
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · 奇幻
54 Chs

Chapter 32 – I’m still a weakling….

(Hm… Those orcs are bit annoying enemies, but at least their meat taste quite good.)

(The annoying thing about them is just their physical strength and endurance, but that isn't a slightest problem to me.)

(I can still reap them apart with ease.)

(Well, the battle would be more annoying if they had equipment like elves or had talented mages like them.)

(But still, this group of orcs was bit bigger than I thought? So far, I encounter groups of 3-5 but this was group of 8.)

(I only encounter group of 5 only two times and now suddenly 8?)

(I guess this side of the forest is far more dangerous than the opposite side?)

(Meh. Its not that bad really.)

(It does me a little bit more EXP and I have more than enough food now.)


(If it wasn't because of those stupid elves living here, then I could easily live here in peace and develop myself. This place is literally perfect for me!)

(I did moved quiet far away from their settlement, but I don't think I'm safe yet.)

(I don't have any idea what sort of strength these elves possess.)

(What if the guys I encounter were the weakest ones? If so then I'm fucked and I mean it.)

(This is annoying!)


(Again I have to run away like a coward!)

(True. I'm a coward.)

(But I'm not annoyed because the fact I'm coward.)

(I'm annoyed because of a something different reason.)

(I'm still powerless.)

(When I though I became something strong, I got hit with hard and cold reality.)

(Just like that time when that I fought that centipede monster. I almost died and the only reason why I had won was because I barely managed to outsmart it.)

(Or now these elves. They can wound me without any real problem or anything.)


(I'm still at the fuking bottom of a food chain!)

(And I don't even need to tell what will happened to me in the future if I stay like this.)

(I need to evolve.)

(Training made me much stronger than before and I have much better understanding about my skills and power I possess and I can probably get much stronger if I continue my training.)

(But the situation right now is dire.)

(I need to grow my poetical and create new poetical as well.)

(I need to evolve right now.)

(And that spirit gave me a nice information on how I can become stronger.)

[Flash back.]

"Path plant?" – said deerwolf.

"It's a other name of your species." – said spirit.

"Path plants possess ability to evolve more often and possess an bigger pool of evolution paths they can chose."

"For their first few evolution, depending on their evolution paths, they will evolve more often compare to other monsters."

"Their first view evolution however do not give them as powerful upgrade like other beings, but they possess ability to have way more options when it comes to evolving."

"They are also very easy influenced in their early stages what they eat or where they live, making them evolve into new evolutions."

"Monsters and other being can be influenced on what they ate or how they develop or be affected by their environments, making them develop new power or a new forms."

"However, the path plant in their early stages of life are way more easily influenced by their developed, their environments and what they eat when they still didn't evolved too many times."

"Most of the times, their evolution speed will slow down after, I don't know, evolving 6-8 times? It depend on their evolution path. Sometimes I saw a very weak path plant evolution that was able to evolve 10 times at fast pace, all because its forms were quite weak in the first place."

"How many times you evolved so far?"


"5 times."

"Then based on how strong you are, you have probably 1 to 3 more quick evolutions, thanks to your race trait."

"And you also still possess your early adaptably ability of your race."

(If that spirit information is correct, then I'm still in my early stages of youth.)

(I can evolve 1 to 3 times with a stronger adaptability influence that would affect my possible evolutions paths.)

(Not only that, I have my unique skill [New Evolution].)

(What I need right now isn't a normal evolution, but a special one!)

(I need to devour!)

(I need to strengthen my own abilities!)

(Training will strengthen my abilities, but it won't do.)

(I need to use my unique skill to its max poetical.)

(I need to devour something.)

(Something special.)

(Something that possess nature that I can use and strengthen me.)

(But where I would devour something special?)

(If I'm talking about special beings, then that centipede bastard was a special being.)

(But killing one would not do.)

(I would need to kill several of these bastards and devour each one of them.)

(Variant won't do. I need a solid evolution path.)

(But I never encounter another centipede monster like that.)

(And I can even say with 100% confidence that thing was abnormal strong for that area and it definitely should not be in the starting area for those adventures. It wasn't supposed to be there at all.)

(So I can say I may not ever encounter another one of these centipede monsters for a long time.)

(Then what other special thing could give me a form?)


(I did ate a lot of humans after I became great deerwolf.)

(But would that be enough?)

(Let's say I ate enough humans, what would I get?)

(Something like werewolf from my great wolf part?)

(Or maybe something like a plant humanoid monster?)

(Like dryad, alure, mandrakes or maybe something from Slavic myths?)

(I did made a lot of different monsters design for all different games we were making and I was often talking inspiration from Slavic countries since they sometimes have some scary monsters.)

(So I may unlock an humanoid beast monsters or humanoid plant monsters, if I continue devouring humans.)

(It maybe not bad idea to unlock a humanoid type form.)

(I could finally properly use weapons and armor and I may have ability to avoid humans detection and attack them while they are least expecting it.)

(Or I can somehow just avoid fighting against humans all together, if I have ability to make myself appear like human.)

(Eating humans is a good idea, but it's not enough.)

(I need to eat something powerful with some unique nature or something.)

(But where would I find anything like that?)



(She did had a lot of spirits around her…What would happened if I ate them?)


(Nah. Let's not do it.)

(I don't want to make an unnecessary enemies so early on and I did heard a story about how spirits fucked those elves in the name of their revenge.)

(Fuck me…)


(Orcs? Would they give me anything?)

(They have some endurance and strength….)


(Yea. Maybe no.)

(They are humanoid monsters, right? So wouldn't I unlock an humanoid form just like with humans in theory?)

(Fuck me….)

(Well, maybe I will find something in this forest that may posses some value or something.)

(But there is also the case with the elves.)

(I may avoided making any real damage my self or killed anybody inside, since I didn't want to make enemies yet, but what if they say I'm "Dangerous Monster" that needs to be delt with?)

(What if they send some cavalry after me? I maybe a freaking wolf, but there are skills and magic and everything, so I won't be surprised at all if they somehow manage to catch up to me with ease in terms of speed with something like a stupidly fast spell or a skill that make them very fast.)

(Not only that, I'm not in an settlement but a forest.)

(This forest is filled with trees, but there is still a lot of space, unlike like when I was inside their settlement.)

(There is no good cover for me to use, so I will get hit with arrows and it's just straight up game over.)

(Fuck me… This is annoying.)

(What I need isn't a settlement that belong to humans, elves or goblins, but a place filled with monsters!)

(A place filled with monsters may possess an answer I seek.)

(And unfortunately, this place maybe the place that may hold the answer I want.)


(Fuck this shit.)

(I'm going to risk it.)

(Staying in this forest any longer may bring me too much danger, but I need to do it.)

(I need to find something.)

(Something special that can give me some special evolution!)

(So far, I didn't found anything special or interesting monsters.)

(Orcs. Charing mushroom. That one annoying bird.)

(That is all.)

(And definitely none of them will do.)

(However, I can tell from encounter with this group of orcs that this part of the forest is different. So, there is a chance I may find something.)

(Elves on the other hand may give me something, but facing against them is too dangerous and I may easily die.)

(Not only that, I still have to watch out for any elves.)

(If I spot any elves, I run away.)

(Even if it is alone, I run away.)

(I still don't have proper picture of their average strength and those random attacks did hurt me, so I definitely don't want to take an direct hits at any possible cost.)

(So I have to somehow find something special, while running away from the elves at all cost.)

(And there is a high risk that elves may have an cavalry or some powerful guys on their team that can easily butcher me one sidedly.)



(There is also another fact.)

(That girl said that I have maybe another 1 to 3 of those special evolutions from my race trait.)

(So the next evolution I undergo maybe my last special evolution and the next evolution onward would no longer possess a special adaptability of my race.)

(So by no means I can screw up.)

(I need to have an nonstandard evolution at all cost, while my adaptability is still very powerful.)

(And not one evolution, but two. I need two evolutions paths and maybe variant on top of that if possible.)

(But for now, my goal is get 2 different nonstandard evolution path.)

(So, let's start hunting already!)