First novel writing, and I want to make it memorable too, So I'll try my best to complete it. MC is born at around the same time as Oden, born in Wano. He has a very positive outlook in life which will soon be destroyed by a quick slap of reality. He made up his mind to change the world into a better place. Empowered with knowledge of the series, and a cheat because of his weird reincarnation, he sets out to accomplish his goal while enjoying what his new life has to offer. MC is cautious, but not overly cautious. He will make mistakes, and he will face the consequences. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Alright here we go. Do give reviews. Not gonna waste any more words. Please Enjoy. I'm going with luffy setting sail in 1522.
Wano, Kuri, 1480
A peaceful country, not the best place to live in though. Many bandits exist, some people are starving, but no major wars though because of how secluded the nation is. Its a country with a relatively high literacy rate, but also a place with yakuza, similar to mafia. Although compared to the 21st century earth, it is technologically backward. The customs are similar to ancient Japan. A great place to visit as a tourist, so why exactly am i ranting? Because I am not a tourist, not even a normal citizen. Orphaned at a young age, I am struggling to make ends meet. the Worst part of it all, Kuri is currently ruled by Ashura Doji, so yeah, not good.
There are still five years before the liberation of kuri by oden, and I am currently 15 years old, so i'll be 20 by then. Fortunately there is an old man who is taking care of me by helping me from time to time. I call him Jack though he doesn't seem to like it. And although it is better for me to just go to oden and inform him about kuri and ask him for help, or just beg him to become his retainer, just the feeling of transmigrating to another world but to just work under others is kind of hard to accept.
Look I know that we have to bend and stretch at times necessary, and these 15 years thought me that in the hardest ways possible. And i kinda convinced myself to do so, but i just can't bear to leave Jack when he is so old, on his own. I want to be better, but I can't seem to figure out what to do so. I started working my way up in the bandit group of kuri. I atleast want to make life easier for us.
I hate my life, and i want to die but, for all the care that Jack has shown me I decided to help him take care of himself to my best. I know that the physique of the people in this world is different, and as i am born into this world and not travelled, i am exceptionally gifted in physical training compared to what i was on earth.
I started training as hard as i can from my birth. Though being a baby isn't helpful to training, i strived on and grew stronger compared to others. I started working for bandits as early as 6 years old, and trained under them even skipping sleep sometimes.
As i trained under them, i realized my special talent. Although it seems that my talent in physical training is subpar to say the least, my thinking and comprehension increased. I can understand the way to practice but my body just cant follow me. I know it sounds common, but it is much more so in my condition.
I think i am slowly developing my new found ability over time. I have accelerated thinking and strong analytical thinking, though upon repeated experiments, it seems its more of a technical than strategical. i started deciphering Six Styles on my own, though i only grasped moon walk and shave on my own. I mean i only remember how to so because of luffy's fight against bueno and sanji's escape from kamabaka kingdom.
I started to research on Life Return, it helps in a lot of things for me though. I also started training in swordsmanship, as weapon combat is much safer for me and much dangerous for my enemies.
I can't cut through iron yet, or even stone yet. Its not that i can't understand the principle of the technique but that my body can't keep up with me. It seems my talent is strength training is subpar at most, not subpar at least.
And after all i have been through, I just feel that someone else should not go through what i went. I want to make the life of common people better. A lofty goal, I know but I think I can do it. Maybe i can find like minded individuals on my journey, and it would be easier by then. Who knows.
I did think of helping others, you know. But bandits aren't exactly supposed to be helpful, much less someone without much authority in the group. Even if i Exempt them from paying protection fees, i have to pay it out of my pocket, and I myself have someone to take care of.
I can help one or two households a month but then those i helped would assume i would help them again. I mean, I can but it does not change the fundamental outcome, the fundamental problem. I have to be better if even I have to close my eyes to injustice, just so i could be more powerful later on and help them then.
As i stare at the night sky having an inner monologue for myself, I hear the sound of foot steps coming from behind me.
Bandit A calls me from behind, and I turn back to look at him. Honestly, i think i have a problem remembering names in general. It can be seen from the fact that I called the gramps Jack instead of whatever his name was.
"Ashura-sama agreed to your request. He said he will meet you 3 days later"
Yeah right. I did request to meet him if i could get 5 gold as taxes instead of 4 from my area, It was a bet with his left-hand man though. I wanted to ask him if he could train me, or atleast have someone professional train me in swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat. Although most of the time i fight, i fight against beasts the most. My experience in combat against humanoids are next to none.
"Ok. You can go back." As i said that, I tossed a silver coin to him. When he caught the coin, a smile grew on his face as he rushed back. This is something I learned after i climbed to a high position among the bandits. You need to be generous in rewards and strict in punishments, if you want loyalty and obedience from your subordinates.
As i returned to gazing at the night sky, a soft smile slowly grew on my face as I muttered under my breadth "3 days huh.. That's soon enough". I need to go back to my house and make preparations. I don't think getting an extra gold is enough to make Ashura to agree to my request.
Though considering that I did Offend someone close to him, I need to bribe his right- hand man for this. He can put a good word for me to convince Ashura. I need to train with him for atleast a year if i want to learn everything he can do and change it to my style. But if he is going to train me longer then there would be no problem with that either. I would be under his protection for that time. Maybe jack could live off for the rest of the 3 years until oden comes happily.
"What is it?"
"Hiroshi.. Hiroshi -san is dead!!"
"Why are you shouting about someone else's death? Pay the compensation for his family as stipulated and exempt them from protection fees for a year. And don't shout so loudly at night time, its disturbing. For the way you shouted, I thought Ashura-sama was here."
Seriously, man. I mean they are bandits so I can't expect manners from them but still. I did teach them though they wouldn't learn. And yeah, As much as i don't want to, I have to call Ashura as Ashura-sama in front of other-
"Bu-But he is your Grandfather"
"No, My Grandfather is Ja- "
Ooh No~