
Thousand Angels

Lux_Hn · 奇幻
6 Chs

Chapter 6

Kibo recoiled he just had a near-death experience with something that seemed to be paranormal and yet the presence of a girl scared him more.

'What is she doing here'

The blonde girl approached Kibo her steps slow and calculated, Kibo's thoughts raced with death scenes all he could think about was how this girl was going to kill him and that this time there was no one around to stop her.

'She's probably going to torture me first'

The girl he 'met' at the cafe, the one that whooped his ass for whatever reason...he couldn't believe she followed him all the way here.


All he did was offer her some napkins and ended up being harassed, how does the situation even make sense he should be the one holding the grudge, not her.


The girl stopped and stood in front of him, Kibo stared at her her face obscured by the darkness inside the building but even then her eyes looked at him as if piercing through his soul.

He had never felt this kind of pressure the blood mixed with his sweat and glided down his forehead his heart drummed like drums of war, he wanted to run anyway but with what strength?

All he could do was wait for the inevitable.

"Did you honestly believe you could just leave?" The cold steady tone responded in the empty building 

Kibo trembled, all that was left for him was to wait and hope it was quick he had doubts but now he was sure.

'She's here to off me'

Expecting the worst he closed his eyes, it didn't matter anyway if he died he was an adopted child so he didn't know who were his true parents and his foster parents also died 2 years ago so he had no attachments to hold on to. 

The girl lingered for a moment then reached into her pockets



Kibo slowly opened his eyes

"You forgot your keys"

Kibo is confused by the situation

'She's not here to kill me?'

Seeing Kibo staring at her she frowned, sensing her displeasure Kibo rose and took the keys it was as if he had never had an injury or felt extreme exhaustion. 

Being on her bad side would definitely end up with him dead...or at least that is what he thought.


The girl apathetically nodded she lingered for a moment noticing that he was bleeding she said:

"Your bleeding"

Kibo furrowed his brows he touched his forehead and looked at the dark liquid covering his fingers jolting in surprise he quickly pulled his shirt to clean the blood.

After cleaning it he looked back at his shirt and frowned it was his favorite shirt but now it was covered in blood and had a muddy smell to it shaking his head he looked back at the blonde girl.

"Thanks, I didn't e-"

before he could say his full sentence the girl launched at him

"Wait w-what are you doi-"

"Shut up" she shouted 

she lifted his shirt and her eyes widened in shock, engraved on his belly 3 circles crossing each other glowed with an otherworldly color

"The mark..." she whispered

She shook her head to bring herself out of her reverie, stepping back she looked at him and frowned.

"Stay there and don't move"

Kibo taken aback by the situation blinked a few times and nodded, all this is too much to digest.

first, she followed him all the way here to give him his keys. Now she jumps on him and stares at his belly either she's wrong in the head or...

'she's got a crush on me...'

For some reason the latter conclusion made him feel proud of himself to him it all made sense now.

She must have had a crush on him for a while since he visits the cafe often and when they bumped into each other she panicked and attacked him and realizing her mistake she rushed to bring back his keys to be on his good side.

Pounding his fist on his palm further enhancing his conclusion he nodded to himself.

'Yes that must be it'

he looked back at the blonde girl and frowned

'I take it back'

She was standing there, talking to... the air? She was having a whole conversation, even moving her hands to prove a point.

Seeing this, Kibo dismissed his previous conclusion entirely; there was no way she was right in her mind. If he had to choose between her and being single, well...

'I'd prefer to stay single.'

The girl nodded and turned back to Kibo.

"Stop uttering useless things. Where do you live?"

Kibo frowned. He was sure now.

'This girl has some loose screws.'

The girl raised a brow and looked at him.

"I heard that."

Kibo looked back and forced a smile. 

"Sorry, I was just thinking to myself."

Ignoring his words, the girl repeated her question.

"Where do you live? You know what, forget it."

She walked toward Kibo and grabbed his arm. Kibo jerked in surprise, trying to pull his arm out of her grasp, but either he didn't have the strength, or she was too strong.

"Hey, hey, let me go," Kibo complained.

The girl didn't listen; she just continued to drag him and said, "Show me where you live."

Kibo fought to get out of her grasp. He even tried biting her, but nothing worked. She was like a statue dragging him into the abyss, and the worst part was that he didn't know what she wanted.

For all he knew, it couldn't be good. Following him, dragging him, and asking where he lived—this was practically kidnapping.

"AHHH! Help!" Kibo screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping someone would hear him or that she would at least be scared of attracting attention.

Since she couldn't silence him, she would probably stop and ask him to be quiet. When she did, he would scream even louder. Then she would have no other option but to run away.

'Hehe, now what will you do, crazy gorilla?'