

Althea bit her lips and went outside in silence. Rumi scoffs and exclaimed:

"Now, even our brother is in cell and we don't know when the evil tyrant we call father will let him go. I just hate citizens and people with double standards. Some good months ago, she wouldn't let us know peace with her un-rhythmic endless talk of love. Now look where we are… Starr let's get the hell out of here"

Starr got up and held Rumi's hand as they went away from the mall. As they were walking Starr's head dropped, she was filled with sad emotions and before Rumi could say a thing she busted out in tears:

"Sister when will brother be released?"

Rumi gulped and hugged sister.

"I don't know Starr but soon I hope my dear"

Rumi tried to contain the surge of painful feelings that she was feeling in her heart but no matter how much she tried to calm her feelings she couldn't stop the silent flow of tears from her eyes.