
Nervous- I


Kai quickly pulled back from Jake. His palms got all sweaty and he turned to face the intruder.

"Zev!" Kai exclaimed once he settled his eyes on him. "Uhm… " He stalled for a bit and then said. "What's up?" 

Saying nothing, Zev strode some quick strides to measure up to him; actually the romantic duo, he and Jake, at least he would think so given how he'd just busted in on them both while they maintained that suspicious position. 

Kai became very uncomfortable with Zev now standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him. He rubbed his palms together and then parted his lips to be the first to speak of the two. "I'd like to know how you managed to get here."

Zev arched his brow at him prompting Kai to rephrase his words. "I mean, how're you here?"

"What do you mean by 'how am I here?' " Zev asked him back before diving his hands inside his pants pockets.

"I know what I asked, Zev." Kai snapped, raking his hand through his hair. "What's the deal with you showing up here and at such godforsaken hour?"

"I could say the same for you, Kai. You've been here the whole time. Haven't you?" 

Before Kai could defend himself, Zev quickly steered his eyes to the injured boy. Bruising Kaiden's shoulder softly with his own, Zev put out his hand to have a shake with Jake. 

"Hey," He said as Jake extended his hand to him. "Name's Zev and sadly I'm this douchebag's best and only friend."

His tone prompted Jake to chuckle a light laugh but Kai merely snarled at his friend's subtle insult.

"Hahaha, name's Jake and it's also nice to meet you too." 

"Yeah, I was told." Zev put back his hand in his pants now before adding, "Your name, I mean. So how're you feeling? Does your arm still hurt? I mean we practically just shook hands."

"Yeah," Jake concurred. "But it does hurt. A lot! In short my whole body's burning with 'em bloody pains." 

Kai cut him a soothing stare now that he'd stated this. He began to feel guilty in a way for not protecting him from the whole mishap to begin with.

'And all for that bloody game.' Kai mused, cutting his lips by biting hard on them. 

Maybe Rugby wasn't as much a cool sport anyway if it was going to put the ones he cared about at harm's way.

Wait! The ones he cared about? 

He cares about Jake!???

Kai's eyes shot wide open just in time to see his best friend ogling at him like he was some criminal who'd gotten captured in the act.

"What?" Kai snapped, twitching his face to the side; brows arched at that angle. "What's the look about?"

"Nothing." Zev stated, though he wasn't convincing enough. 

"You still haven't answered my question, Zev." Kai raised up their previous talk from where he'd left off. "How the hell are you here?"

Zev felt cornered by his domineering tone.

He sparked. "Are you for real, man? Like are you seriously kidding me right now? Why in the world would I be here if not for the same reason as you?" 

Kai stood muddled up for a bit. Zev cared for Jake in the same manner as him? Or he was simply over thinking it. 

"Don't give me those eyes." Zev told him. "Like you didn't know the whole team's out there."


"Wait! The entire team's out there?" Kai's eyes widened the more. "Well… " He stalled for a bit. "I didn't exactly know that. I mean I slept off."

"Yeah, right. We've all been out here since 5. I just came in to see if you needed coffee or something. I didn't exactly know Jake's already awake." 

"Oh," Kai stopped to scratch his hair. "That! Uhm… So you've been here since 5. Like 5 this evening or—"

"What, did your brains fry when you were asleep? Of course it's got to be 5. P. M. Weren't we at the fields earlier today? Besides, the match was cancelled." 

"What! Why?"

Zev shrugged.

"Com'on tell me. You stayed back for the rest of it, remember? So you should know."

"Okay, fine." Zev settled. "Apparently it was cancelled because the fault was from one of us."

"One of us?" Kai lowered his tone to speak to him through gritted teeth. "What. do. you. mean.?"