much better.)

- You.....you....are.....no! It's impossible! Your race is a legend! Just an old legend! How can you exist?!  - Lacospo shouted with a face of pure fear.

- So you know who I am? Good....very good....now I have a reason to eliminate you. - I say this, extending my right hand towards Lacospo who is crawling away from me in great fear.

- I'll leave you alone! I give up wanting anything to do with Lala! She's yours! Just let me go!!!! - said the dwarf with a face of pure despair. 

I just stare at Lacospo with a blank expression without any empathy and in that moment I ignore everything around me and just focus on the worm in front of me. Not wanting to see him existing in this reality anymore, I just say one word.

- Disappear. - I say this and I see Lacospo screaming in agony as he begins to disappear along with his ship.

When I see that the discomfort of the universe has been erased I look at Lala who has her clothes back and Yami who is looking at me with a surprised expression. The two didn't say anything after seeing that. 

Knowing that the situation is not pleasant at all, I decide to leave, but I stop walking to talk to Lala and Yami.

- Lala, let's talk about that later, I..... need some time alone. And you Yami. You can do whatever you want, I don't care if you come after me, but stay away from Lala so you don't end up like the other one did. - I say that and teleport to the door of my house and let out a tired sigh.

- What's happening to me? I almost lost control at that point. - I say this looking at my hand, which was previously in its original form, but now has its human appearance.

💭It seems that the emotions that I should develop at the center of creation are manifesting more quickly than usual. I have to be careful not to accidentally erase the universe.

End of the ep