
To Become Godly *Hiatus*

*Currently on Hiatus* When a woman dies in her sleep, she suddenly finds herself being born into Naruto! While she knows a lot of the story from the manga, she doesn't realize how her presence will shake up this world. But that's not all, she's born as a Uchiha! Will she be able to beat the curse of hatred since she's from another world, or will she be swallowed up by the darkness regardless? Not only that, but with how strong everyone is, will she become strong enough to survive? Read to find out how the story of Suki Uchiha pans out. ---------------------------------------------------------- Please know, that this is one of my first reincarnation stories so it likely won't be too good of a reincarnation story. If you read through this, then come on, follow along with me as we go through Naruto with a slight* twist. *The writer is not responsible for any divergences from the prime timeline.

Shane_The_Reader · 漫画同人
37 Chs

Years 1 and 2 of timeskips

Year 1: Suki is now 8

A loud crunch sounded through the area before another with some heavy breathing behind it.

Suki was seen kicking a log with it halfway destroyed in a line.

Her hair laid against the back of her dark purple t-shirt. Her arms up to halfway to the elbow were covered in bandages. Her legs had bandages from her feet that met the bottom of her black shorts.

"Huff...huff...huff." She breathed out as sweat ran down her face.

"Suki, how much longer?" Someone whined.

She turned her head. "You can leave anytime Naruto. I want to get used to these new weights."

"Huh? But, didn't Major Brushy Brows give you a lot more weight?"

"Yes, he did."

"How much this time?" Another boy asked.

"He's moved me up to having 50 pounds on each of my arms and 100 pounds on each leg." She told him. "How are your weights coming along Sasuke?"

"300 pounds!? Weren't you just on 200?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Yes, I was."

"I have 25 pounds on each limb, 5 more than him."

"Not for long! Just you wait!" Naruto told him.

"I won't wait till I'm old."

Naruto growled at him, causing Suki to internally sigh.

'When I invited both of them to train with me, I didn't think that that would somehow jump start their rivalry.'

Ever since last year, they would come to the training ground about every week, leaving Suki alone 3/7 days since she spars with Lee on Wednesdays with weights, Saturday without weights so they could get used to their actual speed in the case they need to take them off so that they aren't taken by surprise and run 30 feet instead of 3, and Sundays where Gai would arrive and give them pointers and test them.

Today, Suki planned on working on more than her body, she planned on working on her chakra control.

"Seriously, you two can go if you want. I'll likely be here for another hour." She told them.

She continued for another 10 minutes before the boys left, saying goodbye. She waited a few minutes before walking towards a tree.

"Okay, I'll you have to do to find the right amount of chakra and send it to the bottom of my feet. From there, I simply defy the law of gravity and walk up a tree without using my hands." She muttered aloud.

'Then again, breaking the law of gravity is a Monday in this world.' She thought.

She concentrated before blue chakra appeared on the bottom of her feet. She walked towards the tree and placed one foot on the tree. She lifted the other one...

And fell, right on her back.

"Son of the Sage." She muttered. When she fell, she fell straight on her spine. Nothing broke, chipped, or cracked. Just knocked the wind out of her for a moment.

She got back up. "Okay, let's try it with a running start."

Gathering the chakra once more, she ran at the tree before she started running up!

Her concentration slipped slightly, so she managed to quickly grab a kunai from her side and slash the tree, and land on her feet.

She looked up and saw she likely made it about 1/5 of the way on her second attempt.

'Is it really this easy? I thought it would be harder.'

She would later curse her past self.

It took 3 additional hours before she made it to the top.

'Now, all I have to do is keep doing this until it becomes second nature. Then,' She thought. 'Then I'll figure out water walking.'

So that's how that year went, she trained, mastered tree walking completely in 2 months before going back to training her body.

Year 2: Suki: 9

This year was a big one.

Last month, she had upped her weights again to 250 per leg and 150 per arm.

Suki, however, was focused on something else.

She brought her leg up to block Lee's kick before shooting her left arm forward, intending on striking Lee across the chest. Lee picked his other leg up, allowing him to drop quick enough to go under her punch.

He shot a leg upwards, hitting her in the bottom of the chin, sending her slightly into the air. She recovered by using the momentum from the kick to do a backflip to right herself.

Lee didn't let up though. He was already jumping towards her. They proceeded to trade punch for punch, block for block, and finally, kick for kick. They landed back on the ground.

Suki jumped backward to give herself some room but realize that wouldn't happen as Lee just followed her again.

She landed before crouching and used her legs to shoot herself towards him before swinging her leg sideways, intending on striking the side of his head. He reached both hands upwards and grabbed the leg, stopping it with his body sliding to the left a little bit from the force.

Not done, she drew back her left fist and shot it at his head again. Seeing that he left himself open, even for the briefest moment, caused him to let go of her leg to block it, only to find out that it was a feint.

She let gravity take over before quickly shooting her right fist into his chest, sending him backward.

"Stop!" Gai yelled out, causing both of them to stop.

They both breathed slightly heavily.

Who wouldn't? They had been continuously fighting like that for about half an hour.

"Today's match will be declared a draw. Suki managed to get hit more, but the ones that she landed made the difference in force due to her managing to deflect most of the blows you landed Lee." Gai told them.

They nodded. "I will surely win next time!"

"Don't get too big for your jumpsuit. I won't make it that easy to beat me." She told with a smirk.

"Alright, here are my tips based on what I saw in the fight." He turned towards Lee. "While true that you have a condition that leaves you with little chakra, you still need to know how to counteract it. All three of us know that you have more physical prowess than Suki, but she can use her chakra to close that gap. So, you'll have to stay aware of when your opponent is using chakra to enhance their abilities. One way to do so is to try and strike the opponent on the head. With a strong enough hit, it leaves them disoriented, not allowing them to keep their concentration on using their chakra. So, continue to increase your routine and read up on chakra control capabilities to learn how your opponent does so." He told him.

He then towards Suki. "So, anything you noticed first off, or should I tell you?"

"I was too focused on trying to retreat instead of continuing with my assault?" She asked.

"Not completely. While it is important to continue your assault and keep your momentum, never be afraid to retreat from your opponent. Especially, if they have gained momentum as Lee did. No, your problem was that you are too focused on trying to plan your next attack. One of the best things a Taijutsu master can learn is to be flexible. Not all of your attacks will work out how you want them to. Not to mention, if you continue to react and attack the same way, you will soon become predictable. Think of Shogi." He had found out that she enjoyed playing the game with Shikamaru. "If you continue to react to your opponent taking one of your pieces the same way, they will eventually be able to plan how to counteract that move and so on until you have lost."

"Any advice on how to be more flexible in my attacks?"

"Learn more techniques or incorporate more attacks into the Strong Fist. In fact, I just remembered something."

Gai placed his hand into one of his pockets before pulling out a piece of paper.

"Here." He held it out to her.

She grabbed it before raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, right. This is chakra paper. Channel your chakra into it and we can find out your chakra nature or natures." Gai explained.

She already knew her chakra though. She seemed to do well with the Fire Jutsu she has learned already and noticed that she could do wind jutsu but had some trouble with it.

Either way, she did as she was asked and sent chakra from her hands into the paper. The paper immediately split into two separate pieces. The left piece crinkled up into a ball. The right piece, however, did something interesting.

It completely burnt to ash, indicating that she had a fire release, but the fire wasn't normal. It was bright red but had a hint of purple in the center. They almost missed it as the flame turned the paper to ash in less than a second and the purple part of the flame was only visible for about 1/10th of a second.

"Gai-sensei, what do purple flames mean?" She asked, never seeing purple flames before.

"I'm afraid, I don't know. All I do know though is that the color represents the intensity of the flames. It's known that a dark red flame is one of the weakest fires discovered with the blue flames of the Two-Tailed Jinchuriki in Kumogakure seemingly making the hottest flames. However, Sunagakure is known to either have or had a user of the Shakuton style that created flames hot enough to evaporate all the water in a target's body." He thought aloud, holding his chin. "The purple may mean that you can possibly create flames that have never been seen in the Elemental Nations before."

She nodded before thanking him.

"Alright, you two get back to training. I'll step in if I need to or you need help." Gai told them.

So they continued to spar for the next half hour before moving onto their own training.

Suki could be seen standing on the lake but the water was just over her toes, showing that she has almost completed mastering water walking to the point that she could use it while focusing on other things.

She had her eyes closed at the moment because she felt something slightly strange with her chakra when she tried to use it after a while.

'It feels like something is preventing me from using more of my chakra.' She thought. 'Could it possibly be?'

So, she did what most people might not: She pulled harder on the source.

Suddenly, she felt a slight surge of her chakra. Not much but enough to give her more than the amount of chakra that she had at the beginning of practice today.

She opened her eyes and moved around a little bit, feeling a slight difference.

'There's next to no lag between the feeling of moving my leg to my body doing it. It feels like I don't have anything preventing my body from moving.' She thought.

"Suki!" Gai exclaimed, causing both Lee and Suki to be surprised.

Surprised enough to throw her chakra, which had become a little out of balance, off that she fell into the water.

"Gah-" She exclaimed, feeling herself fall before completely falling into the water. A second passed before her head was above water and whatever feeling she felt before was gone.

She focused chakra to her hands and managed to pull herself out of the water and walked back to land, trying to get what remained of the water in her hair out.

"What is the matter Gai-sensei?" She asked, also wondering why she felt tired.

"Are you aware of what you just did?" He asked.

Confused, she shook her head.

"You somehow managed to unlock the First Gate."

That statement, despite believing that was the case, still shocked her and Lee.

"My eternal rival has managed to open the First Gate!" Lee asked shocked.

"What does this First Gate do?" She asked.

She knew each one of them does something, but she couldn't remember what the first two gates did.

"Alright, I'll have to tell you about them in more detail. You two already know about the 8 Gates since I have already told you about them. I told Lee more about them once he unlocked them a year and a half ago. Now, I will tell you the same thing. The first 2 Gates aren't too dangerous. When used, Kaimon, the First Gate, removes all mental inhibitions. People will always have doubts when doing something, but Kaimon removes that doubt from your body, allowing you to access 100% of your body's capability. Once you release Kaimon however, you will be hit with a slight wave of exhaustion." He explained.

'That explains why I feel tired.' She thought.

"I'll explain the Second Gate, Kyūmon, and I'll explain the rest of the gates once you reach the Third Gate, Seimon. Kyūmon increases the strength of your body by roughly 20% and will fill you with energy, allowing you to continue fighting in the case you are running low on energy. However, once you release, similar to Kyūmon, you will experience a wave of exhaustion but stronger than Kyūmon. It would be similar to training for 3 hours." He explained.

"And the rest? Do they just make you more and more tired?" She asked.

He shook his head. "I told you I would explain it more when you are ready to unlock Seimon but I'll tell you this. Starting at Seimon, your body will start to be damaged more and more from the power they give you."

She nodded. "Thank you. However, there's something I meant to ask you. You mentioned that Lee had already learned Kaimon. What is he on now?"

"As of now, Lee is still on Kyūmon."

"Suki-chan's spirit of youth is so bright!" Lee exclaimed.

With that, not much happened for the rest of the year. Suki continued training and mastered water walking to the point she could fight on it, which is what Gai had them do once Lee could also do it. Lee may have next to no chakra, but what really makes a ninja strong is knowing how much chakra to release and that was something that Gai could teach Lee.

She followed Gai's advice and searched through the remaining scrolls from the clan that she could find and found a few Fire Jutsus along with some Lightning Jutsus. She could only find about 3-4 Jutsus on Wind since they apparently don't have too many Uchihas that had a wind affinity.

One of the Fire techniques that she started to try was called Fire Style: Flame Attack. The user surrounds their arms from their elbows to their hands in fire chakra. When they strike an enemy, it can cause the fire to stick to the enemy, causing up to 2nd degree burns.

Obviously, even Suki knew that she shouldn't practice this one unless there was a water source nearby to quickly put it out. Other than that, not much else happened that year.