
Chapter 22 Hello Miracle_1


Where is my stuff? Where's my big bag of stuff? Where are all my diamonds?

Qin Ming looked around; aside from his school bag from before the crossing, everything could be described as empty. Despite his rational mind, he still felt a great sense of sadness.

He subconsciously touched his pocket. Fortunately, the two thousand yuan he had made from tutoring were still there. Besides the money, the Overclocking Potion in his pocket was also still there.

Standing by the river, Qin Ming looked at the water, feeling a sense of unreality. He was no longer the Dr. Qin who conducted research in the lab, but an ordinary high school student.

The countdown ended, and he returned to the Three-Body World.

The wind by the river was still cold, but the young man's heart had changed.

Because a miracle really did happen.

"Hello, miracle."

The dark sky began to drizzle.

Bracing against the cold wind amidst the interweaving light and shadow, the slender figure of the boy gradually disappeared by the riverside.


Back at home, he opened the door and switched on the light.

The illumination revealed the modestly furnished room.

A bed, a half table, and a small stool.

The small room felt very spacious.

This was his home now; except for the wall covered in dense certificates, everywhere else was empty.

Qin Ming had grown accustomed to it. He put down his backpack, lay on the bed, and the wooden bed squeaked under his weight.

He glanced at the small alarm clock beside his bed and saw that it was half past eight. Knowing from the countdown he had been gone for twenty minutes.

This meant that the time he went to the Endless World and came back to the Three-Body at the same second, both at eight thirteen thirty-two.

The flow rate unchanged?

Or is there only a difference of within one second?

Qin Ming felt puzzled, but he couldn't verify his guess right now. He would have to wait until he traveled to another world to experiment.

His attention shifted to the countdown.


It was five days until the next crossing.

After a quick wash, Qin Ming drank two cups of hot water. He felt the onset of a cold after his walk in the rain, with an itchy throat and a dizzy head. Hot water is an excellent detoxifying remedy, and indeed, he felt much better after drinking it.

He covered himself with the blanket and promptly fell into a deep sleep on the bed. Early to bed and early to rise keeps one healthy, and he couldn't afford to stay up late. Not only would it harm his brain, but it would also affect his telekinesis.

Qin Ming always had a hunch that his telekinesis couldn't be used without limits; there was only so much he could do each day.

During his time in the Endless World, he found that if he stayed up past a certain hour, his telekinesis would weaken the next day, unable to maintain even a force of 9.8 N.

But as long as he got eight hours of sleep, the strength of the telekinesis would return to normal. In that dangerous world, he couldn't afford to exhaust his telekinetic powers to test his limits. Now that he was back in the safer Three-Body World, at least it was safe for now, Qin Ming thought he must figure out his telekinesis.

A night without words.

A new day began with the warm sunshine pouring in. Qin Ming stood by the window and stretched, then got ready to go downstairs.

When he reached the corner of the stairs, a man peeked out and said, "Little brat, what are you looking at? Never seen a husband hit his wife before?"

Indeed, the love in movies is all deceptive. Qin Ming chuckled. The family downstairs often had domestic disputes, and the surrounding neighbors were used to it.

He paid no attention to the man and continued down the stairs by himself.

It is easy to adjust to a more lavish lifestyle, but hard to return to a simpler one. As someone who once controlled nearly ten billion U.S. dollars, Qin Ming could no longer go back to those frugal days.

So, after going downstairs, he not only indulged in a bowl of noodles with a fried egg at the noodle shop by the entrance, but he also extravagantly spent twenty yuan on a taxi ride to the nearest national first-class library.

Leaving aside Three-Body World, this world didn't differ much from Qin Ming's previous life. It was still 2007, an era when Nokia dominated the cell phone market, computers were still expensive luxuries, and it was before the advent of the big data era of 5G networks. Magazines, newspapers, and books remained the primary channels through which the majority of common people learned about the outside world.

Previously, Qin Ming couldn't afford a Nokia and had to borrow others' cellphones or use public phone booths to make calls.

When he arrived at the library, Qin Ming didn't go in right away. Instead, he found a phone booth and dialed his head teacher's number, as he needed to ask for leave.

"Xiao Ming student, I was just worrying about how to contact you, and you called me!"

The vigorous voice rang out from the other end of the line before Qin Ming could even speak up.

"What's the matter, Teacher Li? Were you looking for me for something?"

"It's not me looking for you, it's someone else. Where are you right now?"

"Someone's looking for me? I'm at the phone booth."

"It's like this: the girl that attended the supplementary class with you yesterday called me. She said she has something to discuss with you and asked me to contact you as soon as possible. From the sound of it on the phone, she seems quite concerned about you."

Liu Yueyue—looks like the examination form I threw out did the trick.

As always, heartfelt emotions can't retain people; only tricks can win their hearts.

Qin Ming had made up his mind and then spoke, "Teacher Li, I'm at the Xinhua Library on Renmin Road. You can tell her to come find me here."

"I know that girl is very beautiful; even the male students in her class call her the campus belle. But you should focus on your lessons, you really must not engage in a romantic relationship."

Teacher Li, seemingly realizing something, began to earnestly instruct. He initially wanted to mention that having a girlfriend would affect one's studies, but considering that Qin Ming was a top student who took first place every year, he held back, only sighing, "You're a smart kid. I believe you understand what you should and shouldn't do. As long as you're clear about it in your heart, that's fine."

"Teacher, you're overthinking it. By the way, Teacher Li, I'd like to ask for five days of leave."

Qin Ming had no intention of dating anyway. Women would only slow his pace of study.

"Fine, arrange the time as you wish. But remember, our end-of-term exams are on the 20th of this month. Don't fall behind."

"Mm, Teacher Li."

Having good grades really did give you carte blanche in school. In front of teachers, he could boast of many privileges, like getting leave without needing to provide a reason.

He stepped out of the phone booth and looked at this communication tool from a bygone era, feeling somewhat nostalgic. Times were changing too quickly. These booths would be dismantled in the coming few years, replaced by PHS (Personal Handy-phone System) smartphones, heralding the era of big data networks.

Right now, the era when apps like Toutiao, TikTok, and Zhihu were popular was still in the distant future. Television and traditional paper media remained the dominant forces in the information media industry. Moreover, since today was the weekend, the library was particularly crowded.

Carrying his backpack, Qin Ming walked in. As soon as he entered the main gate of the library, nearby young female students and library staff couldn't help but glance over at him.

It wasn't for any other reason than the youth's extraordinary handsomeness, refined manners, and the profoundness in his bearing, which made people unable to look away upon seeing him.

For some reason, those nearby who saw him for the first time felt that this good-looking young man must also be kind-hearted and likely achieved excellent grades in his studies.

Facing stealthy glances from others, Qin Ming remained calm and collected inside.

After so many days, he had gotten used to the unusual glances his appearance attracted. His striking looks brought pressures that one of his age should not need to bear.

Besides parents with their kids buying educational aids and extracurricular books, there were quite a few members of the Funeral Love Family in Visual Kei-style sitting on the floor reading physical net novels, creating a colorful and spectacular scene.

Qin Ming glanced at one of the novels; it was titled "Boiling Beast Blood", a book he had read in his past life.

He stepped over some Visual Kei youths, whose bangs were longer than their chins, and headed towards the section of books on natural science.

There was no one else around, except for a chubby little boy holding ice cream in one hand and flipping through an encyclopedia with the other.

Qin Ming glanced at the boy and then released his telekinetic field to search for the books he needed. Seconds later, he took a few books off the shelves and sat down at a wooden table, ready to begin his study.

Looking at the pile of books in front of him, Qin Ming decided to start with "Mechanical Vibration."

This physics book discussed linear vibrations of discrete and continuous systems based on signal processing and focused on the analysis of the input-output relationship of random vibrations and various characteristic nonlinear vibrations.

He chose this book first because using telekinesis to control objects for targeted damage was an inefficient and brain-draining task. He wanted a more efficient method to prepare for possible enemies in the next world.

The first thing Qin Ming thought of was resonance!

Nikola Tesla once claimed he could reduce the Empire State Building to a pile of rubble in a short period. The machinery involved was a tiny oscillator and a small engine, small enough to fit in a pocket. To get the tiny oscillator working, only 2.5 horsepower was enough.

Such a small force could yield immense power, and the principle behind it was resonance.