
To be Prince of Europe

This is medieval Europe, yet not the real Europe. Because here, in addition to everything original from medieval Europe, there inexplicably exist mages, demihumans, monsters, and all sorts of dangerous and powerful creatures. Damian, who reincarnated here by accident, how will he survive in this strange European continent full of magical colors? "Don't worry, everything will be fine," Damian smiled after looking at the war system interface in front of him. "If it's just about surviving here, there shouldn't be a problem." The adventurous courage and passion, the blood and fire of war, the intrigues and power struggles of the court. Defeating dangerous enemies, gaining reliable allies, upgrading one's own system abilities, cultivating a powerful army unique to oneself, encountering various charming women, and finally——standing at the top of Europe amidst the adoration of the masses. In fact, he originally just wanted to survive on this medieval European continent. But unknowingly... power, wealth, authority, women, everything silently fell into his hands, until he became the prince of the entire Europe. "So, who exactly is spreading rumors that I became the prince by relying on my lower half??"

Savnd · 奇幻
73 Chs


Conosa's elder brother, named Adler von Nosnberg, is the eldest of four siblings and inherited a large, fertile territory near Nancy, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lorraine, who is known as the Count of Metz. The name means "eagle."

Adler's title is also unique. He is a Paladin, not just an ordinary Count.

Being a Paladin not only signifies Adler's higher status but also proves his involvement in setting national policies. This man is also the Grand Duke's Wardrobe Master, holding considerable prestige throughout the court.

Ostensibly, the Wardrobe Master manages the Grand Duke's clothes, but in reality, he oversees significant aspects like court personnel and finances.

Thus, Adler's status is extraordinarily distinct. He is also annoyed by the squabbles between his younger siblings. Despite being trivial matters, they always end up bothering him.

For some reason, this time Adler also wishes that Bishop Matt of the Gothingen Diocese could dethrone his sister. It seems there are some unknown conflicts between Adler and his sovereign, Diodoric I, as Adler doesn't want Matt to publicize this matter.

However, whereas Bishop Matt fears Adler's wrath, Andreas does not.

Andreas, the Grand Duke's uncle, has been meddling in the capital, for over a decade and has had many dealings with Adler. Moreover, Matt's fear of Adler, coupled with his disrespect towards Andreas, has piqued Andreas's pride.

Status-wise, Andreas is a priest and an abbot, a transcendent religious authority, who should ideally receive more respect than Adler.

But Matt is not afraid of him and fears Adler from miles away.

For Bishop Matt, his and the late Scoke's alliance has always been secret. Recently, he feels uneasy, as if Damian has caught something against him.

Stupid Andreas achieved nothing useful other than sending his wife to woo Damian, consequently despising this high-reputation but ineffectual abbot.

Thus, they began to argue and suspect each other. Matt, facing Andreas's compromising behavior, fiercely criticized him, claiming that sending his wife could never affect Damian's status or power.

Andreas, profoundly insulted by such disrespect from a junior, retorted that he would use his influence in the capital to banish Bishop Matt to the sticks during the Lorrain Archbishop election.

With this, the two parted on bad terms. Andreas began to hold a grudge against Matt and planned to plotted with his wife to send Matt away. At this point, he completely forgot Grand Duke Diodoric's orders.

On the other side, Countess Conosa, disregarding her safety, gathered a guard unit and rode towards Milhouse Castle.

But at Milhouse Castle, Damian had already embraced a happy life ahead of her.

After just conquering the castle, the expelled Schmalen had no time to build a new home and could only fume in the countryside.

Meanwhile, Damian enjoyed debauched and indulgent days with Joan in the city. Joan, a renowned beauty knight from the County of Gothingen, gradually opened up and became proactive after experiencing the pleasures with men.

This once-strong female knight even found her legs too soft to ride a horse for days due to Damian.

Amelia's feelings were complex as she watched Joan's complexion improve day by day, torn between envy and melancholy.

Everything seemed to be on track.

"Oh, I seem to have forgotten to send a war report to Conosa. But it doesn't matter; those Wagner knights probably reported it first," Damian thought happily, recalling Conosa's delicate and voluptuous body.

Every time Damian sought greater intimacy with Conosa, she would always refuse with excuses like social standing or vows to God.

This time, Damian was curious about her reaction.

Clearly, Damian didn't hold the medieval hierarchical concept. After being rejected for many times by Conosa, a fire of anger also burned within Damian.

But he also quickly adopted the idea of pre-marital cohabitation. It must be said, this is a serious double standard.

That night, while Damian, embracing Joan and savoring her fragrance, Conosa, full of fury, galloped into the castle.

She had been traveling for three or four days without receiving a letter from Damian, which she saw as a severe breach of loyalty.

Did Damian intend to betray and go independent? Conosa even hid a dagger and paced near Milhouse Castle's gate for a long time before finally entering the castle.

Conosa still couldn't believe that Damian, who had supported her in the most perilous times, would betray her.

Indeed, the lady moved unimpeded within the castle, with guards and knights stepping aside, leading her straight to the door of their room.

But conosa still wanted to know what Damian was up to. Conspiring rebellion? Planning for higher rewards? Or asking her to fulfill the vows?

As she neared the door, she only heard Joan's groans. Initially thinking Damian was whipping Joan, she hurried closer. But the groans grew stranger, sounding more like Joan's pleasure.

Through the door, she peeked for a while, then understood the situation completely.

All her preconceived scenarios were illusions. Damian had no intention of rebellion.

Only the man's desires were real.

In fact, knowing Conosa's arrival, Joan intentionally made her moans more alluring to flaunt to her friend. That's because Joan harbored a great ambition to marry Damian officially. Meanwhile, Damian was blissfully unaware of the women's covert conflict.

Conosa was very angry inside, but she didn't dare to lose her temper with Damian. So, with this tangled feeling, she finally began a face-to-face conversation with Damian the next day.

"Why didn't you inform me immediately?" Conosa's anger centered on this.

Damian also had his own trick, so he retorted, "We didn't seem to had an arrangement about such matters before setting out. And I was busy calming the surrounding knights and had no time to write letters. Besides, Wagner's group of knights would inform you immediately at the first time."

Damian felt good now.

Because this time, the initiative was his.