

Bill's POV

Pine tree needed to go to the vet.... he wasn't sick, but he needed to get his shots, microchip, oh and I need to get him marked. Soon I got an appointment for that day. My little pet was in his hamster ball..... hiding. "Come on, Pine tree!" I called. "You need to go to the vet!"

"No!" He yelled from behind the couch. I gently grabbed his toy, opened it, and grabbed him. "No!!!!!!" He yelled. I glared at him playfully.... "Come on little buddy!" I said happily. "You've got an appointment!" I set him carefully in his cage. He pouted like a little kid, I laughed. "Let's go, Pine tree."

I knew the vet, he was my brother, Will. Will was caring and gentle, he would make pine tree feel safe. We got there pretty quick, now we had to wait. I kept a close eye on pine tree, he was adorable.

Then the vet called for pine tree, I went back with my brother, he smiled. "So you finally got a pet" he said. I nodded and handed pine tree's cage to him. Pine tree trembled a little. "Shhhhhh!" I whispered softly to him.

Dipper's Pov

The vet gently took me out of my cage, that's right it's mine. He set me on a metal table, it was freezing! He examined me carefully, never hurting me at all. "I think we should sedate pine tree, he won't feel the shots and marking him will be painless." Will said. Bill nodded and Will went to get the medicine. Bill picked me up and started petting me. Will came back and took me from Bill carefully. He took out a huge needle!

I started struggling, but he just squeezed me a little harder. He stuck it gently into my neck and put the medication into my bloodstream. I started feeling tired, I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Bill's POV

While pine tree was sleeping Will marked him on his back, it read PROPERTY OF BILL CIPHER. He gave him his shots and microchipped him. Then he put a yellow collar on pine tree, it had a small triangle on it. I put Pine tree back, payed for the visit, and left for home. I hope Pine tree isn't mad at me for this.......