Time rescue time rescue
Power rangers,save the world from evil alien strong and bold to stop destruction, we are stronger,we are stronger, we will save the world
Power ranger time rescue ×3
New chapter
Frankish sent alien 1 to attack and bring the other aliens to their side,shaw say Kenneth what that,Frankish have sent an alien to destroy the city, Kenneth said before you go I attach freeze mode to your morphed after destroying him he will be freezed,rangers go said shaw,time rescue power up,they drove their bike there,they battle with the alien,they fought with their time blasters but the alien was so strong,the rangers are out of option,when two alien women came,and they blasted him,then alien 1 retreated,shaw said Kenneth analyze a morpher for these two if they have five rangers they will be unstoppable, their weapons are ready said Kenneth, yes now the aliens are in for a big surprise they can also be combined to form a Cannon, but it must be powered by your animal DNA, you have a lot to learn rangers the faith of the world is in your hands,Kenneth said they are trouble in two cordinent,Jason,Frank,David go to the first cordinent, Jenifer and Erin go to the next cordinent, the three guys got there it was an huge problem,Kenneth said he have not finish the zords,the three guys try to hold him off with their blasters,back to the girls they blasted the robots Frankish made,they are too many then they use their weapons, pink bow said Jenifer white daggers said Erin, they were able to destroy the robots,jen said Jason how is it, Jason said that not well, then Kenneth said good news the zords are ready,Jason wise and strong you will command the red falcon zord,Frank brave and courageous you will control the blackbull zord,David agile and fearless you will control the mighty blue elephant zord,jen wise and noble you will control the pink fynix,erin wise and fast you will control the cheetah zord,yeah rangers let do it said jason, the zords attack and he defeated the giant robot,then the rangers joined the zords together and they formed the time rescue megazord,they enters it and log on with their animal DNA, elephant saber slash,falcon final blast and the robot was down,Jason and the others follow the alien,jen said you are judge for destruction of the planet you are judge guilty,rangers weapons combined time rescue cannon fire and he was destroyed and freeze,jason said glad we captured him,shaw said rangers your dedication have made you to win but it might not be enough to destroy all the aliens if freed, you must be ready the faith of the world lies in your hands we won't let you down said Jason