
Titan X Dungeon

On Christmas Eve of the year 2020 a mysterious portal appeared in the middle of the Paulista Avenue in Brazil. People looked at it curiously and the most daring soon found out that the portal led them to a brand new World. What they didn't expect was that this new World was full of gigantic monsters who soon discovered them and started to hunt them down. This story happens twenty years later, when the dimensional portals had already became a common occurrence all around the World and a brand new profession was developed to cope with it. Follow Joel King as he fights for his dream of becoming the best Titan designer in the World, all while making sure to pay the bills and keep himself alive.

SLOP · 都市
25 Chs

A new beginning.

The following day proceeded as expected.

Let's not talk about investors, not even the common public noticed my existence....

It was like our booth was cursed or had something that made it invisible to the people's eyes, so, as Sunday night arrived and the final announcements were made, giving end to the fair, I felt depressed as all my hard work resulted in nothing.

"Hey man, rise your head. Everybody fails and we are still a second year students, we still got plenty of time ahead of us to make things work."

I knew Raf's words were true, I knew it but... fuck!

"Come on! It's not you who lost his prize to someone called Lolabaluza!"


"You know what, let's finish cleaning up here fast and go to my place, I'm sure that some fried chicken with extra spice will change your mood!"

"Thanks Raf, but spare me the spice, I'm really bad with spicy food."

"No problem! I'm also needing a bucket after my defeat from yesterday."

"Heheh... Sure..."

The two of us disassembled the equipment and stored it all in two big backpacks I had brought specially for this. After we were done, we followed Raf's plan and went to his restaurant for a bucket of fried chicken.

"Welco-Oh! It's Little Boss! Good evening! How was the tournament!"

"Come on man! I'm already 17! Stop calling me little boss!"

"Hahahaha! Impossible! So, what will you have?"

"Bring us some beer and a bucket of fried chicken!"

"Right away!"

We sat by the window and watched the people passing by.

"So, what have you thought about today's announcements?"

"It's the same as always, right? Nothing really new, they were all just advertising the same announcements they in Los Angeles 2 months ago. While our Titan fair is a fairly big event for our country, compared to what happen on the big countries like United States it's only a little event."

"True, but this doesn't answer my question."

"Hmm... Okay, let's see... About that laser rifle they announced."


"They made it sound great and all but in reality that thing works pretty much the same as the ones we have now. Sure, they added a few things here and there but it's far from enough to justify that rise in price."

"Really? It sounded quite an improvement to me."

"Yeah, but when you analyze what they actually did to the rifle, they just installed two modules whose price is not a tenth of price increase. If you buy the modules yourself and install on the old model the effect will be the same and the price will be more than 10% cheaper even if you include labor cost."

"Really!? No way! How do you know that!?"

"Both blueprints were leaked on Tchan, after comparing the prices of the components I found out."

"Isn't this illegal?"

"It was not me who leaked, and it's not like I am selling it anywhere, so I think I'm clean..."

"Hmm...What about the-"

"Little Boss, here is your order."


"Thanks for your hard work!"

"No problem. If you need anything, just call."

Raf nods to the waiter and takes a sip.

"Fuck! This is oolong tea! Hey man! What's the big idea! I asked for beer!"

"Sorry Little Boss. This is the Big Boss orders after the police give us a warning and a fine last time. Until you are officially an adult, all alcohol is prohibited."

"Oh no!"

Seeing the defeated look of my friend, I couldn't hold back my laughs.

"Pfff!!! Hahahahahaha!"

"What are you laughing at!? You also won't get any drinks!"

"No problem. My birthday will be in two months. I can wait a little longer. As for you... Good luck waiting 8 months."




As I arrived back home I was feeling a lot better.

Maybe that oolong tea was spiced or something, but it helped me forget all my problems and now all I wished for was my warm and soft bed, but before I could reach it...

"Son, you are finally back! Come here, we got to talk!"

"Grandpa? Hmm... What is it?"

As I asked, he put the leather bag I had received from Robert in front of me.

"So, what do you have to tell me about this?"

For a moment I lost all my words.

What was inside the leather bag?

Robert never explained me anything, he just told me to take it, and I, like an idiot, just took it...

It was as simple as that, and, if it was from someone trust worthy, there would be no problem at all with this, but the problem is... it came from Robert.

Considering the latest happenings, I thought this was his way to buy my silence so I didn't question it at all and just accepted it to get this over with as soon as possible, but maybe my actions were too naive...

As the old saying says "Only dead people tell no tales". What if this leather bag was actually something dangerous? What if it was a bomb or poison? What if it was drugs and at this moment the police appeared knocking on our door?

The possibilities were endless and, knowing Robert, there were no limits on how far he could go.

"Hey! I have no need for excuses! I'm just disappointed that you never let out a single word to me. I thought you had more trust in me since we have been living together for 5 years since your parents accident."

Waking me up from my day dreaming, my grandpa put his hand over the leather bag and spoke in a clear voice again.

"So, do you have a place to stay? What about money? Oh, yeah, there is that reward from the wolves, so I think money won't be a problem... Have you talked to May yet? Don't you dare to go without telling her yourself! The girl is pretty attached to you, it will be really bad if you suddenly vanishes from her life like this."

As he spoke more and more I got more and more confused. What the hell was he talking about? Place to stay? Money? Leaving May?

"Wait grandpa. What are you talking about??"

"What do you mean what am I talking about? It's obviously about this scholarship to study in the USA!"


"What what!?"


"...Son, tell me straight, have you been planning to get an scholarship to study in the USA?"

"N-no. I don't even have any idea on how the hell I could get something like that!"

"Then what is this leather bag??"

"That's something Robert gave me in the fair."

"Who is Robert?"

"The rich kid who called me at night so he could smash my Titan!"

"...Oh! So the brat's name was Robert, huh?"


"I see... I understand now. So this is his family buying your silence, right?"

"Y-yeah. That's what I think as well..."

"Huh... They are pretty smart, huh? This is an offer you would never refuse, and as you accept it, you will be out of here, making it impossible for information about the incident to spread around! So, what are you going to do, son? Are you going to accept?"

"Do I even have a choice? His family control the police of the city, if I decide to go against them I will either end up in jail or under the earth..."

"Sigh... How did you get involved with such a troublesome fellow? I thought you knew how to make your friends!"

"He is not my friend and I didn't get involved with him, it was him to got involved with me!"

"Excuses, excuses... So, are you going?"

"Yeah... It seems like I will have to, right?"

"Hey, don't look down. Look at the bright side! You will learn things there that you would never learn over here."

"Well, that's right, but I will have to start from zero and waste a lot of money on a place to stay and food."

"You can always find a part time job. You have a lot of skill, so it should be easy for you as long as they give you a chance..."


"As long as there is a will, there is a way. Son, you can do it."

"How about you and May come with me??"

"Hahahaha! No way! May can't speak English and I got my own store to attend, I'm not so free as to change countries because I feel like it!"

"Hmm... right. Then, it's just me."

"Consider it an adventure! How many other kids have an opportunity like this??"

"An adventure, huh? Yeah, sounds fun. Let's do this! Adventure, here we go!"

"That's the spirit! Great! Then, do you need help with your baggage?"

"Eh? Wait? Why the hurry? When are the classes starting?"

"One week from now."


Obviously he was joking, there is no way the classes would start mid December, actually they would only start at the first week of February, but before that I had to find a place to stay, make my passport, get a study visa and say good bye to all my friends.

Time passed by fast and as the festivities ended and a new year began I had finally finish preparing all I would need for the trip and on January 15th I boarded the plane to my new beginning in USA.

Funny facts:

I have a cousin who started drinking when he was 11 years old.

All my classmates were already drinking by the time they were 15-16 years old.

I myself never had a drink in my whole life.


Happy New Year

SLOPcreators' thoughts