



Ethan Vecton

/"Are you kidding me? Mr. Corwin did that?/" I asked Marco and he nodded.

/"Yeah.. I thought he's this scary tough guy but he's a complete opposite dude./" Marco answered.

/"Well that's really amusing to hear./"

/"I told Cassandra about it and she was shocked with that fact. When she met him, she was trembling her ass off./" Marco said and I laughed.

/"I mean.. who doesn't?/"

/"Not only Cassandra.. Even Dylan almost took a piss there. He was so demanding and scary.. Scarier than my dad./" Brandon joined and I laughed.

/"Gosh.. That man really did surprise us./" I said.

/"Hey guys../" I turned to see Matthew joining us.

/"Hey./" I hugged him briefly.

/"I heard you all talking about Mr. Corwin./"

/"Yeah.. That guy is really something./" I said and Matthew laughed.

/"Yeah.. He is but he's a really good guy./"