
Chapter 57: Rescue, Part 2

I shook my head and walked down the hallway, grabbing an insurgent uniform on the way. I slipped into the bedroom and dressed as quickly as I could, pulling my long, blonde hair into a low ponytail. Then, as I did before, I wrapped a red bandana around it, and topped it off with a military hat and boots. I silently leaned across the bed to Timmy and lightly kissed his cheek, hoping I would be back soon. I quietly left the room and gingerly closed the door.

"Come on!" Aiden was already saying. "Rise and shine!" he said, walking down the hallway of the second floor. "We have a rebellion to lead!"

Subtle, real subtle, I thought to myself, shaking my head as I carried a pile of uniforms into the living room. I shoved one to the side, saving it for Derek in case what I was planning didn't work.

"Finally!" Trevor said, coming down the stairs. "Where's the uniforms?"

I handed him one, as it was a given that he would be going. "We need to decide who else is going," I said.