Chapter 1
It was still a long ride north ahead of her. Sense let the miles pass beneath her in the back of the cart, the poorly cushioned bench underneath her bouncing every time the thick wheels rolled over another bump or hole in the road.
It had all been very boring so far and Sense had let her mind drift outwards, freeing itself from the concerns of her body and thinking about this and that and so many other things. She was paying so little attention to her surroundings that the first sign she had of trouble was when the cart came to a stop on a forested hillside, far from a town.
Sense looked around and didn't need to ask the cart driver what had happened. The ragged men with hunting bows and short spears surrounding the cart was a clear enough answer. She sighed softly as she looked at the assailants.
It would be easy enough to kill them all and scatter the ashes to the four winds but Sense did consider herself a pacifist. At least when it came to humans, dwarves and - theoretically, should she ever encounter any - elves. And just so long as she, personally, wasn't doing the killing. Other mages could do as they felt fit with the whatever lethal spells they had at their disposal. Perhaps some display of arcane prowess would scatter them instead, though it was just such a waste to spend her time on such smoke and mirrors instead of doing anything more useful.
Sense still frowned as one of them jumped up onto the rider-board at the front of the cart and punched the driver with the pummel of his dagger. And then put the blade to his throat. Sense had no desire to see an innocent man get killed for no reason and as the other bandits surrounded the cart, she stood up, drawing their eyes to her.
"What do you want?" Sense asked in a bored tone, going through the motions like she had so many times before.
"We're here to spread the good word about the goddess," the leader said in a sarcastic tone. "Now hand over everything you've got on you or else."
Sense most certainly was not going to do that. Her collection of truly valuable things was stored off to the side, where only she would reach it and only skilled mages could even realize that it was there. But even her small purse of coins for food and lodging wasn't something that she was planning to give up.
"Rather than take everything this man has," Sense countered, nodding at the drover who quickly nodded in agreement at that, "why don't I give you something that you would never get otherwise?"
"And what could that possibly be?" The bandit leader asked skeptically. Then he paused and actually looked at Sense for the first time, taking in her form appraisingly.
Sense continued speaking, as if she hadn't heard the interruption.
"You will leave this man and his cart alone after you hear my offer," Sense said, hopping off of the side of the cart and feeling the soles of her soft leather boots press against the packed dirt of the road.
"And what would that be?" The bandit said as his men started to surround Sense.
"You may all have sex with me," Sense said, staring him dead in the eye. "One at a time or all at once, whatever is more convenient for you."
"You're offering us something that we could take anyways," the leader said with a snort. "I think-"
He stopped talking for a moment as Sense flicked her fingers. To the outside world, the span of time was just a few minutes, but it lasted longer for him. Far, far longer.
When he recovered, he staggered to the side and almost fell off the cart, clutching his chest as cold sweat broke out all over his body. He gasped for air and bent over and for a moment, Sense wondered if he was going to throw up. It seemed he was made of somewhat sterner stuff than that, though, and he straightened up and glared at one of his men who had made some questioning sounds.
"Alright," he said with a shiver, putting some more steel into his voice. "Alright," he said again, "we'll do things your way."
He hopped off of the cart and the driver instantly lashed his horse into a gallop, speeding down the hillside and leaving Sense far behind. She clucked her tongue in disgust at the display before she turned her attention to the men who had started to surround her in a circle.
"So, a mage, hm?" One of the men said, putting a hand on her shoulder and rubbing at the white strap of her dress and her bare skin. "This is going to be a first for me."
Sense would have been very surprised if it had been otherwise. She nodded as the hand slipped beneath the strap, down into her dress. Then her breast was getting cupped, the fingers moving back and forth against her mound. She didn't have a large pair of breasts but what she did have was sensitive enough that she could feel tingles starting to form inside of her.
Though Sense knew herself well enough to say that such a brazen touch wasn't the only thing that was getting her aroused. By all apparent standards, she had a very high sex drive indeed. She spent at least as much time on the pursuit of sexual encounters as she did the pursuit of her magical research. And in her constant debauchery, she enjoyed living out her kinks to the fullest.
That didn't take long at all, with what she was wearing and very quickly, Sense was completely naked and exposed in front of these men - her long hair might have covered her nudity, if she wished, but that would rather defeat the point. She heard surprised comments about how young she looked and she wondered just what strange ideas they had about what female mages would look like.
More importantly, though, there were hands on her rear, kneading and squeezing her cheeks, even as more hands started to touch her breasts and toy with them. That was all feeling quite nice and she took several deep breaths as she was touched, feeling the heat slowly starting to kindle to life inside of her, the lust spreading through her body and making her feel better and better as she got touched.
The men were enjoying themselves as well. She could see their hard rods inside of their clothing and the thought that such would soon be used on her was interesting and enjoyable. Sense smiled as she was pulled up against one man, her frame very slight and small against his as he grabbed onto her, his hands moving back and forth and stroking her body, even as the other men did the same thing to a lesser extent.
"Oh yes, I'm going to love this," the man said with a smile as he pressed his rod against her, letting her feel the size of it compared to her body. That would fill her up quite a bit, she was certain of it. "And I'm sure you're going to love it as well, hm?"
Sense would be rather cross if she didn't end up enjoying this, yes. She nodded and felt another man getting in behind her, parting her hair and pressing his shaft up against her as well. Sense wasn't at all surprised when she got lifted up into the air and then lowered back down. She could feel the rods pressing against her front and rear holes and then they were sliding inside of her.
That was quite the nice sensation and Sense sighed softly as she felt herself getting filled up. A smile appeared on her face as she started to get taken, the rods moving deep inside of her short body as she was used. She wrapped her arms and legs around the man in front of her as the two of them started to thrust, their hands on her hips, lifting her up and down, over and over and over again.
It felt pleasant. Not great but with the number of men waiting for their turns with her, Sense felt quite, quite certain that she would be able to work herself up in time. That was something to look forward to and even now, it wasn't like things felt bad
The men were enjoying themselves far more as they continued to lift Sense up and down along their shafts. She could hear the sounds they made, see the look on the face of the one in front of her and, most of all, feel the hard rods buried deep inside of her, pushing into her holes and stretching her out.
The rest of the bandits were all around her, waiting for their turn with her as they stared with hungry, watchful eyes. She could imagine all the things that they would want to do with her. And Sense was fine with that. She was certain that she would enjoy it all, as well.
He groaned loudly and the look on his face was rather foolish. Sense was more interested in the semen that started to fill her up, though. The hot cum splashing deep inside of her hole and spreading all through her. She could feel it clinging to her inner walls, feel the way that the heat made her tingle and increased her arousal in some small measure. It was nice, quite nice.
And it would happen again, with the number of men surrounding her, waiting for their turn with her. Sense felt the hands of the man slipping from her and leaving her just supported by the one behind her. He grunted and struggled to keep her upright and wrapped around his shaft, though he didn't need to wait too long before another man stepped up, stroking his rod and looking eager for his turn.
The height difference between the two men meant that the newcomer ended up on the ground, with Sense straddling him as she was driven into from behind. It was a rather faster pace in this position and with their hands free, they started to feel Sense up, groping and grabbing at her once again, grunting in irritation as they tossed her long hair aside for better access to her body. It did some nice things for Sense's arousal, making her tingle and twitch. She could feel the heat rising and rising inside of her, spreading through more and more of her body as this was done to her. She nodded and rocked back and forth as the bliss continued to pulse and spread through her.
Again and again and again, she got taken, the men far more focused on their own enjoyment of her body than her own pleasure. Sense knew how to make herself feel good, though, so that was alright. She could feel her arousal steadily climbing inside of her, drawing closer and closer to that time when an orgasm would sweep through her and make her feel just as good as could be.
Sense knew that women could cum many, many times in a single day, or even several times in a single session. Even men could, if properly motivated, seek out several orgasms in the span of a few hours. Sense just couldn't imagine what kind of sex drive would spur people on to that sort of thing. A single orgasm was enough for her to be quite, quite satisfied until the next time that her body started to demand such things of her.
So it would make sense if she timed her orgasm for when things were winding down here, wouldn't it? Make sure that she got her moment of bliss at the end, when there weren't many more men waiting for their turn with her.
Sense couldn't see any problems with that and then she was distracted as another man stepped up next to her, stroking his rod and pointing it at her face. Sense knew what to do there and opened her mouth, letting it slide in and ending up with three men using her at the same time.
They were all having a very good time of it, too. The words they used to describe how much they were enjoying having Sense like this were very crude and coarse but accurate enough that Sense couldn't find anything wrong in how they were being used to describe her. And she was less interested in that than in the steadily increasing pleasure that she was feeling as they continued to thrust in and out of her, over and over and over.
The man behind her grunted and pulled out, his semen spraying across her buttocks and the small of her back. Sense shivered as she felt herself getting marked. And at how empty she felt. The rod still inside of her was good but there was something quite, quite special about getting filled up in front and back at the same time. The sensations combined were just so much more than either one on its own. It was something that Sense really did enjoy and she found herself rolling her hips from side to side in an inviting motion, to have another man come up and replace the first as soon as possible.
If Sense was acting like that, then she really was enjoying herself, wasn't she? She realized that, bit by bit, the arousal had risen and risen inside of her until she was feeling very, very turned on indeed. There was a fire burning inside of her, there was a heat that had spread all through her body, demanding that she give into it and that she do more, more and more of this.
The men were certainly very interested in that. She could hear what they said about her and feel their hands on her as they got her ready to continue to serve them and satisfy them. Their rods were thick and buried deep inside of her as they kept on thrusting, pounding her and taking her. Sense could feel her lust rising in turn, if not as quickly as theirs.
And the one in her mouth was feeling good as well. Sense ran her tongue back and forth along it. This wasn't a skill that she put a huge amount of effort into cultivating but she still had some minor talent in it and what she was doing was clearly good enough for the man as he continued to groan and gasp as Sense's tongue ran back and forth along his rod.
That was good and Sense was keen on making it that much better for him. And for all of them. And they were doing enough for her in turn. So it was all working out well enough.
"Think we can take her with us?" One of the men asked as he stroked his rod, waiting for his turn with her. "That would be fun."
They would be extremely surprised at what would happen if they tried to delay Sense on her trip for more than an hour or two. She didn't say anything about that, though, and just continued to tend to the three men using her as they satisfied themselves with her body.
She kept on getting taken and Sense could feel her nipples getting teased and stroked. It was a very nice sensation indeed, something that made her tingle and twitch as she was touched like this. It made the heat rise another few degrees inside of her and that was such a very nice sensation. Something that made her feel good and made her want to feel even better as she continued to get taken.
The man she was sucking off groaned and pulled out of Sense's mouth, aiming his rod at her face. She closed her eyes, knowing what was about to happen. And sure enough, she felt the semen splattering across her face, hiding her pale skin underneath shot after shot of cum. It was quite hot, feeling even hotter than when it was pumped inside of her holes. Sense couldn't explain that and she certainly didn't want to spend time thinking about it.
Well, it was something that most men liked, in her experience. Why, in her short life, the six hundred odd men that Sense had been with had almost all enjoyed seeing their cum smeared across her skin. Sense could not really see the appeal herself, not when it felt so much better shot inside of her holes and made to warm her up from the inside but it wasn't something that she was going to question.
Especially not with how busy her mouth was right now. Sense constantly bobbed her head back and forth along the rod, feeling the shaft moving in and out of her mouth. She coiled her tongue around it as best as she could, feeling the hardness and the heat of the rod as she sucked.
Sense could not take the rod any further in her mouth than it already was. She knew that some women, especially those who worked as prostitutes, could swallow an entire shaft all the way down to the base. Attempting that just made Sense gag and choke and feel like she was being made to vomit. So she didn't even try with this man and just kept on doing what she was doing, moving her tongue back and forth and her head up and down.
The bandit leader certainly didn't seem to have a problem with any of this. He was just smiling as he stared down at her, even as two more of his men kept on using her.
The crowd of bandits was starting to decrease, fewer and fewer of them still hanging around to use her. Sense did some quick math in the back of her head and was satisfied with the answer that she got. She would orgasm before the last of the men was finished with her but not long before. The perfect timing, if she could make it happen.
And so she continued what she was doing, still enjoying herself greatly as she continued to moan and suck and lick and, of course, get taken. Over and over again, she kept on getting taken and it kept on feeling very good indeed as she felt the heat rising inside of her, the pleasure spreading all through her body.
If Sense hadn't been using her mouth right now, she was sure that she would have been letting out some rather lewd and erotic sounds. It wouldn't have been something she could have stopped, either. She would have just been doing it, over and over again, helpless to stop it as she continued to feel the pleasure rising and spreading all through her body.
She mentally shrugged and then refocused on the rods waiting for her to work on them. She lifted herself up and brought her rear down on the pole time and time again, each time feeling the rod sinking deep inside of her as she got taken. And the man in front of her was hammering away at her as well, pushing into her cum-stuffed hole and spreading it out around his rather thick rod. He was clearly having a great time, making all sorts of gasping sounds as he kept on going, going, going.
It was hard to tell who was going to be the next one to cum, though Sense was sure it wouldn't be her. She was feeling very fine and rather worked up right now, but she was still a long, long way from an actual orgasm. It would take far more to push her over the edge and actually make her cum.
Though what she was feeling right now was still quite enjoyable and pleasant. Still more than enough to make her feel good, make her tremble and twitch as she continued to get used, stuffed and filled as she felt the attentions of these men on her. And in her.
The wordplay wasn't amusing enough to entertain Sense and she let herself continue to get used. She could hear the men grunting all around her and time after time, she felt herself getting filled. Filled all the way up, filled quite nicely and made to tremble and twitch as she felt herself getting marked and stuffed.
It was nice. It had been almost three weeks since Sense had last had sex and this was scratching an itch, satisfying an urge that had been slowly rising and rising inside of her for a while now. Sense shivered and let herself continue to get used, continued to work at feeling the bliss inside of her. She could feel the increasing wetness inside of her, the way that her inner muscles clenched down around the rod as she continued to get used. There was something very, very good coming her way soon and Sense was looking forward to it.
Sense got put in some more positions as the men kept on using her. Almost all of them let two or three use her at a time, but there was a short stretch where she was pressed up against a tree and taken from behind, feeling the rod pounding her over and over again. She could feel the heat and the pleasure welling up inside of her at that, feel the bliss as it spread through her body again and again. It wasn't quite as good as being taken in both holes at once but it was still good enough that Sense got some solid enjoyment out of it.
And then she was getting tugged back into a spot where more men could use her. Pass her between them and take her. Most of the time, they were the ones setting the pace. Thrusting into her, pounding whichever hole they were taking, that sort of thing. But sometimes Sense was the one in control and when she was, she set herself a very quick pace. She might not look it but she had a great deal of strength inside of her, something that could very easily and pleasurably be used for this.
And as she did so, the orgasm slowly rose and rose inside of her. Bit by bit, it got better and better, filling Sense up with the pleasure as she got closer to the final moment when she would be able to orgasm. It was such a nice thought and she kept on working towards it, doing everything that she could as she lifted herself up and brought herself down. Over and over and over. Or got taken, feeling her body held in iron hands as the men buried themselves inside of her.
More and more semen was added to her. Sometimes they shot it into whichever hole they were taking, stuffing her and making her feel it going even further inside of her than their shafts could reach. Sometimes they pulled out to mark her, grunting and gasping loudly as they marked her skin, especially her face and pert breasts. It wasn't the heaviest load of semen that Sense had taken in her life but it was certainly the biggest in the past decade. She rather liked how it made her feel.
And as the afternoon wore on and the men kept on using her, Sense could feel herself finally reaching that point. Her orgasm was so close now that she could almost taste it and there was just such a little bit that was needed. And Sense knew how to give herself what she wanted.
She rolled her hips back and forth as she lifted herself up and down along the shaft of the man underneath her. That made the rod inside of her shift and press against her in new, fun ways that made her tremble in pleasure. And her hands reached up to toy with her own breasts. Sense knew how best to make her feel good, what needed to be done to push her over the edge. How her body would best respond. A touch here, a tweak there and Sense could feel the pace increase, both in her body and in her mind.
It was quite the wonderful sensation and Sense really, really wanted it to continue. She found her cum-covered nipples and teased them, making some soft gasping sounds in the back of her throat as she felt the heat starting to overwhelm her. This was just so good and she was feeling on top of the world right now as she continued to touch herself. She grunted and gasped and groaned as she went, over and over again. She was aware that the bandits were watching her, staring down at her as she kept on doing this and Sense really couldn't care about what they might think of her right now.
Or at any other time, of course.
A few more quick bounces up and down along the rod as she touched herself was just what Sense needed. Exactly what it would take to push her over. Sense shivered, feeling herself clenching down around the rod without any input from her mind at all. Her body was moving on its own and there was no way that she could stop and no interest, either. There was just the pleasure as it started to soar through her, finally pushing Sense over the edge and into an orgasm.
Sense moaned, closing her eyes as she felt the orgasm starting to stir inside of her. It was a very good feeling, one that reminded her all over again about why she had done this, why she had let herself get taken in this way. The heat rose up and spread all through her body, making her tremble and tingle and twitch as she felt the pleasure making her body shake and respond in this way.
She could feel herself squeezing down around the rod buried inside of her, her body rocking back and forth on top of the man, her long hair brushing against his legs. Sense could hear the lewd sounds she was making, uncontrollable by her as they slipped free from her throat. She just couldn't help it, not with the sheer level of bliss that was pouring through her right now. All she could do was continue to enjoy what she was feeling and what was happening to her as she trembled and twitched like this.
And she kept on feeling the bliss inside of her for a while yet. Sense let herself get swept away in the pleasure, not trying to make herself think about anything in particular or focus on very much. There was just right now and how good it felt for her. That was more than enough.
"Would you look at that," one of the men said with a chuckle as he reached down and stroked Sense's ear, running his fingers from base to tip. If he was hoping for a reaction, he was to be disappointed. Her ears were not any more sensitive than the rest of her body, and she was indifferent to gestures of affection. "She was so quiet I was starting to think she'd replaced herself with an illusion."
Sense didn't think that was remotely worth responding to. And right now, she was feeling far too good to bother, anyway. Her body kept on tingling, kept on twitching, kept on letting her feel the pleasure that had raced through her system and left her feeling so very good indeed. She had to take several deep breaths as she felt the heat slowly passing through her, the pleasure dying down bit by bit inside of her.
The man still inside of her thrust a few more times and then finished himself. Sense didn't get as much pleasure from it as she would have just a few minutes ago, but that was alright. She was still feeling rather good right now and that was enough. She just nodded and slowly lifted herself up off of the man, standing in front of the bandits, naked and with their semen dripping off of and out of her. Sense didn't feel embarrassed at all about that and didn't care about how they leered at her and grinned.
"You've all had your turn with me," Sense said, staring their leader dead in the eye. "And now it is time for you to go away and not bother me any more."
"Well, I was thinking…" the leader said with a leer on his face that made it clear that whatever he was about to say wouldn't be to Sense's satisfaction. So she changed that.
After a few more minutes of him spent sweating and trembling, consumed by terrors that only he could see, he was much more agreeable to letting her go on her way. Sense nodded in recognition of the good sense that he showed, even if he had to be prodded into it.
"Yeah," the bandit leader said, some strength coming back into his voice. "We don't need some dead fish to fuck. We fucked a first-class mage," Sense had to wonder if he had any idea at all what that actually meant, "and we don't need to keep her around. We can find someone better to fuck."
Sense wondered if his followers were any more convinced by his phrasing than she was but, in the end, she simply didn't care. The bandits withdrew, leaving Sense alone with semen running down her thighs and a taste on her tongue that would take a while to fade. She looked around for her clothes and picked them up, starting to get dressed again.
Hm, it had taken longer than she had expected, going through all of this. Sense might not make it to her destination before nightfall. Not on foot, at least. Well, she could always just fly there. That would drain her mana somewhat but not enough to keep her from arriving in Äußerst on time for the First-Class Mage exam she was to proctor.
And now that she had had sex, Sense wouldn't need to think about it for another week or so, at least, before he urge become impossible to ignore. She hadn't been expecting to have it so soon but that was alright. It was done, she had enjoyed herself and that was that.
And there was still plenty more work left for her to do today.