
Leaving Freedom City (Part 1)

When Alvin saw that this attacker had been broken so easily he smiled and stood in front of him waiting for him to speak.

After thinking for a while, the young man signed and finally spoke, "We all belong to a mercenary group known as Black Knight Mercenaries and it's our boss 'Black Knight' who sent us. As for the one who contracted him, I have no idea."

When Alvin heard that, he frowned. In his time in this world, he had investigated a lot about the various organizations in East Saint District but he hasn't heard of this Black Knight mercenaries. But to be able to easily gather six [Consolidation Stage] Enhancers to assassinate him shouldn't be an ordinary group, so he was surprised he hadn't heard of them before.

"Who are the Black Knight Mercenaries and how come I haven't heard of you before?" Alvin asked.

"It isn't surprising that you haven't heard of us since our base isn't in Freedom City but is in Dark Bliss City!" the young man replied.

"What!" Alvin was now scared!

Apart from the ten Hope Cities that were built after War God Ares led humanity to push the Demonic beasts from Salvation Continent, other small scale cities had been built over the years. These cities were either established by Influential families or powerful organizations and didn't really abide by the rules of the Federation of Ten Hope Cities.

Because most of these influential families and powerful organizations were backed by the real aristocratic families of the Ten Hope Cities, the federation couldn't really deal with these lawless cities. Dark Bliss City is one of these Lawless Cities that sprung up close to Freedom City and it is a place dominated three very powerful Underworld Organizations.

To be able to survive in this city and establish a mercenary group requires real strength at the minimum of Peak Level 4 Enhancer and also the backing of a major family in one of the Ten Hope Cities. This was why Alvin became scared when he heard this.

Even though he had acquired some strength now, but compared to the real figures of power in this world, he was just a stronger ant! So he didn't have any daydreams of being able to match these people now.

But what still confounded him was who could have put a price on his head in such a top mercenary group. According to the previous Alvin's memories, he didn't have any deep enmity with anyone powerful enough to put a hit on his head. Since he also crossed over into this world, he hadn't interacted with anyone who could also put a hit on his head.

After asking a few questions of the young man, Alvin still shot and killed him. He wasn't a stupid person. He knew it would bring more trouble if he let this young man go. At least for now, before their boss fund out that their attack had failed, he had time on his hands to escape. After disposing of the bodies by throwing them in an underground disposal canal, he run from this place and headed straight to his apartment.

This place is quite secluded. Not only does it not have surveillance cameras, there are also no pedestrians near here. The place that opposite party selected for the assassination is very good and also suiting silencing a witness of crime. Ironically, this erased Alvin's extra worries on the contrary.

As Alvin began to move away from this place, he suddenly heard a loud siren noise heading towards this place. From the sound, it was evident that it was the police.

Since this was a secluded place, there was nobody around so it was virtually impossible for someone to have called the police and they arrive here so early. Obviously, their coming towards this place was too fishy to be coincidental.

According to the normal development, he would have already been assassinated by this time. With he police arriving at the scene, they would have surely found some false evidence insinuating a gang killing thereby hiding the fact that it was a contact killing.

From this, Alvin could tell that the one pulling the strings behind was quite powerful. He knew that even if he had survived the assassination attempt, if the police found him here, his attackers would also immediately find out about the failure pf their mission.

As someone who had been part of the dark side of the world in his previous life, he understood the mentality of these people. The fact that they had failed in this mission didn't mean they would stop. The next time they attempt to assassinate him again, he would be facing far stronger opponents.

With his current strength, he could at most handle the peak of [Consolidation Sage] Enhancers. If a stronger opponent comes, he would be in trouble so he needed to make sure that they didn't find any traces of him for the mean time.

Also, considering the background of this mercenary group, it wouldn't be difficult to find his apartment so before they found out that the assassination attempt had failed, he needed to leave Freedom City.

Obviously, someone with enough power in this city had put a bounty on his head. That is why such a strong Mercenary group to come after him. So he planned to leave this City, disguise himself and head for the nearest City; Dark Bliss City, where his skills as an assassin and hit man could be used perfectly.

He had planned to wait until he got stronger, but it seems he would have to start now!

Dark Bliss City was quite complicated. It was an intricate network specializing in selling weapons, mech suits and even banned substances that came from the Ares Continent. Rumor had it that with enough money, even Genus Liquid which could forcefully burn an ordinary person's life force to allow them to awaken was obtainable.

This was an illegal market, but behind the scenes, powerful families and organizations spearheaded the illicit trade. This city was extremely turbulent and contained harmful radiation, a remnant of a battle that happened long ago before Chaotic Era. Though reformations had lessened the radiation quite considerably, the government was still unwilling to set up a government branch there.

Over the course of time, the city had become riddled with good and bad people, and the legal system quite corrupt.

One of the major reasons Alvin chose to move to this City was that a special bio energy fuel called thunder Crystal is mined close to this City. After investigations, he found out that this fuel could be a source of the high grade Lightning energy that he needed to start the practice of his [Heavenly Thunder Sacred Body Art].