
This is Freedom

To my disappointment, the ghost did not disappear yet. However, my vision is getting clearer. The spirit flew beside me as a guide in passing the strikes and entering the boundary, "Someone else is waiting for you at the tip of the graveyard altar. Do you want me to tell you about it?" 

I raised my head higher since I felt like vomiting, in addition to my fingers massaging the temples of my head. After being electrified, I felt my veins burn a hundred times in my million sets of vessels. "I do not want a ghost to tell me about it. Besides, I will meet whoever is waiting for me at the graveyard altar." 

The ghost laughed as if my words were just a mere joke. I do not like the voice of the spirit, it echoes so much, but compared to my voice which is gentle and low (Not like anyone wants to describe it the way I do), it sounded a little hoarse for a woman in their perspective –as what they keep telling me.