
Those He Left Behind

Mona is living a decent life with her older brother, Ken and their friends. However, that would all change the day Ken gets sucked into a mysterious portal. Now, Mona has to figure out what happened to him and if he's even okay.

Conor_Hehr · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

Battle In The Neighborhood

"You mean you can't handle it!?" I exclaimed.

"There are too many of them!" said Sheldon, "There's no way I can take them all."

"Then what are we going to do!?" asked Matt.

I stood there, frozen. We were all unsure of what to do. There was only one of us here that could fight and even he was having trouble. No matter how I looked at it, we were screwed. I didn't think there was anything we could do.

"Why don't you do something?" I said, "You're the one that can fight!"

"B-but… too many!" he exclaimed.

After that, a spider appeared in front of him.

"Crap!" he said, striking at it with his sword.

"We should get out of here." suggested Matt.

"Y-yeah." said Vera.

Everyone but Sheldon ran away from where he was, but we were stopped by another gigantic creature. It was a huge frog.

"This is not okay." said Matt, "How the hell is this even allowed!?"

"Instead of worrying about whether something should exist or not," I said, "we should worry about not dying first."

"Good point." he said.

"So many weird monsters," said Justin, who was drooling and writing in his notebook.

"Oh, this is so fascinating." commented Frederica.

"Why are Vera and I surrounded by weird people?" I asked.

"I heard that!" exclaimed Matt.

"I don't care." I responded.

The frog shot out its long tongue at us, but luckily we were able to move out of the way. We just kept running as it kept trying to grab us with it. As we ran, Justin was still writing and it appeared as if Frederica had the same habit. She suddenly had a notebook out and was taking notes as well.

"How can you write a time like this!?" I yelled.

"Don't worry about them," said Matt, "we need to worry about our own survival here."

A few seconds later, we got lucky. A complete stranger with a gun started shooting at it. Several bullets later, it died.

"Phew," I said, "glad that's over."

"Are we really going to leave Sheldon alone?" asked Vera.

"We can't fight these things." I said.

"I know," said Vera, "but I feel bad having him do everything."

"Well, if that's the case," said Frederica, "I can make you some weapons."

"Huh?" the three people that were taking everything seriously responded.

"I can make some weapons for you guys." she said, "A lot of my stuff is destroyed, but I have a lab we can use."

We ended up following her to where her house was. It was badly damaged. Walls were destroyed and there were holes everywhere. She took us to a set of stairs and went down and found a door that was locked by a password. Without any hesitation, she entered what looked like way too many digits for a normal human to remember and the door opened. After that, we followed her down, the door closing behind us.

Going down the stairs, I felt a little nervous due to how dark the area was. At the same time, I couldn't believe that something like this was even in her house. It appeared as if Vera was surprised too. It didn't take too much longer to get to a wide open area that was bright with a silver floor and silver walls. All kinds of scientific equipment was all over the place.

"What is this?" asked Matt.

"It's my lab," she said, "I may spend a lot of time on my computer but that time got me to learn how to do stuff like this."

"I… see." I commented.

"Hmm," she said, "I think I know what to give each of you."

"We don't get to choose?" complained Matt.

"So much material." said Justin, who would not stop drooling.

"Don't tell me you have a boner too…" said Matt.

"Gross!" I exclaimed.

Frederica immediately got behind a table and began working. We didn't really say anything. We just watched as she put some weapons together. The first thing she finished was a light grey gun.

"This is a laser gun," she said, giving it to Vera, "I figured it would suit you best."

She worked some more and then gave Justin what looked like a red boomerang.

"You seem like you'd like this." said Frederica.

"I was expecting something more inappropriate," said Matt.

"And for you," said Frederica, still working, "you get these swords."

Seconds later, she gave him two small swords.

"You look like the kind of guy that would enjoy using two at once." said Frederica.

"Um… thanks?" said Matt.

"As for you," she said, "you get this."

She gave me… a normal sword.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said.

"Seems a little underwhelming." I muttered.

"These should have a bit more power than standard weapons," said Frederica, "I ordered some magic power online."

"You didn't think that might be a scam?" asked Matt.

"In my research, I learned that there were some people other than Sheldon that came over," she said, "it likely came from them. Plus, I've tested this stuff. It works."

She pulled out a silver bow and a bag full of arrows.

"I never run out." she said, tapping the bag.

"Is that so?" I said.

"Anyways," she said, "I am still learning about other worlds. I want to find a way to travel to them but it's not going to work unless I can find an opening. It may be possible to poke holes somewhere, but I haven't quite figured out how they would work."

"Well, we can worry about that later." I said, "Right now, we've got monsters to kill."

"Right." said Frederica.

"Where are your parents?" asked Vera.

"I'm sure they're hiding out down here." she answered, "Don't worry about them. They'll be fine."

After getting our weapons, we ran out of the lab and then out of what remained of Frederica's house. There were still plenty of monsters all over the neighborhood and I had no idea where to begin. Before I could even do anything, Frederica quickly started shooting arrows with her bow. At the same time, Vera started using her gun and Justin threw out his boomerang. Their weapons were hitting the monsters.

Seeing them fight made me and Matt realize that we needed to step in. We quickly went and started attacking this vicious purple dog that was in front of us. I struck with my only sword and swung the two he was holding. The dog wasn't able to hurt us and our hits greatly damaged it. More dogs appeared in front of us and we continued to strike. All of us were fighting the monsters and eventually everything was gone.

"You guys aren't bad." said Sheldon, who appeared out of nowhere.

"We couldn't let you do this alone." I said.

"Well, at least you prepared yourselves," he said, "I'd be mad if you just jumped in swinging your arms around."

"We're not THAT dumb." I said, "That'd be suicide!"

"There doesn't seem to be any more," said Sheldon, "but I've got some bad news."

"Don't tell me…" started Matt.

"Most people in the area died." he said.

"Shit." I said.

"Only a few survived." said Sheldon.

After he said that, we saw someone crawling by. It was a boy with messy white hair on top of his head and grey eyes. His face would honestly be a lot cuter if it were cleaner. If he cleaned himself up, he would look pretty young.

"H-help." he said, before collapsing.