(Boy Love) ----------------- Someday you find someone and then they make you feel like the whole world but suddenly, you lose them just because... But you must find a way to get them back! Kaiden would never in a million years allow his feelings for Jake to get swept under the carpet but then even if he must love his heart's choice, there are toxic family demands to live up to. Short book
Kaiden sank deep into his seat the instant the car rolled forward. Since it was a dilapidated pickup van, he did not expect so much from it in terms of performance. Eyes shut, he let his mind drift onto other things and eventually fell asleep.
A nightmare caused his eyes to burst wide open.
"Are you okay, cuz?" Tony's annoying laugh heightened the mood he was in.
"How far down are we?" Kaiden asked him, startled by the view all about him. That part of the city looked medieval with men walking around solemnly in their scribes.
"Well, now that you asked, you already missed most of the view. We're driving past the cathedral now. It should be some ten minutes before we reach the house."
"Fine." Kaiden took off Tony's cap and covered his face with it.
"Hey! Why did you do that?"