
Thrones of the Past (ASOIAF/GOT)

Julius Caesar, How silly! wait your being serious. Woah Woah, why him, he'd be too hard to write, boss. In the World of Ice and Fire as well, Come on Boss your making it harder for me. Atleast let me give him a power up. And So Julius Caesar was thrust into a world simply for our entertainment. Will he survive or simply fall to a faceless assassin

MrEuripedes · 电视同人
17 Chs

Roman Gladiatorial Games

"The General Who Became a Slave. The Slave Who Became a Gladiator. The Gladiator Who Defied an Emperor."



Empress Irene :

I stared aimlessly into the ring that would contain some of Rome's best and famous warriors, they would rival many and most would win in single combat. For they were the famous ones of Rome, each gladiator here most likely had quite a wealthy lover that backed them.

Their armors all shimmered in the golden glow that had come down from the sun and I turned my eyes to the throne next to me, my husbands. He has been gone for a few weeks and it was soon nearing a month, he had sent the occasional letter speaking on his well being but that was all he ever wrote. 

No poetry on love, just simple letters that described how he was in Athens and how lovely my family had treated him. Which I had been glad otherwise I'd have them at the end of my dagger the next time I visit.

The crowd suddenly entered an uproar as a newcomer entered the Ring, " ITS LEONTINUS! I THINK IM GONNA FEINT!!! " " OH BE QUIET, HES MINE! " " Hush plebs, he only belongs to us bright noble women. Not you. " 

Staring towards the centre I saw him, his chest laid bare for all to see with the occasional thick leather strap going over it. A gold and black design, his helmet with a skull engraved and golden spikes that had left the top. He had carried a buckler and trident, his trident having been heavily designed and decorated.

It was one of the most popular gladiators since Maximus, " Leontinus Lentinus, what a pleasure to see you here for once. " I muttered under my breath as I stared down at the pit, he was a Sicilian slave. And no matter the amount of times he had been given access to freedom, he had declined simply stating ' The Ring Is Where I Belong. ' 

My husband had quite enjoyed his fights as they showed a skill and a beautiful dance whenever he deflected a blow with his buckler or disarmed a man with his trident, most of his victories had ended with his opponents yielding quite fast. And yet no one knew of his trainer, simply saying it was best to not know of him. The only thing being known is his name, ' Donato Barbo '

A name I heard pop up quite a few times in, a man that was known to be quite eccentric and a decent spy master. Many believed he had puppets as far as Rome Spans, quite a unbelievable feat but if such is true. Then he would make a excellent Ring master for Caesar, he would just need to be kept on a tight leash.

" I Leontinus greets the Empress Consort, allow me your favour for my battle! " I had heard the man shout from the arena, many cheering in support for him. I looked over giving him a disinterested thumbs up, after all what was the point if he would end up as a winner in the end. 

The man nodded in the corner of my eye before a beast was released from one of the many gates, a tyrant of a lizard. It had towered Leontinus by a few feet, a true monster and I couldn't help but let a grin creep up on my face. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, this may be the end of this stubborn man and I couldn't help but watch.

Leontinus raised his trident and buckler and the beast charged him, its large jaws ready to bite down on his mortal flesh. The jaws snapped but it did not land, as a loud bang resounded through the colosseum. Leontinus had smashed the beast in the eye with his buckler after a swift side dodge, he was nimble for his build and it was too no surprise why many had loved him. 

He was after all the perfect warrior, fierce in battle and most likely in bed as well. Although I do not know and would not wish to know. My children had enjoyed watching these games but they had not been here, they're teacher Diogenes believed teaching them that living without manners was best but to be stoic and live with little so you can offer it all. 

It was good teachings but my children were to be emperors, they should lead by example with expensive silks. They should be the one to set trends, not follow them and yet here Diogenes is teaching them to beg in the streets like a common dog.

" GOOO! COME ON LEONTINUS! " " YOUVE GOT THIS! " they're shouts snapped me out of my trance as I stared back into the pit, the beast and Leontinus had both been bloody. 

Leontinus sent out a stab at the legs of the animal, only for it too dodge and bite down on the shaft, attempting to pull him closer. Yanking him towards it with each snap of its head, each second Leontinus was moved closed and closer. 

And eventually he was in arms reach, he sent out his buckler bashing at the creatures mouth. I raised from my seat a large grin evident on my face, he was near death and he knew it. I couldn't wait to see how a beast like this could do to a man, would it start with the arms or go straight for the chest like a hyena? Oh how I couldn't wait. 

The sounds of his struggle and repeated bashing kept going, the constant gnarling of the creature as it chewed on the steel of the trident. The battle was coming to a close and everyone in this arena knew it. For they had gone quiet, trepidation still mixed in the air. 

The monster had let go of the polearm and opened its jaws aiming for the head of Leontinus, a swift end. A end that never came, for Leontinus had been known for his swiftness.

He had rolled out of the creatures way, dust and sand being kicked up as he raised up. His buckler raised and pointed at the beast, and the trident in a overhand position. It seems he wants to end this quick, a trident into the beast's mouth. 

A fitting end for a beast as terrible as this, unable to bring down even one man that was weaker than that of Bertramus. The Weakest of the Legios, although that may be my own bias coming forward. I would never truly know his strength as the two are quite well at hiding it.

With it's jaws wide, the beast leapt forward. Its body fully forward, it had been a desperate final attack and one that would not succeed. Leontinus sent out a slam into its snout with his buckler, sending the beast to the ground. It body unable to be lifted by its own legs, Leontinus turned towards me.

" I OFFER THIS BEAST TO HIS EMPEROR! FOR THIS GIFT! LEONTINUS, FIRST OF HIS NAME WISHES TO SERVE HIS KING! AND SO DOES HIS MASTER! " The man proclaimed before taking the knee, slamming his buckler into the beasts head one final time.

I chuckled at him, ' Quite a way to become a servant of another man but so be it. ' I stood up and walked to the end of the stand, the peoples eyes all on me and my hand raising.

The thumb turned upwards, a cheer of people followed and the stadium turned loud with chants on the man.


Hearing the crowds I couldn't help but laugh before returning telling my Praetorian, " Toss him the wooden Gladius. " A swift nod came from him, grabbing the wooden gladius on a pedestal. He tossed it over, to what I assume. Leontinus would have grabbed it , and with great pleasure.

" MY MASTER WILL MEET YOU EMPRESS IRENE! IN THE SENATE AS THE SUN FALLS. " the man shouted out as I walked out of my room, it would be another few minutes before the next bout. 

A smile had curled up on my face, I couldn't wait to see who this spymaster will be. Would he be a schemer that made you believe his cause, or was he one of those that had worked in the shadows waiting for the correct opportunity.

They're had simply been too many ways to scheme, I couldn't say he simply did one. I would have to be steady on my feet when I deal with this man, my guard should not drop. I bit my finger nail as I roamed through the halls of the colosseum, my guards following closely behind.

They were all loyal to me as they were to Caesar, although it would most likely be easier to persuade them to kill me. That is why I have a little special card up my sleeves, ' their families. '

A few of my little snakes wouldn't mind putting some people into eternal slumber, enough of this boring topic. What was the reason I left the room? Oh yes, to visit Ephesius and wait out the time. Ephesius was a strange man, eccentric even. He controlled the largest force in Rome and yet a quarter wasn't even Romans but rather foreigners, he had quite a talent at finding good soldiers. 

Except the Varangians, berserkers the lot of them and the only proper one was that priest and yet he already indulges in the sins of drinking till he is knocked out, I am unsure how the man was not dead and would not question it.

The halls had been spacious and luxurious, a red carpet had ran through it providing a sense of excellence and brilliance to the human eye. It was quite eye catching and would surely make anyone impressed at these grand halls that ran throughout the colosseum.

Their had been areas to allow the sun to enter, lighting the halls. Many had walked past me, a man in a mask attracting my attention even if it was only for a short minute. He had been dressed in reds and black. His mask a silver colour.

Our shoulders had slightly brushed alongside each other, but we had continued on our way. The man was new to Rome, I am sure. For I had never seen him here before, a foreigner.

" My lady, It would be best to return. The games are soon to start again. " One of my Praetorians whispered in my ear. His name? Artur, a man of Germanic blood. He had served under the army since he was a boy, being one of many to have slayed the giant snake.

" Why of course, we wouldn't want to keep the people waiting would we. " I nodded at him changing directions towards my area.