
Scared, is the word.

''...I love you a lot less selfish than that. You can bet I'm going to have your back every step of the way.''

A brilliant smile got plastered on Kaiden's face the moment those words fell in his ears. 

It meant so much to him that Jake could decide to be this selfless about the fact that he was going away. This wasn't how their college year was supposed to end, based on previous discussions they'd had about the subject. Granted, they'd been pretty occupied with studies, Projects and thesis presentation throughout the semester, but Kai had promised Jake that he was going to make up for it after their examination officially ends. 

Thinking back on all this caused Kai to harbour deep respect for Jake because of how supportive he was being to him right now.

''What can I say, baby..'' Kaiden said with a gentle squeeze of his boyfriend's hands. ''those are pretty nice words to hear.''

''You are welcome.''